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"I've had enough of this world and its missions! I'm putting an end to it all, by my own hand!"
—Mother, Luminous Avenger iX 2
Mother Computer, often referred to as just Mother, is an alternate-world version of Lola who serves as the administrative AI of the Grave Pillar. She is the main antagonist and final boss of Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2.
Official Profiles[]
Luminous Avenger iX 2 Soundtrack[]
(Fan translation)
An administrative AI set in the “Hanging Gardens” accessed from atop the tower.
She was the support machine of the “Creator”, and created the robots that are the ancestors of the “Workers” together with him.
The Workers consider her their “Mother”.
The “Creator”, who left for another world to find means to restore humanity, ordered her to protect the environment, but she couldn’t fulfill that task.
She spent a long time asleep.
When Ypsilon contacted her to report about the intruders, she awoke.
She’s composed of a spherical core unit and a giant information terminal.
She has a holographic body shaped like a Goddess, named “Awakening Vision”, which she uses to fight intruders.
An alternate world administrative AI that stole Kohaku's body to fulfill a certain purpose.
The combat data stored in its vast database, as well as a barrier that reacts to the Razor Wheel's wavelength changes, allows it to outclass all other combat Workers.
Her "Kohaku" form has flaming hair, blue ornaments, horns, diamond bits, and two giant claws, plus an unconnected, segmented "tail".
Her holographic form resembles an older-looking, giant-sized version of Lola's Idol Mode with purple eyes, white hair, a curvier figure, white clothes with red lines running through them, six mechanical angel wings akin to a seraph, and a metallic "halo".
Her core is identical to Lola's Combat Pod form, but with a silver-gray and yellow-orange color scheme and a rusted appearance.
Her ghost form is very similar to Lola's Idol Mode, but with longer hair and a more mature appearance. Concept art shows her with purple eyes, additional gold details on her outfit's torso and gloves, and wings and head attachments similar but not identical to those of the Lola of the main timeline.
Main article: Mother Computer/Gallery
Mother's original personality is largely unknown, though she was apparently very loyal to her Master who entrusted her to save their world's environment before his disappearance.
As time went by she was driven insane due to her failure and isolation from her Master who she realizes is likely dead. She no longer cares about anything and contemplates suicide in order to be reunited with her Master.
It is mentioned that she is patient, and can wait for long periods of time because she is used to it.
Long before the game, Mother Computer was created by The Creator, an alternative version of Copen, with the task of saving the environment of their devastated world. However, all attempts proved unsuccessful, and Mother was eventually driven insane due to failure of her task, her Master's disappearance, and anger that the Workers considered themselves to be the new masters of the world, yet was unable to do anything because of her mission to protect the environment, and instead shuts everything down.
When Copen, Lola, and Kohaku arrive in her world, the Workers would activate again to defend the Grave Pillar from Kohaku, due to her status as an organic human. Once Ypsilon awakens Mother herself, she notices Kohaku and tasks Ypsilon with her capture. After Ypsilon leaves to further augment himself, Mother states to herself that its time to finish things.
Hanging Gardens 2[]

Once Copen and Lola reach Kohaku, Mother takes control of her with Pix, before revealing her origins and intentions of using Kohaku to rewrite her code so she can destroy the world. Once Copen defeats her Kohaku form, Mother then causes the floor beneath everyone to crumble and assimilates Kohaku into her mainframe before facing Copen in her Idol form, proclaiming that everything in it, including herself, must be destroyed. Once Kohaku is freed, a pod similar to Lola's falls out before the mainframe explodes.
In the normal ending, as she dies, Mother claims she can finally rest before noting how much Copen resembles her Master. The machines in the Hanging Gardens all lose power after Mother fully shuts down.

In the secret bad ending, (achieved only in normal mode by damaging Kohaku enough before rescuing her) Mother is revealed to the player to have completely taken over Kohaku before stating that she'll be with Copen forever.

In the Hard Mode ending, Mother tells her Master that she missed him as she dies, and ghostly images of the two of them are seen floating above Copen and his allies afterward, prompting Lola to wonder out loud if machines like her have souls. This time, the Hanging Gardens continue functioning without Mother.
Other Appearances[]

"Elevating...threat level..."
Mother in her Kohaku-possessed form is one of the Luminous Avenger iX 2 characters featured in the roguelite card-battling RPG Card-en-Ciel, appearing as a card and enemy.
Card | Character | Effect | Cost | Movement |
Attack Code: Shred | Mother Computer | Deal damage equal to amount of damage taken during this battle. (Special: Deal damage equal to amount of damage taken during this battle. Repeat once.) |
1 | Up |
Powers and Abilities[]
As an alternate version of Lola, both share similar abilities with one another. When using Kohaku as a host she uses EX Weapons based on Eden.
Boss Battle Skills[]
1st battle[]
Her shield must be temporarily destroyed with an EX Weapon before she can be damaged.
Skill | Description |
(ワイドサーキット, Wide Circuit)[1] |
Her bits spread out across the ceiling and fire Teseo's circuit rain downwards. Only the spot under her is safe. In Hard Mode, after the bits fire the circuits, they fire laser beams which rotate slightly toward the safe spot, requiring Copen to jump with the right timing. |
(プリズムブレーク, Prism Break)[1] |
Conjures Ghauri's shot blocking crystal and shoots a spread of three crystals outward. If you get behind before she starts firing she can shoot backwards. In Hard Mode, she fires five crystals. |
(アバランチソード, Avalanche Sword)[1] |
She swipes her claws, sending out a mid-range blue flying slash. In Hard Mode, she instead performs two slashes that fly across the entire screen. Although it lacks icy effects, in the game's data it is named after Tenjian's EX Weapon. |
She goes to a lower corner, and then levitates from one end to the other while firing a stream of purple energy spheres. In Hard Mode, the execution is faster. Speculated to be derived from Nova's Psychokinesis due to Mother's pose, the aesthetic of the spheres fired, and the battle's overall similarity with the barrier to the Nova fight in GV1, though Female Fake Zonda also uses purple energy spheres (along with pink ones) in battle. | |
(アタックコード:SS, Attack Code: SS) |
Her SP skill. Her bits create walls of spikes on both sides of the arena, then she flies across three times leaving Shred Storm streaks in her wake. She comes horizontally on the bottom of the screen, then horizontally at Copen's level, and finally diagonally. For the finisher she drops down to the center and swipes front and then behind, covering each side with Shred Storm streaks. In Hard Mode, parts of the spiked walls remain and sweep across the bottom and top of the arena. Beyond its clear Shred Storm inspiration, it also has traits similar to Gibril's attacks. |
2nd battle[]
In her second phase, Mother uses a form called Awakening Vision (アウェイクニング·ヴィジョン)[2], a solid hologram-like avatar that fights in place of her core with elemental attacks. If her avatar is destroyed, it leaves the mainframe temporarily exposed to damage. The mainframe can defend itself, but only by firing waves of energy orbs at the player.
Although which attack her avatar uses first is random, its attacks always follow the sequence Lightning -> Light -> Ice -> Fire -> Wind -> Lightning. Before the mainframe's first HP bar is depleted on Normal Mode, Light and Fire are skipped, so the sequence is Lightning -> Ice -> Wind -> Lightning.
The mainframe cannot be tagged. The safest way to damage it is to keep dashing with the Razor Wheel active. Holding the third Razor Wheel has the highest damage rate, but is harder to do while avoiding hits. Having Gatling Blitz active also speeds up the process, but sacrifices Kudos gain and will result in it needing to recharge during the next hologram phase.
Note: Mother's attack names can be found in the game's files, but which name is for which attack may be inaccurate. The names Blaze, Needle, Shine Bullet, and Lightning Strike are also listed and may refer to specific parts of her attacks.
Skill | Description |
The background turns dark red, and Mother summons five streaks of lightning, then folds them inwards slightly. In Hard Mode, she finishes by summoning two more diagonal streaks. | |
The background turns blue, and Mother summons four massive blocks of ice to crash on the floor. In Hard Mode, she summons four pairs of pink blocks of ice. | |
The background turns green, and Mother has a spike wall appear behind Copen before rotating her hands to blow him into the wall. As this is happening, she'll summon wind orbs twice in various patterns to ram into him. In Hard Mode, the orbs move faster. | |
When her Idol form is disabled, the mainframe can still fight by summoning four orbs that track down Copen. In Hard Mode, five faster orbs are fired. | |
The background turns red, and Mother throws a fireball at Copen which sticks to the floor and emits smaller fireballs at various angles before exploding. In Hard Mode, the explosion emits another set of fireballs all at once. | |
The background turns yellow, and Mother shoots a hard to avoid burst of laser beams one after another, leaving only a small safe area. In Hard Mode, a dark copy of her is summoned on the other side of the arena to repeat the attack afterwards. | |
(イデアコード:RAIN, Idea Code: Rain) |
