Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki
  • English (8-4)
  • Japanese (with Eng tl)
  • Korean (with Eng tl)

"Hell bids you enter. Victory may come slowly, painfully -- perhaps never. But seek this despair, and you will be rewarded..."

This is an invitation to the infinite Hell…
You need not feel ashamed if you can’t complete it…
I shall… grant despair to your whole body…

도전장 (Challenge)

이것은 무간지옥으로의 초대.
답파하지 못하더라도 전혀 부끄럽지 않은
가장 완벽한 절망을… 당신에게.
I present to you, an invitation to this infinite hell.
Even if you cannot break it through, there is no shame to it.
I present to you… THE ABSOLUTE DESPAIR.

Special Missions are five additional missions in Azure Striker Gunvolt, unlocked after playing through the true ending the first time. Each mission consists of two halves of two stages from the main game, with the boss usually being randomly picked from those two stages - though if players keep holding D-pad up or down after breaking the last Hexapyle they can be guaranteed to fight one specific boss. Hold up to fight the boss corresponding to the first half, down for the boss corresponding to the second half. In all of them, Anthem is disabled and there are no checkpoints. All missions are code named Gauntlet (挑戦状, Challenge). Clearing the four main Special Missions unlocks the Dullahan cartridge, which negates tags but increases shot damage significantly.

Special Mission 5, the boss rush, was not part of the game until version 1.2.

*Rank and kudos estimates may not be accurate


All five missions have the same briefing.

  • English (JP Voice Mod.)
  • English (8-4)
  • Japanese (with Eng tl)
  • Korean (with Eng tl)

Joule: These are super difficult missions for those who complete the main story. "Special missions". If you have top notch skills, maybe you should give them a try.

Joule: Since nothing else seems to stop you, here's a real challenge. You've earned a stab at the Gauntlet. But don't look at me if the Gauntlet stabs back. This mission is -hard-.

This mission is a super-difficult mission aimed at those who have cleared the main game…
A “Special Mission”.
You might try them out if you’ve got confidence in your skills.

Cyan :
이 미션은 게임 본편을 클리어한 사람을 위한 초 고난도 미션… ‘스페셜 미션’이야.
실력에 자신이 있다면 도전해 봐도 좋을 것 같아.
You’re about to take on an Extra Hard Mission for whoever has cleared the game’s Story Mode… The
‘Special Mission’.
If you’re confident with your skills, I think you can give it a shot!

Gauntlet 1

Biochem Plant and Subaquatic Base's second halves, but essentially with more enemies. Biochem Plant has even more heavy boxes in your path to destroy, Subaquatic Base also features Zombie Leapers. Afterwards, you fight either Viper or Merak.


Image Enemy
Viper Battle Pose Merak glaive Viper/Merak (boss)
Floating mine
Flying Bomb
Roll Cannon
Sumeragi burner
Sumeragi Fire Gunner
Sumeragi gunner
Sumeragi Gunner
Sumeragi shield
Sumeragi Grenadier
Sumeragi assassin
Sumeragi Assassin
Beam launcher
Laser Drone
Missile launcher
Tower enemy
Tower Tank
Zombie crawler
Zombie Leaper
Barrier machine
Spine tower
Brush Saw
Shutter shut

Rank and Time Requirements

Rank Score Minimum Kudos needed Kill points needed
S+ 1,200,000 9000+6620 (Gutless), 8840 (Cautious), 7580 (Fearless) 60,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 6:40

Gauntlet 2

Datastore and Stratacombs' second halves, but with more enemies. There are added barricades in Datastore, making traversing while floating harder. Stratacombs features the tentacles from Pharma Lab, and the jellyfish from Subaquatic Base that overheat you on contact. The Stratacombs also turn into a light-switching nightmare. At the end you fight either Carrera or Elise.


Image Enemy
Carrera glaive Elise glaive 1 Elise glaive 2 Carrera/Elise (bosses)
Floating mine
Flying Bomb
Sumeragi burner
Sumeragi Fire Gunner
Barrier machine
Barrier laser
Blast Shooter
Sumeragi gunner
Sumeragi Gunner
Sumeragi shield
Sumeragi Grenadier
Sumeragi launcher
Sumeragi Launcher
Energy drainer
Sentry machine gun
Sentry Unit (Gattling Gun)
Sentry chainsaw
Sentry Unit (chainsaw)
Roll Cannon
Zombie crawler
Zombie Leaper
Zombie hanger
Zombie Spewer
Spine tower
Brush Saw

Rank and Time Requirements

Rank Score Minimum Kudos needed Kill points needed
S+ 1,200,000 9000+6620 (Gutless), 8840 (Cautious), 7580 (Fearless) 60,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 6:20

Gauntlet 3

Pharma Lab and Media Tower's second halves. The room where you fight the Eidolon flower has tentacles next to any platform. Media Tower features a harder catapult path to follow, as well as barricades along the way. The stage boss will either be Stratos or Jota.


Image Enemy
Stratos Battle Pose Jota glaive Stratos/Jota (boss)
Eidolon flower
Eidolon Flower (mid-boss)
Bomb Laser
Sentry chainsaw
Sentry Unit (chainsaw)
Spider Flower
Sumeragi burner
Sumeragi Fire Gunner
Spine tower
Brush Saw
Barrier laser
Blast Shooter
Sumeragi gunner
Sumeragi Gunner
Beam launcher
Laser Drone
Missile launcher
Sumeragi shield
Sumeragi Grenadier
Sentry blaster
Sentry Unit (gun)
Sentry chainsaw
Sentry Unit (chainsaw)
Barrier machine

Rank and Time Requirements

Rank Score Minimum Kudos needed Kill points needed
S+ 1,200,000 9000+6620 (Gutless), 8840 (Cautious), 7580 (Fearless) 60,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 7:00

Gauntlet 4

The first halves of Sinner's Row and Eridu, unlike the others. Sinner's Row has additional tentacles and Spider Plants, and Eridu has Zombie Leapers. However, neither of these portions force you to have to navigate places between pits. The stage boss will either be Copen or Asimov.


Image Enemy
Copen gv1 Asimov azure striker Copen/Asimov (boss)
Beam launcher
Laser Drone
Sumeragi gunner
Sumeragi Gunner
Roll Cannon
Sumeragi burner
Sumeragi Fire Gunner
Sentry machine gun
Sentry Unit (Gattling Gun)
Spider Flower
Sumeragi launcher
Sumeragi Launcher
Tower enemy
Tower Tank
Sentry chainsaw
Sentry Unit (chainsaw)
Spine tower
Brush Saw
Wheel enemy
Wheel Drone
Missile launcher
Floating mine
Flying Bomb
Sumeragi shield
Sumeragi Grenadier
Bomb Laser
Zombie crawler
Zombie Leaper

Rank and Time Requirements

Rank Score Minimum Kudos needed Kill points needed
S+ 1,500,000 9000+9840 (Gutless), 9999+1030 (Cautious), 8910 (Fearless) 65,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 5:50

Gauntlet 5 (Boss Rush)

Back to back boss fights set on Firmament with Merak, Stratos, Jota, Carrera, Viper, Elise (normal), Copen, Nova 1, Nova 2, and then Asimov, in that order.


Image Enemy
Asimov azure striker
Asimov (last boss)
Shiden glaive
Armed Nova (eighth boss, last phase)
Nova combat pose
Nova Tsukuyomi "The Mighty" (eighth boss, first phase)
Copen gv1
Copen "The Adept Slayer" (seventh boss)
Elise glaive 1 Elise glaive 2 Elise "The Eternal Envy" (sixth boss)
Viper Battle Pose
Viper "The Burning Wrath" (fifth boss)
Carrera glaive
Carrera "The Magnetic Avarice" (fourth boss)
Jota glaive
Jota "The Prideful Silhouette" (third boss)
Stratos Battle Pose
Stratos "The Gluttonous Fly" (second boss)
Merak glaive
Merak "The Slothful Conjurer" (first boss)

Rank and Time Requirements

Rank Score Minimum Kudos needed Kill points needed
S+ 1,300,000 9000+3300 (Gutless), 7350 (Cautious), 6250 (Fearless) 300,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 13:00

Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 Navigation

Azure Striker Gunvolt 1
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (Azure Phosphorescence) • CreditsStory Scripts
QUILL and co. GunvoltJoule (Lumen) • AsimovZenoMoniqa
Boss Characters NovaMerakJotaViperCarreraEliseStratos | Copen
Other Characters ZondaRomeoMinor CharactersMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Main Missions Anthem (1st Sumeragi)Abyss (Subaquatic Base)Minaret (Media Tower)Conflagration (Biochem Plant)Spintronics (Datastore)Underworld (Stratacombs)Garden (Pharma Lab)Kaleidoscape (Sinner's Row)
Final and Special Missions Hostage (Urban Run)Streak (Eridu)Stratosphere (Babel)Idolatry (Firmament) / Azure (Firmament) | Special Missions
Songs Beyond the BlueReincarnationNebulous ClockAzure DoorPain from the PastScorching JourneyRouge ShimmerA Zip to the MoonSakura EfflorescenceEternal BlueCyanotype
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi GroupQUILLGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Score and Kudos (Secrets) • Equipment (Materials) • SkillsChristmas Mode
Fan Discs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy Kingdom