Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki
Scripts (Main Story)

Japanese scripts with English translations:


GV: Hmm...looks like a Primal Dragon has appeared at a temple in the old city, Yet another odd location.

Kirin: Maybe the Adept just happened to be there when they transformed into a Primal Dragon. It seems like security has been fully mechanized. Not exactly what you'd expect from a temple.

GV: If the Dragon Radiation also caused it to go haywire... This won't be a simple task.


GV: The temple's all the way up there...? What a strange location for one.

Kirin: Higher altitudes are considered safer these days. Probably not safe from Primal Dragons, though.

GV: Even traditional buildings are constructed with modern defense systems, huh.

Kirin: Sometimes you even hear about famous historical buildings being forced to relocate.

GV: I wonder if this gate was built with Sumeragi tech.

Kirin: It's wide open... This must be the Dragon's handiwork.

GV: Looking at it, though...isn't it a bit much? This is a temple, after all.

Kirin: You think so? I feel like all temple gates are like that.

Kirin: That's a Chain Fire Lamp! Hitting it with an Arc Chain should send us flying!

GV: "Flying..."? I thought the Chain Lamps were supposed to be data terminals.

Kirin: The Fire Lamps are a new version that incorporate Sumeragi's anti-gravity technology. I heard they recently started field testing them.

GV: I see, it uses anti-gravity technology... —I'm sure the repair bill for one of those will be extra spicy.

Sumeragi Soldier: Niiiinjaaaa...!

GV: Kirin, there's a ninja here!

Kirin: That's one of Sumeragi's anti-Adept specialists! The Arc Chain won't do jack for me here!

GV: If you can't take them down in one hit, just keep on attacking! I know you can do this!

Kirin: Oh-ho...? In that case I'll just have to show off how well I can slice and dice!

GV: This stone wall is really something... It's just like a castle.

Kirin: I heard it was built to make a name for the place and attract visitors. I have my doubts about how useful it really is... Even people at Shadow Yakumo don't have nice things to say about this place. It was always something about how they spend their money...

GV: Wow, seriously...?

Lumen: [Great job making it all the way up! Here's a Hexapyle!]

Kirin: Geez, why did this place need to be so high up...?!

GV: I'm worried about the situation inside the temple... Let's get in there!

GV: Wow, it's very impressive in here... I had no idea this place was so nice.

Kirin: I think this part is just for show. ...I swear, they didn't have to go so overboard...

...She seems to know more than she's letting on. I probably shouldn't pry any further...

Kirin: They're coming out from the attic...?!

GV: Is this a ninja hideout?!

Kirin: We can't let them follow us, so we'll have to take them all out!

Kirin: Seriously?! This damn trap again?! Why is this thing in a temple?!

GV: W-what's gotten into you, Kirin?! Have you seen this thing before?

Kirin: Yeah, it was in that same lab you were in! Does that head priest have a screw loose?!

GV: You do have a point... Even if it's in the name of security, they could have chosen a different look.

GV: Doesn't running on an old fashioned tiled roof...make you feel like a ninja?

Kirin: ...We're not out here to play pretend, Gunvolt. Besides, neither of us have very ninja-like outfits.

Lumen: [I dunno, you almost look the part, Kirin.]

GV: Kirin's is close, but her outfit is too colorful. It stands out too much for a ninja.

Kirin: Hey! Could you please just focus on the mission?!

GV: There's more of these tasteless laser traps over here... Is someone collecting them?

Kirin: Even one of those things is too many. Geez!

GV: Who is even out there making these things?

Kirin: ...Who cares?!

Lumen: [The Primal Dragon's signal is getting closer. You're almost there!]

Kirin: Looks like it's just up here...! The Arc Chain should get us there in a flash!

Kirin: A Hexapyle! Now we can go to the next area!

GV: We always seem to find these wherever we go.

Kirin: It's just the best way to divide up different sections of an area. Now let's get moving and stop that Primal Dragon!

Cayman: You must be the ones ruining all the peace and quiet around here.

Kirin: Huh...? That was going to be my line...

Cayman: It's against my principles to raise a hand against women and children, but... Even if I want to show mercy, these muscles of mine won't allow it!! My muscles, together with my "Duelist" Septima, are gonna waste you!! Raaaaaagggghhhh!! Come on, biceps! Here comes the pump!!


Kirin: Phew, he's a pretty heated guy...

GV: I know he's totally berserk and all, but maybe we should hear him out a bit...

Cayman: My soul is trembling... and so are my pecs!! I was right to come to this temple to punish my muscles and put the perfect cap on my training. Every fiber of my massive muscles is twitching with ecstasy after meeting someone as strong as you! This is the true joy of training!

Kirin: Ever hear of a gym?! You should go there instead of a temple if you want to work on your physique!

Cayman: Hmph! A man's true path of training leads to a waterfall outside a temple!

GV: I think his head is filled with nothing but muscles, too.

