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Azure Striker Wiki

"Luminous Avenger iX ・ Prologue
Lola's virtual idol activities are now being shown.

Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX: Prologue - Muse of Hope - (白き鋼鉄のイクス THE OUT OF GUNVOLT プロローグ -希望の歌姫-) is the second of the two simultaneously released fan discs for Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX. It features a vocal drama of the same name about Lola set prior to the game, and includes a newly recorded version of the Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 DLC song Stratosphere, as well as Beyond Probability live version, their karaoke versions, and the karaoke versions of Lola's other special songs in iX. The fan disc's booklet also includes comments by iX director Toshiaki Tai, and an interview with the arranger of Lola's songs, Keishi Yonao.

Although the CD was not officially released outside of Japan, the vocal drama tracks have received fan translated English subtitles and been uploaded to Youtube.

Youtube playlist:

English translation and raw Japanese script:

Track List[]

  • Prologue - Muse of Hope -

1. The Fan Meeting Begins! - ファン交流会スタート!
Lola posts a new video in the Dark Net announcing she will hold a lottery to go visit some of her avid fans.

2. Lola Cluster! - ロロクラ!
The first fan chosen is a Mino boy named Hayato, who introduces Lola to the "Lola Cluster", the fan community built among fans of her videos.

3. Who Do I Visit Next? - 次は誰に会いに行く?
After the successful first attempt with Hayato, she holds another lottery to choose her next fan.

4. Aiming To Be An Idol - アイドルを目指して
The 2nd visit is actually to an Adept girl named Alita, who has some complexes due to her husky-like voice. Incidentally, her Septima is named Vibration (Oscillation) (振動 (オシレイション).

5. Burdening The Feelings - 思いを背負って
After receiving messages from both fans she's met, Lola notices an old message from a previous video; this message picks her interest so she decides to go meet this fan.

6.The Travelers - 旅する者たち
Expecting to find the sender of the message, a Minos girl named Nana, she instead finds another girl named Miyumi. From her she hears about Nana and a treasure both have been keeping...

7. The Stratospheric Girl - 成層圏の少女
Lola discovers that the treasure contains data on a song that brings back memories of days of an age long past, and so she explains to Miyumi about the struggles she and Copen have been through...

8. Stratosphere
9. Beyond Probability (Live Version)
10. Raison d'Etre (Game Loop Version)

  • Lola Karaoke Archives

11. Igniter (Karaoke Version)
12. Beyond Probability (Karaoke Version)
13. Searchlight (Karaoke Version)
14. Raison d'etre (Karaoke Version)
15. Stratosphere (Karaoke Version)


III: Sound Create Unit

  • Ippo Yamada: Drama Edit, Computer Programming, Composition
  • Ryo Kawakami: Computer Programming, Composition, Arrangement
  • Takumi Sato: Guitar, Arrangement
  • Ryo Yoshinaga: Sound Effects, Computer Programming, Arrangement
  • Hiroyuki Sato: Sound Effects
  • Keishi Yonao: Computer Programming, Arrangement


  • Mayu Mineda: Lola
  • Asuna Tomari: Hayato
  • Tomoya Kosaka: Alita
  • Hibiku Yamamura: Miyumi


  • Produce, Supervise: Ippo Yamada
  • Mastering: Ryo Kawakami
  • Recording Engineer: Yasutaka Sato (Allblue)
  • Drama Director: Toshiaki Tai
  • Scriptwriter: Kensei Ohhashi
  • Recording Director: Ippo Yamada
  • Recording Engineer: Yu-ya Iwaki
  • Jacket Design: Yoshitaka Hatakeyama
  • Title Logo Works: Miho Iijima
  • Label, Layout Design Works: Hakofactory
  • Special Thanks:
    • Munehiro Araki (INTI)
    • Matt Papa (INTI)
    • Ken Saito
    • Bungo Miyagawa
    • Allblue
    • Studio Jumo
    • Vims
    • Haikyo
    • Mausu Promotion
    • and All Inti Creates Staff
  • Sales Promote:
    • Go Maeda
    • Shigeru Nakagawa
  • Executive Producer: Takuya Aizu

"Prologue - Muse of Hope -" 01-07: Drama tracks

08: 成層圏 / Stratosphere

  • Words by Hakofactory
  • Music by Ippo Yamada
  • Song by Lola (Mayu Mineda)

09: 記憶開放MIAOU (ライブ版) / Beyond Probability (Live ver.)

  • Words by Hakofactory
  • Music by Ippo Yamada
  • Song by Lola

10: レゾンデートル (ゲームループ版) / Raison D'être (Game Loop ver.)

  • Music by Ippo Yamada

"RoRo Songs Karaoke Archives"

  • 11-15: Music by Ippo Yamada




Series Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt, Luminous Avenger iX, and Mighty Gunvolt series
Video Games
Azure Striker Gunvolt series Azure Striker Gunvolt 1Azure Striker Gunvolt 2Striker PackAzure Striker Gunvolt 3
Luminous Avenger iX series Luminous Avenger iX 1Luminous Avenger iX 2
Mighty Gunvolt / Gal*Gunvolt series Mighty Gunvolt / Gal*GunvoltMighty Gunvolt Burst / Gal*Gunvolt Burst
Other Azure Striker Gunvolt (DOS)GUNVOLT RECORDS CychroniclePuzzMiXInti Creates Gold Archive Collection
Related Card-en-Ciel
Side Stories and Other Media
Drama CDs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy KingdomArmed Blue GunvoltShort StoriesClockwork DaydreamEden's PartyIsola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of HopeSpectrum TheaterMirage Party
Other Side Stories Fleeting MemoriesCopen's StoryJoule's StoryGV and Quinn's Story
Miscellaneous Armed Blue: Gunvolt (manga)Azure Striker Gunvolt: The Anime
Non-story Media Dengeki Nintendo Character ProfilesArmed Blue: Gunvolt Complete Works
Official Game Soundtracks Armed Blue Gunvolt Official SoundtrackMighty Gunvolt Original SoundtrackArmed Blue Gunvolt: Sou SoundtrackLUMINOUS AVENGER IX SOUNDTRACKLUMINOUS AVENGER IX 2 SOUNDTRACK
Official Vocal Albums Azure PhosphorescenceAzure Trance -Into the Blue-Electro RotationRoRo MelodiesButterfly's JourneyRoRo Robotics VoxAkashic Record
Fan Discs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy KingdomClockwork DaydreamEden's PartyIsola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of HopeSpectrum Theater
Limited Edition and Other Promotional Soundtracks ARMED BLUE: GUNVOLT Anime BGM Collection & Anime Song CollectionMorpho Song Re-collection -2018 Remix-Cyber Diva Roro Medley CDMighty Gunvolt Burst Original SoundtrackArmed Blue Gunvolt Gibs Soundtrack CDGUNVOLT RECORDS Cychronicle Instrumental Album
Other MORPHO VIRTUAL LIVE 2020 (Blu-ray)

Luminous Avenger iX 1 Navigation[]

Luminous Avenger iX
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Melodies)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuJinMariaKyota
Boss Characters BladeRebellioStellaCrimmIsolaBaktoDystnineGiant LolaButterfly EffectDemerzel
Other Characters GunvoltJouleMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Missions City SlumsStore RuinsSumeragi Building 13Auto-fab PlantMedical CenterRadio Tower "Artemis"Data Center AlphaData Center BetaCity Slums 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 1Sumeragi Secret Bunker 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 3Special MissionsVersus Missions
Songs Luminous PromiseIgniterBeyond ProbabilityChronicle of Our LivesOriginal ChordKindled SpiritsResonating HeartsCountdown: 3-2-1-0Inner AlarmSearchlightRaison d'Etre (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Institute of Human EvolutionFalcon Quills
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills
Fan Discs Isola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of Hope