Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

"Without conviction, power is meaningless."
Jota, Justice Rage

Jota "The Prideful Silhouette" is a Sumeragi Group officer under Nova and an antagonist in Azure Striker Gunvolt, serving as the boss of the mission Minaret (Media Tower). He also appears as a supporting character in the drama CDs Justice Rage and Armed Blue Gunvolt.

Descended from a long line of soldiers, Jota originally served in the military. However, he became disillusioned with them after witnessing how ineffective they were against Adepts, promptly joining the Sumeragi Group. He is an Adept with the Septima Lightspeed, which allows him to transform into photons and manipulate light to an extent.

Website Description

  • English site
  • Japanese site

Jota is the Adept responsible for protecting the UTU Media Tower, Sumeragi’s massive communication tower used for broadcasting their propaganda all across the nation.

He possesses the Septimal power known as "Lightspeed," which allows him to attack his foes with very powerful lasers. Formerly part of the military.

Jota abandoned his military career and joined Sumeragi with the belief that joining them would be the only way to truly bring peace and restore order to the nation.

The Glaive which holds his Septimal power is known as the "Shadow Dragon."[2]



Jota is a young man with cyan, somewhat spiky hair, and green eyes, as well as a large scar on the left side of his face. He wears a standard black Sumeragi executive uniform with gold highlights, a white shirt underneath, a blue tie and a pair of brown boots. His uniform has green stripes on its shoulders similar to the uniforms of Nova and the group's top executives, indicating that Jota has a high rank. Numerous artwork depicts him wielding a katana.

In his Armed Phenomenon, Jota gains black eyes with green irises and his hair becomes more spiky and turns a light green. His scar turns green. He wears black and grey armor with green highlights. His feet also turn into jets. On his back is a white halo with detachable spearheads that also double as lasers.


Main article: Jota "The Prideful Silhouette"/Gallery


Representing the sin of Pride, Jota is characterized as being serious, stoic and formal, never seen smiling or joking about. He is also rather arrogant, boasting of his speed and battle prowess during his fight, dubbing himself "Sumeragi's shining sentinel", and looks down on others greatly, belittling his opponents for how slow they are compared to him (claiming he is "as fast as light" while his opponents are "slow as sound"). However, despite his obsession with speed, he despises hurriedly drawing to conclusions.

Jota is very patriotic, joining Sumeragi with the belief that only they could bring peace to the nation, and is also fiercely loyal to Nova, who is the only person who's presence Jota humbles himself in, and spends much of his time promoting Nova's ideals, believing the young lieutenant to have the makings of a grand leader.

Jota also seems to despise Adepts wasting their powers, and hates those who are unwilling to do anything with them. This often puts him at odds with the more pessimistic Viper. Jota also disapproves of what he considers "today's youth", despite the fact that he himself can be classed as said "youth".



Jota was born into a famed family known for producing many great soldiers. Jota was no different, and soon enlisted in the military.

However, in a mission to try and suppress adepts, he saw how powerless the Japanese army was against them, and the adepts were only stopped by the Sumeragi Group, Nova in particular.

After talking with him a few times, Jota decided to leave the army, claiming a wound made him lose his sight, and joined Sumeragi. Once there he dedicated his efforts into helping Nova consolidate his position within the conglomerate.

However, despite his change in allegiance, Jota would continue to play a major role in the National Defense alongside Nova, especially after Sumeragi took over control of the armed forces.

Jota is assigned to protecting Sumeragi's UTU Media Tower, which streams the Muse's Anthem to the nation. The streaming is likely used to find the locations of adepts in the nation.

Justice Rage

Glaive Holders

Jota, with Nova in one of Sumeragi's cars, notices his commander having a bad dream, and promptly wakes him up, the latter assuring him that he is fine. The car pulls over, and the two get out to walk to their destination.

Noting the destroyed area, Jota dubs it merely as the "remains of some past territorial war", and asks Nova to take note of this, given his high standing, and insists that Nova's ideals and the Diva Project must be pushed forward. Nova states that the Diva Project is only appeasement, and that a plan in which nobody gets hurt is ideal.

Jota then worries he was too presumptuous, but Nova reassures him of his worth. They then mention their target, the notorious gang leader Viper, whom Jota immediately disapproves of, though Nova is convinced he is worth the effort, and dismisses Jota's concerns that someone of his rank shouldn't be doing this work.

