Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

For Sumeragi's Main Series counterpart, see Sumeragi Group.

"Under the authority of the Great Sumeragi, I will collect your head, iX."
Blade, Luminous Avenger iX

The Institute for the Promotion of Human Evolution "Sumeragi" (人類進化推進機構スメラギ), also known as the Sumeragi Institute of Human Evolution and often shortened to just Sumeragi, is a massive corporation that has come to dominate the entire world, functioning as its effective government. Under the leadership of its supervisory AI, "Demerzel", the institute has pursued a policy of genocide, mercilessly slaughtering "Minos", those without Septimal powers, in order to bring about the next step in mankind's evolution.

Sumeragi serves as the antagonist group of Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX.

Following Demerzel's destruction, Blade seized control of the Sumeragi Institute and put a stop to its genocidal campaign against Minos.


After Asimov killed Gunvolt and Joule after the two refused to join him, he took over the Sumeragi Group, which had just been thrown into chaos as a result of Gunvolt's actions, and became its shadow leader. Hiding his identity and adopting the persona of an AI named "Demerzel", he saved the company from collapse and continued friendly relations with humanity. However, after Adepts began to outnumber humans, Demerzel revealed his true intentions. Under him, Sumeragi re-branded as the Sumeragi Institute of Human Evolution and began killing humans indiscriminately, branding them "Minos" (taken from the word "minority") to usher in a new age.


Luminous Avenger iX

By the time the game begins, Sumeragi has already has ensured Adept supremacy via the purging of Minos. Apart from one anti-Sumeragi terrorist group, no opposition is ever mentioned, if it actually exists, as the Minos lack the means to even the playing field against Adepts and their Septima. The only exception is one man; the one both Minos and Sumeragi call "iX", for the X-mark that he stamps into his enemies.

Sumeragi's Falcons make multiple attempts to defeat iX, but each and every one ends in failure and the deaths of the Falcons. Not even Blade, the best of the best, seems to be able to stop him.

In an attempt to purge the last of the Minos, Sumeragi develops and deploys the Giga Lola on a worldwide scale, tanks that employ the same EX Weapon technology that iX himself uses.

By this time, however, iX has managed to track the location of Sumeragi's two biggest assets: the Butterfly Effect that allows them to locate and control Adepts, and Demerzel itself. iX manages to break into the facility where they are kept, and destroys them both, depriving Sumeragi of both their greatest weapon and their leadership.

Luminous Avenger iX 2

In the aftermath of Demerzel's destruction, Blade, as Sumeragi's official second-in-command, is promoted to its leader. Being a former Mino herself who only served Demerzel due to now-lifted brainwashing, Blade uses her newfound authority to establish peace between Adepts and Minos.

Armed Forces

The Falcons

Several Falcons, Blade among them

Unlike the old Sumeragi, the soldiers of the Sumeragi Institute are all Adepts and their mission is to maintain the peace in Sumeragi controlled areas, and, under direct orders from Demerzel hunt down every Mino they can find.

There are several types of standardized soldiers: Beam gun, Rocket launcher, Flamethrower, and Grenadier--these soldiers don't have combat worthy Septimas and rely on conventional weapons to fight. The only type of standard soldier to wield Septima in battle is the Psychokinesis users, who wear overcoats alongside the standard soldier outfit and are apparently unarmed.

A seventh type of faceless soldier with a unique helmet and shoulderpads, more potent (if circumstantial) Septima, and beam submachine gun as a backup weapon also exists. The only known example is the Adept who controls the Mantis Zombie.


Falcons (翼戦士よくせんし, Winged Warriors in the Japanese version) are a group of elite soldiers that make up of the strongest Adepts in the nation, having been chosen specifically due to their formidable power. They are the only ones trusted with Falcon Quills, which further increase their abilities.

Unlike the Swordsmen, many of whom were implied to have willingly volunteered their services, it is suggested that Sumeragi either forcibly conscripts all of its Falcons or strong-arms them into "accepting" the position. As a result, there exists varying levels of commitment amongst the Falcons; some, such as Isola and Crimm embrace their new calling with professionalism and even zealotry, whereas others are far more reluctant, such as Bakto and Rebellio, showing no signs of prejudice against Minos, even the infamous "iX".

Six Falcons, in addition to Blade, serve as the main bosses of Luminous Avenger iX.

After iX destroys the Falcon Quill's main power source the Butterfly Effect, it's unknown if the Falcons are still active.

Unmanned Weapons

Main articles: Medium Bosses, Giant Lola

Name Info Image
Model No. BSM-02

A black state-of-the-art fighter jet drone developed by Sol Electronics for the Sumeragi Institute for minos hunting. It is designed to operate in complicated environments like urban areas, and carries an ultra-high output energy cannon called the Accel Blast. The Accel Blast is said to reduce minos residences to scorched earth.
Garand illustration
CB-04 Ladybug
A ladybug-like security robot deployed at Data Center Beta. It is equipped with firebombs dropped from the underside, and can close its shell for high-speed rotating bash attacks.
Ladybug illustration
Giant Lola
Annoyed with the continued survival of minos, Demerzel designed and mass produced this tank to scour slums across the world and finally eradicate them all.

Its appearance and voice are based on Copen's support pod, Lola, who serves as a symbol of hope to minos, to act as a weapon of terror and cruel irony.

Like Lola, it is equipped with a septima pseudo-recreation system that deploys a variety of attacks based on the septimal powers of Adepts. Sumeragi couldn't succeed in miniaturizing the technology, however.

Giant Lola illustration


Building 13

Stage article: Sumeragi Building 13
Building 13 (スメラギ第拾参ビル) is the Sumeragi Institute's largest property in the world. It is a high security building located within one of their adept districts. Materials were transported to the building via trains, which stopped at a depot within the building itself. Following Copen's attack, the train transports ceased.

Secret Bunkers

Stage articles: Sumeragi Secret Bunker 1, Sumeragi Secret Bunker 2, Sumeragi Secret Bunker 3
Located beneath Building 13 are the Secret Bunkers (スメラギ地下秘密基地), undergone zones which house both the Butterfly Effect and Demerzel. The areas leading to the Butterfly Effect and Demerzel are guarded by solid holographic copies of the Falcons. No live personnel is ever stationed there suggesting that even amongst employees and soldiers, it is off-limits to anyone but Blade.

Radio Tower Artemis

Stage article: Radio Tower "Artemis"
Radio Tower "Artemis" (超級電波塔“ツクヨミ”) is an enormous radio tower where important data communications are carried. The building towers over the surrounding cityscape, and materials are brought to the upper floors via aircraft.

Data Center Alpha

Stage article: Data Center Alpha
Data Center Alpha (第一データ施設) is a derelict data storage facility where one of the passwords to the Secret Bunkers is stored. It is the remains of the old Sumeragi Group's Datastore.

Data Center Beta

Stage article: Data Center Beta
Data Center Beta (第二データ施設) is a high security new facility which holds the Sumeragi Institute's most classified data, including one of the Secret Bunker passwords.

Known Members

Name Position(s) Profile
  • Supervisory AI
Demerzel Asimov AI
  • Enforcer
  • [Azure Striker] Adept
  • Falcon
  • Death-Row Inmate
  • [Energy Wool] Adept
  • Falcon
  • Beautician
  • [Detonation] Adept
  • Falcon
  • Gargantua President
  • [Gravity] Adept
  • Falcon
  • P.A. to Stella
  • Android
  • [Vectored Cloth] Adept
  • Falcon
  • Pop Idol
  • [Companion] Adept
  • Falcon
  • Mob Boss
  • [Spiral] Adept



  • The Sumeragi Institute founding a world of Septima Holders is akin to the plans devised by the multinational adept terrorist organization Eden.
  • The Falcons (except Blade) each represent one of the zodiac, with the entity represented by their zodiac sign reflected in their design. Similar to the Sumeragi Seven, the Falcons have a Christian motif, being inspired by the Christian hierarchy of angels (also known as Orders or Choirs), and the angel hierarchy level represented by each corresponds to the house of their zodiac sign.
    • Rebellio represents Aries and is based off a sheep/ram. Corresponds to the 1st Choir, Seraphim.
    • Dystnine represents Taurus and is based off a bull. Corresponds to the 2nd Choir, Cherubim.
    • Crimm represents Cancer and is based off a crab. Corresponds to the 4th Choir, Dominions/Lordship.
    • Bakto represents Leo and is based off a lion. Corresponds to the 5th Choir, Virtues/Strongholds.
    • Isola represents Virgo and is based off a maiden. Corresponds to the 6th Choir, Powers/Authorities.
    • Stella represents Libra and is based off a balance scale. Corresponds to the 7th Choir, Principality/Rulers.
    • The 3rd Choir (Ophanim/Thrones) and the 3rd zodiac sign (Gemini) are skipped, having no corresponding Falcon.
  • The names of the seven bosses are derived from various films - mainly science fiction films, possibly because Asimov is named after the science fiction writer Isaac Asimov.
    • "Blade" is taken from Blade Runner, a 1982 science-fiction film.
    • "Rebellio" is taken from either Rebellion, a 2011 French historical drama, or the 2002 science-fiction film Equilibrium, which is named Rebellion in Japan.
    • "Crimm" is taken from Pacific Rim, a 2013 American monster film.
    • "Inters" and "Stella" are taken from Interstellar, a 2014 epic science fiction film.
    • "Dynein" and "Dystnine" are taken from District 9, a 2009 science fiction action film.
    • "Isola" is taken from ISOLA Taju-jinkaku Shojo,a 2000 science fiction horror film.
    • "Bakto" is taken from Back to the Future, a 1985 science fiction film.



Azure Striker Gunvolt and Luminous Avenger iX terminology
Races AdeptsWorkersMinos
Organizations Sumeragi Group (Dragon Saviors) • Shadow YakumoQUILLEdenATEMSSumeragi Institute of Human EvolutionList of Minor Factions
Misc GlaivesGrimoiresBinding BrandsFalcon QuillsGrave PillarSeptember RecordHexapyle
Luminous Avenger iX
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Melodies)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuJinMariaKyota
Boss Characters BladeRebellioStellaCrimmIsolaBaktoDystnineGiant LolaButterfly EffectDemerzel
Other Characters GunvoltJouleMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Missions City SlumsStore RuinsSumeragi Building 13Auto-fab PlantMedical CenterRadio Tower "Artemis"Data Center AlphaData Center BetaCity Slums 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 1Sumeragi Secret Bunker 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 3Special MissionsVersus Missions
Songs Luminous PromiseIgniterBeyond ProbabilityChronicle of Our LivesOriginal ChordKindled SpiritsResonating HeartsCountdown: 3-2-1-0Inner AlarmSearchlightRaison d'Etre (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Institute of Human EvolutionFalcon Quills
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills
Fan Discs Isola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of Hope