Kirin: ...Yeah, he's the perfect example of a "meathead." I mean, it's probably because he went berserk...

Cayman: You don't like the unrefined way I talk, huh? Right now all I'm here for is pure man-to-man combat! A collision of souls!

Kirin: Sorry, but I'm a woman!

Cayman: My "Duelist" Septima and these muscles I sculpted for many years... ...are a combination without parallel! If something can be destroyed, they will do just that!

Kirin: Okay buddy...I'm sick of hearing about muscles! I'm gonna shut that muscle-mouth of yours with my Fetters! Your fate is sealed!

[Djinn's Wish]

Cayman: Wahhhhh! Behold my glistening diamond muscles! My bulging body will blow you away!!

GV: ...I really don't like how you put that!

Kirin: It's that power at work again... We just need to hold out a little longer, GV!

[If Cayman wins]

Cayman: Really? That was all you had? I wanted you to spot me for one more set...

(Vs Camion):


Seijakuna kono tera wo sawagaseteiru no wa… antara ka
So you’re the ones stirring up a fuss in this serene temple, huh?

Ee…? Sore tte, watashi tachi no serifu ja nai?
Huh? Is that what WE should be saying?

Onna kodomo ni te wo ageru no wa, ore no ryuugi ni han suru gs
Ore ga yurushita totemo, ore no kinniku wa yurushi wa shinaii!!
Fighting women and children goes against my style, yet
Even if I let you off the hook, my muscles won’t let you!!


Jinkou ni oaite negaou ka
Let’s have a fair fight, shall we?


Shuugyou (biirudo appu) no sou shiage… Kono kinniku, sara ni oikomu tame, tera ni kita no wa seikai datta you da
Antara no youna tsuwamono tono deai ni, zenshin no kinniku ga, kangi ni uchifuruteiruu!
Kore ga shugyou no daigomi tte yatsu da!
The finishing touches to my training (build up)... Looks like it was a good idea to come to this temple to push my muscles further!
Meeting strong foes like you makes all of my muscles shiver in joy!
That’s why training is great!

Kinniku wo kitaetai nara, otera jankute jimu ni ikinasai! Jimu ni!
If you want to train your muscles, don’t go to the temple, but to the gym! The gym!

Fun! Shinnaru otoko no shugyouba wa, tera ka taki to souba ga kimatteiru!
Hmpf! It’s taken for granted that the training place of real men is either temples or waterfalls!

(Vs Camion):












Post-Mission Event[]

Cayman: To lose myself in a rage like that... I, Cayman, will live with this failure forever! I swear on these muscles that I will make amends! Please find a way, any way, for me to be of use...

GV: It wasn't your fault that you went out of control. If anyone's to blame, it's me. But if you still feel that way, you can do good by saving others who are going through the same thing you did.

Cayman: Gunvolt... You may look like a little puppy, but you have sharp eyes. Those eyes of yours...have seen the path of training through to its conclusion. You are a true man... I, Cayman, swear that these muscles will serve you, even should my flesh and bone be ground to dust.

GV: Thank you. We'll be counting on you, Cayman.

Cayman: I'll give it my all. Now Gunvolt, my muscle brother... An extra manly hug for you!!

GV: Guh! T-too...tight... Some warning would be appreciated...

Cayman: Gunvolt, you have exemplary hamstrings, even for a beast like you.

GV: H-hey! Kirin... Don't just watch... Help m-gah...

Kirin: Wow, you two really are fast friends. That's great!

BB: A delinquent and his trusty dog. This would make an awesome movie!

Kirin: Seeing your hand-to-hand fighting style inspired me to come up with a new sword technique, Cayman!

Cayman: I always say that taking on tough opponents is the best way to improve yourself! ...So what's the technique like?

Kirin: If I hold ↑ and press the attack button on the ground, I can do a jumping attack that's perfect for fighting airborne enemies!

Cayman: Oh, a Dra----- Punch!

Kirin: Whoa, you can't just say that!!


Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 story scripts
Non-mission Scripts Home ConversationsIntermission Scripts
Main Story Mission Scripts Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute)Holy Night XIII (Downtown Christmas)

Cyber Daydream (Cyber-Kowloon)Pendulum Heart (Stormy Megafloat)Pride & Battle (Old Capital Temple)
Another Sun (Ballistic Missiles)
Trick Shot (Abandoned Factory)Sandstorm (Desert Base)Phantom Mist (Forest)Hot & Cold (Megafloat "Neptune")
Sunrise Palace (Sunrise Palace 1)Karma (Sunrise Palace 2)Heliacal Rising (Sunrise Palace 3)ZedΩ (Sunrise Throne)Moebius (World Moebius)

Epilogue ATEMS Mission Scripts Holy Night XIII (Downtown Christmas)Cyber Daydream (Cyber-Kowloon)Pendulum Heart (Stormy Megafloat)Pride & Battle (Old Capital Temple)Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute)