Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

Heat of the moment doubles back, unexpected
Pulsing through heart of the country
Devilish shooter sneers down the barrel

Trick Shot is a mission in Azure Striker Gunvolt 3, taking place in the stage Abandoned Factory.

Official Description[]

A long-running fossil fuel refinery has been shut down.
Within, lingering gas poses an inflammable hazard. Beware the fuel depot as you make your way to the Binding Brand.


Image Enemy
Sistina armed sprite
Sistina "The Fatal Gunwoman" (boss)
Poison Spewer
Poison Spewer
ATEMS soldier sprite
ATEMS Combatant
Stealth Moth
Stealth Moth
Robo Crabbo 1
Spider Crab Orange
ATEMS rocket barrage soldier sprite
ATEMS Rocket Barrage Infantry
Green Drone
Green Drone
Flying Shield
Floating Shield
Purple Drone
Purple Drone
Rocket Wheel 2
Rocket Wheel B
Laser Cannon
Laser Cannon
GV3 gun mech sprite
Gun Mech
ATEMS homing launcher soldier sprite
ATEMS Javelin Launcher Infantry
GV3 blade mech sprite
Blade Mech
Floating Mine
Floating Mine
Tower Totem
Totem Tower
GV3 barrier gun mech sprite
Barrier Gun Mech
Robo Crabbo 2
Spider Crab Purple
Revolver Mortar
Revolver Mortar

Rank and Time Requirements[]

*May not be accurate


Rank Score
S++ 24,000,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 5:30


Rank Score
S++ 25,500,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 6:30



Bancho turtle
  • The mission was originally seen in the 2020 Digi Games Expo demo, and was tentatively named "Lost Complex." In the demo, Cayman was fought here instead.
  • Although the mission and Sistina's Septima are called Trick Bullet on the official site, in-game they are called Trick Shot instead.

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
Main Game Page (Epilogue ATEMS) • Game GallerySoundtrack (Akashic Record) • CreditsStory Scripts
Dragon Saviors KirinGunvoltLumenB.B.ShironApolloCayman
ATEMS ZedΩLaylaSistinaGraziePradoSerpentine
Other Characters MoebiusNovaAsimovMedium BossesCommon EnemiesCorvette
Phantom Bosses Jota & ViperTenjian & ZondaMerak & Teseo

Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute)Holy Night XIII (Downtown Christmas)
Cyber Daydream (Cyber-Kowloon)Pendulum Heart (Stormy Megafloat)Pride & Battle (Old Capital Temple)
Another Sun (Ballistic Missiles)
Trick Shot (Abandoned Factory)Sandstorm (Desert Base)Phantom Mist (Forest)Hot & Cold (Megafloat "Neptune")
Sunrise Palace (Sunrise Palace 1)Karma (Sunrise Palace 2)Heliacal Rising (Sunrise Palace 3)ZedΩ (Sunrise Throne)Moebius (World Moebius)
Secret MissionsD-nizer (D-nizer Mode)

New Songs Memoria of 'He'TracesErgo SumLiberatorGlass ParadiseStruggling to DreamReincarnation FatefulBoundless MythVirtue of the DawnArdent EyesCelestial Paean
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Group (Dragon Saviors) • Shadow YakumoATEMSBinding BrandsGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Image PulseScore and KudosSkills
Fan Disc Spectrum Theater