Her SP Skill. Mother lowers Copen's defenses with rain, and then summons Crashbolts to attack him. First they cover the half of the arena closer to her, then the one farther from her, and finally a smaller area in front of her. Mother is invincible during this attack. In Hard Mode, she finishes with a wave of Crashbolts that almost covers the entire screen, leaving only a small safe area in a random position. |
Boss Battle Voices[]
1st Battle[]
Event | Translated | Romaji | Japanese |
Broad Circuit | Vanish. You won’t escape. |
Kienasai Nogashi masen. |
消えなさい 逃しません |
Prism Break | I’ll eliminate you. | Haijo shimasu | 排除します |
Formation Guard | Annihilate. | Senmetsu shimasu | 殲滅します |
Attack Code: S.H.R.E.D. | Let’s begin. ATTACK CODE: SS. Go for it. Be destroyed. Can you keep track? |
Hajime mashou.Atakku Kōdo: SS. Ikinasai. Horobinasai. Mikire masuka? |
始めましょう アタックコード:SS 行きなさい 滅びなさい 見切れますか? |
1st Phase Down | Analyzed strength, update data. | Senryoku bunseki, Jouhou shuusei | 戦力分析、情報修正 |
2nd Phase Down | Your abilities… It can’t be. | Anata no chikara, masaka | あなたの力、まさか |
Defeated | This can’t be true! | Masaka, konna! | まさか、こんな! |
2nd Battle[]
Event | Translated | Romaji | Japanese |
Thunder | Lightning! Be gone! | Ikazuchi yo! Kie yo! | 雷よ! 消えよ! |
Hail | Ice! | Koori yo! | 氷よ! |
Gale Bullet | Go! Wind! Erase! | Ikinasai! Kaze yo! Keshisare! | 行きなさい! 風よ! 消し去れ! |
Blaze Bullet | Fire! Hmph! Be burned! | Honoo yo! Fun! Yakarenasai! | 炎よ!フン!焼かれなさい! |
Emperor Laser | Light! | Hikari yo! | 光よ! |
Avatar destroyed | No way! | Sonna! | そんな! |
Instinct Code: Downpour | Let’s end this. Instinct Code: Downpour! Learn my pain! | Owari mashou. Aidea Kōdo: RAIN. Waga itamiwo, shiri nasai! | 終わりましょう. イデアコード:RAIN. 我が痛みを、知りなさい! |
1st Battle[]
Event | English |
Broad Circuit | Begone. (Hard Mode) You won’t escape. |
Prism Break | Eliminate. |
Formation Guard | Exterminate. |
Attack Code: S.H.R.E.D. | Let us begin! ATTACK CODE: SHRED. Scatter. Hrrraaargh! You're through!
(Hard Mode) There's no escape. |
1st Phase Down | Elevating.. threat level. |
2nd Phase Down | Your power… It can’t.... |
Defeated | This can’t be...! |
2nd Battle[]
Event | English |
Thunder | Lightning...! (Hard Mode) Trap! |
Hail | Ice! |
Gale Bullet | Go! Wind! Rage! |
Blaze Bullet | Rain..! Hah! Incinerate! |
Emperor Laser | Light! |
Avatar destroyed | Ugh! |
Instinct Code: Downpour | I shall finish this! Instinct Code: Downpour. Feel my pain... |
Musical Themes[]
(C) = Composer
(A) = Arranger
Title | Context | Musicians | Audio |
M・O・T・H・E・R | Mother's theme, which plays in the initial cutscenes with her. | Ippo Yamada (C) Keishi Yonao (A) |
Uncontrollable Heart (アンコントローラブルハート) |
VS Mother (1) | Ryo Kawakami (C) Keishi Yonao (A) |
Anger of the Mother Goddess (母神の怒り) |
Second encounter theme | Ippo Yamada (C) Keishi Yonao (A) |
Lost Luminous (ロストルミナス) |
VS Mother (2) | Ippo Yamada (C) Keishi Yonao (A) |

Track notes:[2]
- M・O・T・H・E・R
It’s the theme of the Mother Computer that controls the Grave Pillar. It’s a tune with composure and dignity, with pipe organs and choir echoing. The synthetizer’s iterative phase beat brings a mechanical feeling to the frontlines; I did take special care of the balance here. There’s 4 tracks related to “Mother”, and Mr. (Keishi) Yonao took part in the arrangement of these. I will explain why in another note.
- Uncontrollable Heart
The track of the 1st battle against the last boss. When I read the script for that part, I decided to use an arrangement of “Positive Girl” (Kohaku’s theme). You don’t want to fight yet you’re forced to. The harsh feeling that comes with it. And the harsh feelings of Mother, who “wants to put an end to all”. The melody is the same as the original track, but I think I did recreate it as a track with a feeling of sadness from which you can feel both things.
- Anger of the Mother Goddess
Mother finally appears. Anger at her broken down condition, it shows her heart’s state, filled with desperation. Adding a piano that plays a dissonance on her theme reflects how her anger makes her lose her rationality.
- Lost Luminous
The track of the 2nd battle against the last boss. The reason I asked Yonao-san to perform the arrangements of the tracks related to Mother is because this one existed. I thought that both the melody and the tone had to be as close as possible to the original or else it wouldn’t be convincing enough to express her true shape. When working on it, we referred to the orders given to us about this track. “As if it was a great angel”, “as if it was piercing through”. And so we aimed to make an impressive and speedy track. We used a lot of guitar since it’s the sound that represents this alien world. The melody from the track “M.O.T.H.E.R” is also inserted in a way that it doesn’t feel out of place.
