Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

Dark recollections and unearthed trauma
The two must confront inescapable karma
Clad in fog of heresy, sworn enemy approaches

Karma is a mission in Azure Striker Gunvolt 3, being the second of the final ones and taking place in the stage Sunrise Palace 2.

Stage Composition[]

The main platforming element is a gauntlet of mine-filled sand waterfalls taken straight from the Desert Base level, requiring use of Arc Chain on the mines and enemies near the sand flows to advance.

Aside from the platforming elements, the highlight of the stage is a pseudo-gauntlet of bosses from previous games that are fought as a duo. The first is Jota and Viper, followed by Zonda and Tenjian. Similar to duo bosses from previous games (Elise from ASG1 and Vespa/Autochrome from LAiX2), the boss characters each have their own health bars, each representing approximately half of the total health bar in the lower corner of the screen. Aside from unleashing a combined Special Skill on the last third of their health bar, these bosses have no gimmicks like Elise's Resurrection and will not be revived by Djinn's Wish (that goes to the stage's end boss, Serpentine).

Optional Battle: Merak and Teseo[]

  • English
  • Japanese
  • Fan translation
Whether plot or trap by monk of mist

Illusion of Cyber King blocks the path
Here, in kingdom of sloth and extravagance



Are these visions a trap or a play by the monk priestess?

The cyber-king blocks everything
This is the kingdom of laziness and vanity

--Flavor text of mission Cyber Jackers

In Version 1.2.0 of the game, a third phantom fight featuring Merak and Teseo can be accessed by falling down the stage's last pit before the second hexapyle. Beating this fight unlocks it as a Secret Mission, but offers no other rewards beyond more Kudos.


Image Enemy
Serpentine Armed Idle Sprite
Serpentine "The Mystic Mist" (last boss)
Merak glaive Teseo grimoire Merak and Teseo (optional third bosses)
Tenjian grimoire Zonda m Tenjian and Zonda (second bosses)
Viper Battle Pose Jota glaive Viper and Jota (first bosses)
Green Drone
Green Drone
Sand Mine
Sand Mine
ATEMS rocket barrage soldier sprite
ATEMS Rocket Barrage Infantry
Stealth Moth
Stealth Moth
ATEMS soldier sprite
ATEMS Combatant
ATEMS homing launcher soldier sprite
ATEMS Javelin Launcher Infantry
Sand Shooter
Sand Shooter
Robo Crabbo 1
Spider Crab Orange
Down Shooter
Down Shooter
Inst mini mlrs
Poison Spewer
Poison Spewer
Robo Crabbo 2
Spider Crab Purple
Sand Laser
Sand Laser

Rank and Time Requirements[]

*May not be accurate


Rank Score
S++ 40,800,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 9:00


Rank Score
S++ 50,000,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 11:20



  • The returning bosses in this stage as of the game's release - Jota, Viper, Zonda, and Tenjian - are among the few bosses from previous games who have non-DLC Skill Image Pulses. The only others are Copen and Asimov.

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
Main Game Page (Epilogue ATEMS) • Game GallerySoundtrack (Akashic Record) • CreditsStory Scripts
Dragon Saviors KirinGunvoltLumenB.B.ShironApolloCayman
ATEMS ZedΩLaylaSistinaGraziePradoSerpentine
Other Characters MoebiusNovaAsimovMedium BossesCommon EnemiesCorvette
Phantom Bosses Jota & ViperTenjian & ZondaMerak & Teseo

Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute)Holy Night XIII (Downtown Christmas)
Cyber Daydream (Cyber-Kowloon)Pendulum Heart (Stormy Megafloat)Pride & Battle (Old Capital Temple)
Another Sun (Ballistic Missiles)
Trick Shot (Abandoned Factory)Sandstorm (Desert Base)Phantom Mist (Forest)Hot & Cold (Megafloat "Neptune")
Sunrise Palace (Sunrise Palace 1)Karma (Sunrise Palace 2)Heliacal Rising (Sunrise Palace 3)ZedΩ (Sunrise Throne)Moebius (World Moebius)
Secret MissionsD-nizer (D-nizer Mode)

New Songs Memoria of 'He'TracesErgo SumLiberatorGlass ParadiseStruggling to DreamReincarnation FatefulBoundless MythVirtue of the DawnArdent EyesCelestial Paean
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Group (Dragon Saviors) • Shadow YakumoATEMSBinding BrandsGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Image PulseScore and KudosSkills
Fan Disc Spectrum Theater