Store Ruins is part of the first round of boss missions in Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX, alongside Auto-fab Plant and Sumeragi Building 13. With the hideout running low on food, Copen goes to a ruined shopping mall in hopes of scavenging victuals. For some reason, the place is crawling with Sumeragi's bots and goons...
The stage itself will be a mix of going up and down across the ruined floors of the store. Naturally, there will be enemies everywhere.
Being one of the first levels after the tutorial, there are no real gimmicks. But for those just starting out, Rebellio might be a bit of a troublesome boss...
Emblem Locations
Breakable ceiling.
False floor below the stairs leading to the roof.
Another breakable ceiling, above where the Psychokinesis user appears.
On top of some platforms just before the hexapyle.