The Mighty Gunvolt Original Soundtrack is the OST for Mighty Gunvolt.
The CD contains twenty-one tracks that were featured in the game, including the four DLC stages, as well as several bonus tracks not used in the game.
Track List
Number | Name | Context | Length |
01 | A Long Night Begins 長き夜の始まり |
Title theme | 1:06 |
02 | A Warrior's Everyday 戦士の日常 |
Stage select | 2:16 |
03 | Azure Wings Dance in the Night 蒼翼は夜に舞う |
Train | 1:44 |
04 | Dokidoki Daily Life ドキドキ学園生活 |
School | 2:38 |
05 | The Poisonous Insects' Flower Garden 蟲毒の花園 |
Lab | 2:16 |
06 | Tenshou Prestige 天照の威光 |
Tower | 2:28 |
07 | The Unsheathing Blade 鞘抜く剣 |
Boss encounter | 1:34 |
08 | Seven Swords Battle 七宝剣戟 |
Boss battle | 1:56 |
09 | Victory 撃破 |
Stage complete | 0:09 |
10 | The Nightmare Comes 訪れる悪夢 |
Game over | 1:50 |
11 | Thunderclap Clash 雷霆衝突 |
Final boss theme (VS Zonda) | 2:28 |
12 | The Long Dawn 長き夜が明ける |
Epilogue | 2:09 |
13 | The Raging Flame Jail 猛る炎獄 |
Factory | 2:09 |
14 | The Whereabouts of Wandering Souls 廻る魂の在り処 |
Bio Lab | 2:22 |
15 | Lightning Runs Through 駆け抜ける電光 |
Highway | 2:09 |
16 | Quick Move Around 急がば回れ |
Gym | 2:01 |
17 | The Awaiting Abyss 待ち受ける深淵 |
Subaquatic Base theme remix (Unused) | 2:24 |
18 | The Greedy Magnetic Field 強欲の磁界 |
Datastore theme remix (Unused) | 2:22 |
19 | The Bewitching Nightless City 惑いし不夜街 |
Sinner's Row theme remix (Unused) | 2:57 |
20 | The Bridge Hovering in Heaven 天に浮かぶ橋 |
Firmament theme remix (Unused) | 1:56 |
21 | The Girl's Prayers 少女の祈り |
GV1 ending theme remix (Unused) | 2:52 |