Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

Workers (ワーカー) are a race of intelligent mechanical lifeforms inhabiting the desolate world of Luminous Avenger iX 2. They are descended from labor robots created by humanity, in particular a mysterious figure known only as the The Creator, to restore the barren environment, and by default are friendly to humans. Many Workers have humanoid frames. They are powered by energy crystals called Energia Cores (エネルギアコア), or EC, which fuel most technology in their world. As Hyper Guard is a standard feature of machines in the iX2 world, it can be assumed that all Workers possess it and are nigh invulnerable to damage when standing relatively still. The Razor Wheel acquired by Copen is capable of neutralizing this defense[1] by intermittently changing the energy wavelength of the beam blade.[2]

The most prominent Workers are the Gravekeepers, the guards of the Grave Pillar.

Construction and Missions[]

All workers, including special ones, are created by combining a generic inner frame with a programmable particle called Pix (Pixピックス), which determines their outer forms and abilities.

During creation, every worker is given a command/mission (使命 Shimei) which dictates their role and which they are absolutely bound to follow, although there can be room for flexibility (such as the Worker deciding how to go about it; e.g. a close range fighter focusing on heavy firepower instead). Missions can range from factory management, to civil engineering, to defense, to giving aliases to other Workers. Normally, if an error occurs during production and the Worker has no mission or set abilities, they are immediately destroyed.

If a Worker comes to realize their mission is futile, they remain unable to defy it. Missions which contradict the greater role of Workers can also lead to psychological problems. The Gravekeeper Dacite's mission causing him to fight humans who intruded into the Grave Pillar drove him to despair after their extinction. Mother, who is not a Worker but was also assigned a mission by The Creator to restore humanity and the environment, eventually went mad after it proved impossible no matter what she did or how long she tried.


Although they no longer serve their original purpose due to humanity's extinction long ago, they still refer to themselves as Workers. Using their skills intended to recreate an environment suitable for mankind, they have adapted to using human infrastructure. Later generations developed cultural traits like nicknaming things. Many Workers are fans of Lola after she ended up in their world and continued her singing career.

Despite now dominating the world in humanity and life's absence, the Workers seem to have little idea about what really happened, mythologizing humans and The Creator. Some have developed the theory that humans went to a parallel world. Upon seeing a certain movie from Copen's world, Null started seriously wondering if flying sharks wiped out humans and had to be corrected by him.

Although normally any Worker created without a mission is treated as defective and destroyed on the spot, there are some eccentrics who'd rescue and raise such ones.

List of Workers[]

Normal Workers[]

Special Workers[]


  • The construction method of Workers using Pix is very similar to robots in Mighty No. 9, which are constructed from Xel. PiXel. The way the terms are written in the Japanese script (in English with Japanese overlayed) is also identical.
  • All named Workers and the Mother Computer correspond to robots from Mighty No. 9.



Azure Striker Gunvolt and Luminous Avenger iX terminology
Races AdeptsWorkersMinos
Organizations Sumeragi Group (Dragon Saviors) • Shadow YakumoQUILLEdenATEMSSumeragi Institute of Human EvolutionList of Minor Factions
Misc GlaivesGrimoiresBinding BrandsFalcon QuillsGrave PillarSeptember RecordHexapyle
Luminous Avenger iX 2
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Robotics Vox)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuNull
Boss Characters YpsilonDaciteVespaAutochromeBrigadeHailAceThe CreatorMother Computer
Other Characters BladeJinMariaKyotaMedium BossesCommon Enemies
DLC Boss Characters Kohaku OtoriYang YumoJason FrudnickKuronaKirin
Missions Pillar OutskirtsVolcano BlockJungle BlockPassage to Upper StratumLaboratory BlockIndustrial BlockArctic BlockSpace BlockPassage to Top FloorEntrance to Top FloorHanging GardensHanging Gardens 2Versus Missions and Boss Rush
Songs Command PromptPurificationLove's SanctuaryReady to Go!Curiosity = Possibility!You're Not AloneWordplay MagicThe New World
Story Elements WorkersGrave Pillar
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills