Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

Yang Yumo is the 2nd crossover DLC boss in Luminous Avenger iX 2, having been released on February 24th, 2022 for $7.99 / €6.99 / 800 Yen. Her appearance is part of a collaboration between iX2 and the game Dusk Diver 2, which she is the main protagonist of. In Dusk Diver 2, Lola appears as a boss in the DLC sub-quest "Visitors from Other World", with Yumo gaining a Lola outfit and Razor Wheel weapon Lola pod copy summon upon completing it and sending Lola home.

Unlike the 1st crossover DLC boss, Kohaku Otori, Yumo has some dialogue when encountered... But speaks in (subtitled) Chinese, leading to miscommunication with Copen.

Defeating her grants the D Burst ability, which when equipped allows successive Bullit Dashing outside of Overdrive.

Website Description[]

  • English site
  • Japanese

She is a young woman from the world of "Dusk Diver 2" who got lost in another dimension.

Through happenstance, she obtained the ability to transform and spends her days fighting off enemies known as Chaos Beasts. Finding herself face-to-face with Copen, she is left with little choice but to fight when the two can't seem to communicate.

What will this fateful meeting bring about...?[3]

「Dusk Diver 2 崑崙靈動」の世界から迷い込んできた少女。ひょんなことから手に入れた変身能力を武器に、普段は厄禍(わざわい)と呼ばれる敵と戦っている。突然の対面もあり、アキュラには彼女の言葉が伝わらず、二人は戦うことになってしまう。はたして、この出逢いがもたらすものとは……[4]


Luminous Avenger iX 2 - VS Yumo[]

Under unknown circumstances, Copen and Lola encounter Yumo in a block of the Grave Pillar resembling the Jungle Block. Yumo sees the "scary look" in Copen's eyes and becomes worried that he's possessed due to him carrying a buzz saw, while Copen is surprised to have found another human. Due to inability to communicate, a fight ensues, seemingly ending with Copen the victor and Yumo returning to her world under unknown circumstances.

According to Lola in "Visitors from Other World", Yumo held back against them in the fight. (This would explain why Yang Yumo was using kicking attacks at Copen instead, as her primary fighting style in Dusk Diver is close-quarters combat with her fists.)

Boss Battle Skills[]

Skill Description
Yang Yumo Lightning Drop
Lightning Drop[3]
Teleports offscreen before falling down with an electrified kick.

In Hard Mode, this move sends electric orbs along the ground.

Yang Yumo Chaos Beast Replicas
Chaos Beast Replicas[3]
Summons Chaos Beasts at various heights that fly across the screen, dealing damage on contact.

In Hard Mode, this move also spawns 3 Chaos Beasts across the top of the screen, which fall and create a large explosion when they hit the ground.

Yang Yumo Spark Strike
Spark Strike[3]
Teleports to one end of the screen before dashing across the ground in an electric ball. Sends a spread of electric orbs at the end of the move. When she turns red towards the end of the attack, she's vulnerable to Recoil Dash stun.

In Hard Mode, Yumo will dash twice, and launches more electric orbs.

Yang Yumo Thunder Quake Kick
Thunder Quake Kick[3]
Jumps and slams the ground, sending an electric ball along the ground as lightning bolts fall at set distances from the impact zone. Often leads into Lightning Drop. When she turns red while preparing the attack, she's vulnerable to Recoil Dash stun.

In Hard Mode, this move drops additional lightning bolts in tighter intervals.

Yang Yumo Air Rending Rush
Air Rending Rush[3]
Performs a diving strike to the center, combos into a series of kicks towards whatever half Copen is in, ending with a dashing kick to the other half that sends a linear shockwave.

On Hard Mode, Yumo performs the strikes faster, and finishes the move with an uppercut behind her to tag anyone jumping behind her kick.

Yang Yumo Electrical Flash
Electrical Flash
Enters an invincible state as she summons a lightning orb. This orb will gradually pull Copen in, as well as gathering smaller orbs that make it expand. After 10 seconds of expansion, the orb explodes, nearly covering the whole screen.

In Hard Mode, this move will draw in more electric orbs to start. Additionally, Yumo will kick the orb once it hits maximum size, sending out orbs in "X" and "+" patterns before it explodes.

Boss Battle Voices[]

Event Translated Pinyin Chinese
Lightning Drop Eat this for a change! Chī wǒ zhè zhāo! 吃我這招!
Chaos Beast Replicas Go! Qù ba 去吧!
Spark Strike Thunderclap! Léimíng! 雷鳴!
Thunder Quake Kick Don’t dodge! Hǎo dǎn mài zào 好膽麥造!
Air Rending Rush Caught you! Don’t run away! Eat this! Zhuā dàole! Bié xiǎng táo! Kàn zhāo! 抓到了!別想逃!看招!
Electrical Flash Deploy full firepower! Electrical Flash! Bagua furnace! Huǒlì quánkāi! Diànguāngshíhuǒ! Bāguà lú! 火力全開!電光石火!八卦爐!
Stunned by Recoil Dash Too careless Dà yìle 大意了
1st Phase Down You’re pretty strong. Mán lìhài de ma 蠻厲害的嘛
2nd Phase Down It’s not over yet...! Hái méiwán ne 還沒完呢
Defeated No way...! Zěnme huì 怎麼會

DLC Trailer[]

Yang Yumo DLC trailer

Musical Themes[]

As the Yang Yumo battle theme remix was not released in the iX 2 OST, full data is unknown. The listed title and musicians are based on the original track in the Dusk Diver 2 OST.

Title Context Musicians Audio
? Yang Yumo encounter ?
She Never Gives Up VS Yang Yumo. Remix of a Dusk Diver 2 theme. Artist/Arrangement/Programming: Lure Rabbit, Guitarist: YCY

Orchestral Sections: V!C, Mixing/Mastering: Kiva Wu

Source: Dusk Diver 2 Soundtrack on the VGMdb


[Note that adding spoilers for Dusk Diver is not permitted.]

  • Yumo is the first character appearing in the Gunvolt series who has a voice actor and does not speak Japanese.
    • In Dusk Diver, Yumo does actually have a Japanese dub voice actor; Rina Sato. The iX2 DLC uses her voice actor Hsuan-Ming Mu in all languages.
  • Yumo is the only lightning-wielding boss in the series who is not an Azure Striker, discounting the Mighty Gunvolt spinoffs. However, judging by Lola's comment it seems Copen had a lot of trouble against Yumo all the same.
  • Lola uses an EX Weapon resembling Yumo's electric attacks in her Dusk Diver 2 DLC battle.


External Links[]

Luminous Avenger iX 2 Navigation[]

Luminous Avenger iX 2
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Robotics Vox)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuNull
Boss Characters YpsilonDaciteVespaAutochromeBrigadeHailAceThe CreatorMother Computer
Other Characters BladeJinMariaKyotaMedium BossesCommon Enemies
DLC Boss Characters Kohaku OtoriYang YumoJason FrudnickKuronaKirin
Missions Pillar OutskirtsVolcano BlockJungle BlockPassage to Upper StratumLaboratory BlockIndustrial BlockArctic BlockSpace BlockPassage to Top FloorEntrance to Top FloorHanging GardensHanging Gardens 2Versus Missions and Boss Rush
Songs Command PromptPurificationLove's SanctuaryReady to Go!Curiosity = Possibility!You're Not AloneWordplay MagicThe New World
Story Elements WorkersGrave Pillar
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills