Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

My (Lola's) melody for everyone!
Let the power of words (power energy) flow forth!


RoRo Melodies / ROROMELO (RoRo Melodies / ロロメロ) is an album for Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX, consisting of all the vocal tracks sung by Lola (Mayu Mineda) in-game, this time in their full versions, as well as a 12 page booklet with an introduction and lyrics sheets.


  1. Heart Beat (Instrumental track)
  2. Countdown: 3-2-1-0
  3. Resonating Hearts
  4. Kindled Spirits
  5. Original Chord
  6. Raison d'Etre
  7. Inner Alarm
  8. Igniter
  9. Chronicle of Our Lives
  10. Searchlight
  11. Luminous Promise
  12. Beyond Probability




Series Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt, Luminous Avenger iX, and Mighty Gunvolt series
Video Games
Azure Striker Gunvolt series Azure Striker Gunvolt 1Azure Striker Gunvolt 2Striker PackAzure Striker Gunvolt 3
Luminous Avenger iX series Luminous Avenger iX 1Luminous Avenger iX 2
Mighty Gunvolt / Gal*Gunvolt series Mighty Gunvolt / Gal*GunvoltMighty Gunvolt Burst / Gal*Gunvolt Burst
Other Azure Striker Gunvolt (DOS)GUNVOLT RECORDS CychroniclePuzzMiXInti Creates Gold Archive Collection
Related Card-en-Ciel
Side Stories and Other Media
Drama CDs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy KingdomArmed Blue GunvoltShort StoriesClockwork DaydreamEden's PartyIsola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of HopeSpectrum TheaterMirage Party
Other Side Stories Fleeting MemoriesCopen's StoryJoule's StoryGV and Quinn's Story
Miscellaneous Armed Blue: Gunvolt (manga)Azure Striker Gunvolt: The Anime
Non-story Media Dengeki Nintendo Character ProfilesArmed Blue: Gunvolt Complete Works
Official Game Soundtracks Armed Blue Gunvolt Official SoundtrackMighty Gunvolt Original SoundtrackArmed Blue Gunvolt: Sou SoundtrackLUMINOUS AVENGER IX SOUNDTRACKLUMINOUS AVENGER IX 2 SOUNDTRACK
Official Vocal Albums Azure PhosphorescenceAzure Trance -Into the Blue-Electro RotationRoRo MelodiesButterfly's JourneyRoRo Robotics VoxAkashic Record
Fan Discs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy KingdomClockwork DaydreamEden's PartyIsola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of HopeSpectrum Theater
Limited Edition and Other Promotional Soundtracks ARMED BLUE: GUNVOLT Anime BGM Collection & Anime Song CollectionMorpho Song Re-collection -2018 Remix-Cyber Diva Roro Medley CDMighty Gunvolt Burst Original SoundtrackArmed Blue Gunvolt Gibs Soundtrack CDGUNVOLT RECORDS Cychronicle Instrumental Album
Other MORPHO VIRTUAL LIVE 2020 (Blu-ray)

Luminous Avenger iX 1 Navigation[]

Luminous Avenger iX
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Melodies)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuJinMariaKyota
Boss Characters BladeRebellioStellaCrimmIsolaBaktoDystnineGiant LolaButterfly EffectDemerzel
Other Characters GunvoltJouleMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Missions City SlumsStore RuinsSumeragi Building 13Auto-fab PlantMedical CenterRadio Tower "Artemis"Data Center AlphaData Center BetaCity Slums 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 1Sumeragi Secret Bunker 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 3Special MissionsVersus Missions
Songs Luminous PromiseIgniterBeyond ProbabilityChronicle of Our LivesOriginal ChordKindled SpiritsResonating HeartsCountdown: 3-2-1-0Inner AlarmSearchlightRaison d'Etre (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Institute of Human EvolutionFalcon Quills
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills
Fan Discs Isola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of Hope