- The diamond-shaped bits that Mother uses in her first form are nearly identical to ones from early Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 concept art dubbed F.S.B. (Fake Sevens Bit) System. These are also shown to project a barrier similar to hers, and some speculate the Creator used them as in the aforementioned concept art.
- In some game data, Mother is referred to as "AnotherRoRo", similar to some of The Creator's data being named "AnotherA" or "Another Acura".[1]
- While the official name of her hologram form is Awakening Vision, in the game's data it is called "GoddessVision".[1]
- Mother's hologram appearance strongly resembles a scrapped concept for Lola's Healing Mode. It also has similarities with her Awakened Mode.
- As most iX2 characters appear to be based on the Mighty Numbers or other Mighty No. 9 characters, Mother most likely corresponds to M.O.M., as well as the final boss Trinity. The M.O.M. reference is further enforced by Mother's 1st encounter theme being named M.O.T.H.E.R.
- Mother is similar to Lumine, the true final boss of Mega Man X8. Both of them are final bosses that use attacks from other bosses in their first form and their second forms are references to Seraphim, complete with a heavenly backdrop. Furthermore, both of them grant an unlockable costume for another character (Kohaku/Axl) after being defeated under specific circumstances.
- Mother also shares similarities with Sera from Mega Man Legends 2. Sera is a Mother Unit who administrated an area above the earth called Elysium, sought to annihilate the human substitutes known as Carbons that dominated the world in humanity's absence, and had a complicated relationship with the last human known only as The Master, who is implied to have had a hand in the creation of the Carbons and System.
- The battle theme that plays during Mother's second form, "Lost Luminous", is a remix of Igniter, Lola's Anthem theme from Gunvolt 2 and Luminous Avenger iX 1.
- Mother's hologram has a voice filter similar to Reverie Zonda's after she transforms.
- The metal construct in the background of Mother's first battle is destroyed by the trails of Attack Code: S.H.R.E.D.
- The "Formation Guard" attack and its name in the game files are a reference a similar attack used by Commander Yammark in Mega Man X6.
- Some of Mother's second form attacks make references to the Mega Man series.
- The "Gale Bullet" attack pays homage to Air Man’s Air Shooter attack from Mega Man 2.
- The "Thunder Bullet" attack is similar to Neo Sigma's 5 Bullet Shot from Mega Man X2.
- The "Hail" attack is similar to X's Frost Tower from Mega Man X4.
- The "Emperor Laser" attack is similar to Copy X's Tentei Laser (天帝レーザー, "Heavenly Emperor Laser") attack in his seraph mode in Mega Man Zero. The actual origin of both attacks' forms and names is the boss character Heavenly Emperor Bios (天帝バイオス) from the 1988 Capcom game Forgotten Worlds.[3]

Bios' laser attack
- The pattern of Instinct Code: Downpour is similar to the Crashbolts of Voltaic Chains Thunder used by Gunvolt in EX Frozen City in Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 DLC.
- Mother's eyes when possessing Kohaku are yellow-gold in her portrait, but a darker orange-brown in in-game sprites. The final image of Mother-possessed Kohaku in the bad ending shows her with reddish eyes.
- As Mother has purple eyes like the Lola of the main timeline in both her hologram and ghost forms, it is likely that her A.S. Drive (assuming she has one) comes from her world's version of Asimov, instead of Gunvolt like her iX-timeline counterpart.
- Mother taking over Kohaku's body is the second time in the series a version of Lola has become human, the first being Clockwork Daydream.
Luminous Avenger iX 2 | |
Main Pages | Game Page • Gallery • Soundtrack (RoRo Robotics Vox) • Credits • Story Scripts |
Team Copen | Copen • Lola • Kohaku • Null |
Boss Characters | Ypsilon • Dacite • Vespa • Autochrome • Brigade • Hail • Ace • The Creator • Mother Computer |
Other Characters | Blade • Jin • Maria • Kyota • Medium Bosses • Common Enemies |
DLC Boss Characters | Kohaku Otori • Yang Yumo • Jason Frudnick • Kurona • Kirin |
Missions | Pillar Outskirts • Volcano Block • Jungle Block • Passage to Upper Stratum • Laboratory Block • Industrial Block • Arctic Block • Space Block • Passage to Top Floor • Entrance to Top Floor • Hanging Gardens • Hanging Gardens 2 • Versus Missions and Boss Rush |
Songs | Command Prompt • Purification • Love's Sanctuary • Ready to Go! • Curiosity = Possibility! • You're Not Alone • Wordplay Magic• The New World |
Story Elements | Workers • Grave Pillar |
Gameplay Mechanics | Score and Kudos • Copen's EX Weapons • Abilities • Skills |