Japanese script with English translation:
ZedΩ: A temple at the old capital... I have to say, it looks more like a fortress than a temple.
Sistina: Grazie informed me that she was curious about its construction. I will make sure your visuals are shared with her.
Grazie: Are all the temples 'round here made of wood?
ZedΩ: Grazie, are you interested in the local culture?
Grazie: Well, I only know how to build stuff outta sand... There's really somethin' romantic about buildin' with organic material!
ZedΩ: Oh...? Anyway, let's start looking for that material!
ZedΩ: I believe this is called a "torii." For a traditional structure, it's quite mechanized.
Grazie: Zeddy, that's just the front gate.
Sumeragi Ninja: Niiiinjaaaa...!
Grazie: Z-Zeddy, look! It's a bona fide ninja! An honest-to-goodness shinobi!
ZedΩ: Ninjas are quite famous, aren't they. However, they don't look all that different from ATEMS's special forces.
Grazie: Huh?! Are you blind, Zeddy?! They're toootally different!
ZedΩ: Err...?
Grazie: That stone wall is right enormous...
ZedΩ: You've got that right. It's no different from a castle wall.
Grazie: What's it made outta... Andesite? Lookin' at the cuts, I'd say this thing was slapped together not too long ago.
ZedΩ: You're quite knowledgeable about rocks, Grazie. I'm impressed.
Grazie: O-oh?! It's nothin', honest!! Anybody who knows anythin' knows about andesite!
Grazie: Looks like they quarry it real different out here. They build it up real careful, too... There might even be some local traditions in the way they stack 'em up...
ZedΩ: ...Grazie?
Grazie: Yes?!?
ZedΩ: That was quite a climb... I presume this is the entrance to the main temple?
Grazie: The inside oughta be right interestin'! I can't wait to see it!
ZedΩ: Oh, me neither!
ZedΩ: I expected the inside would look a bit more...austere. The decorations are rather flashy.
Grazie: Well I'll be, it's downright modern in here. The defenses ain't messin' around, either!
ZedΩ: Looks like this temple tour will have to pick up the pace...
Grazie: Ninjas in the attic...?! They got booby traps in a temple?!
Serpentine: Ambushes can be quite effective when the ceiling is that low... Heheh...
ZedΩ: You learn something new every day!
ZedΩ: Is that Buddha statue...firing lasers?!
Grazie: T-that's downright blasphemous... Some right culture shock, I tell ya what...
ZedΩ: I'm as surprised as you are. The culture must be quite permissive in this country...
Grazie: This here tile roof looks like it was made from clay in a kiln. Zeddy, be careful not to slip and fall!
ZedΩ: Roger! Could you tell me a bit more about tiles?
Grazie: They come in all sorts of regional varieties... There's gold tiles, cement tiles, and even glass tiles!
Grazie: That's an awful lot of Buddhas... The traps, I mean.
ZedΩ: What's going on with the culture in this country...? They should really reconsider their aesthetic choices.
Grazie: Just look at this grand hall... I'd never make somethin' this extravagant, but I love it anyway!
ZedΩ: It seems like my goal is just above here. I'll make quick work of the climb!
ZedΩ: I've found a Hexapyle. All that's left is the castle keep I suppose?
Grazie: Zeddy, this ain't a castle, it's a temple! Have some respect.
Cayman: Hmph...! The Dragon Saviors' biggest man, Cayman, has arrived!
ZedΩ: That was quite the entrance! I like it!
Cayman: Ah, someone who understands! You must be a fellow strongman! Leader of ATEMS...You've got a powerful aura! Allow me, Cayman, to test your might in a Duel!!
ZedΩ: Oh? Are you not even going to ask why I'm here?
Cayman: Our fists will do all the talking we need! There's no guarantee you'll give me a straight answer, anyway. If I want the truth, I'll have to get it myself!
ZedΩ: Haha, spoken like a true gentleman! How interesting...! I'll take you up on your offer!
Cayman: Let's gooo!
Cayman: No running! No dodging! No escape!! My Duelist guarantees it!
ZedΩ: A classic power-type Septima! It seems like a good match for our Grazie!
Grazie: Wh-whaaaaa?!?! I-I do get mighty big, but I wouldn't say all that!!
ZedΩ: Grazie, you should try to have a bit more confidence! At full power, your Septima could even rival mine!
Grazie: N-now you're jus' makin' stuff up...!
Cayman: I knew it! ATEMS must be full of powerful warriors! I'll have to challenge that Grazie you mentioned to a Duel sometime!
ZedΩ: An excellent idea! However, we must settle our bout first!
Cayman: Hahaha! I'd love to share a drink with you some time!
Grazie: Did y'all right forget about askin' me?!
Cayman: Uoohhhhhh!! I'm really feelin' the burn! My traps are on fire!!
ZedΩ: I've been longing for a full-fledged brawl like this! Illuminate the world! Golden Trillion!! Break through the limits of this hot-blooded valor!
[If Cayman wins]
Cayman: Is that all the royal fists have to offer?!
Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 story scripts | |
Non-mission Scripts | Home Conversations • Intermission Scripts |
Main Story Mission Scripts | Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute) • Holy Night XIII (Downtown Christmas) Cyber Daydream (Cyber-Kowloon) • Pendulum Heart (Stormy Megafloat) • Pride & Battle (Old Capital Temple) |
Epilogue ATEMS Mission Scripts | Holy Night XIII (Downtown Christmas) • Cyber Daydream (Cyber-Kowloon) • Pendulum Heart (Stormy Megafloat) • Pride & Battle (Old Capital Temple) • Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute) |