Jota listens as Nova begins explaining about Glaives, and how whenever a high-ranking adept like them uses a Glaive, it is recorded in company files. Nova then reveals that he can still use his septima without a Glaive, much to Jota's surprise, though he agrees to keep it a secret. The two then hear someone calling Viper's name, and go to investigate.

Flame and Water

Jota and Nova arrive to find Viper and a water adept from another gang in a brawl, and decide to watch as Viper quickly beats his opponent and sends him running. The gang leader then senses the two, and orders them to come out.

Despite Jota's concerns, Nova introduces them as members of Sumeragi, and offers Viper a place in the group. Viper viciously refuses, whilst Jota mutters about the "modern youth", to the formers annoyance. Eventually, Nova decides to show his power, and engages Viper in combat.

Justice & Rage


As Jota assumes, Nova effortlessly beats Viper to his knees. Viper then falls into an angry depression, asking if that was all there was to his septima. Jota replies that power with no belief has no meaning, and that he could never defeat Nova, calling Viper's power a "bluff", asking if he even knows what it's for.

This causes Viper to fly into a rant on how he never wanted his septima, prompting more insults from Jota. On Nova's intrusions however, Jota backs off, and watches as his superior unsuccessfully tries to win Viper over. Eventually, Nova gives Viper his business card, and he and Jota take their leave, leaving him with his thoughts.

Armed Blue Gunvolt

Some time prior to the events of the first game, Eden launched a terrorist attack on the nation to bring down the barrier that protects it. Gibril and Teseo launched a two-pronged assault on the UTU Media Tower. Gibril would attack the tower itself while Teseo would hack the tower's main computer. In truth, this was a cover so that their spy could infiltrate Sumeragi.

Upon receiving word of this attack, Nova orders Jota to guard the tower. Gibril and her band of soldiers arrived at the tower only to be confronted by Jota. Jota at first mistakes Gibril for a child and offers to spare her if she surrenders, expressing disgust at Eden for using child soldiers.

Angered, Gibril unveils her Septima and engages the Prideful Silhouette in a grueling battle. Before a victor could be decided, a satellite strike from Nova causes the fight to end in a draw and Gibril retreats on Tenjian's order.

After the attack, Jota and Nova have a conversation and The Prideful Silhouette apologizes for forcing him to use the Star Dragon Satellite. Nova brushes it off and commends Jota for defending the tower.

Azure Striker Gunvolt

Minaret (Media Tower)

At the onset of the story, the protagonist Gunvolt rescues the Muse from the Sumeragi Group, stopping any further broadcasting of her Anthem. As a temporary countermeasure, Sumeragi begins broadcasting propaganda through UTU Media Tower.

Media Tower

The Media Tower

In order to mitigate Sumeragi's influence on the nation, Gunvolt sets out to shut down the media tower. Upon ascending to the top of the tower to meet up with Asimov, Gunvolt encounters Jota. Standing his ground, Jota declares he will not be defeated by a traitor like Gunvolt, before transforming using his glaive and engaging his foe.

During the fight, Gunvolt calls Jota misguided, to which he replies that Sumeragi is the country's protecting light, which is why he left the military to join them. Gunvolt states that manipulating Lumen and hunting Adepts is pure insanity, but Jota claims traitors will never understand, and warns Gunvolt of his mesmerizing light, boasting of his speed. Gunvolt dully notes Jota's arrogance, to which Jota responds with even more gloating. Gunvolt just calls him all flash, but nothing else, infuriating the Prideful Silhouette. Eventually Jota is beaten and killed.

Stratosphere (Babel)

At some point in time after his demise, Jota is resurrected by Sumeragi's necromancer, Elise. He, along with Nova's other resurrected Adepts, await Gunvolt as the last defense between him, and Nova and The Muse.

As anticipated, Gunvolt ascends an Earth-to-space elevator (after killing Merak) to Sumeragi's orbital space station, Firmament, to finally topple Sumeragi. As he rides the elevator, Stratos, Jota and Viper attack him one by one in an effort to destroy him.

After Stratos is killed a final time, Jota beams in via Elise, declaring himself Gunvolt's next opponent. Forced to fight him again, Gunvolt dryly wonders if there was a sale on resurrection tech, to which Jota says is fine with him if it is for Sumeragi's noble goal.

Gunvolt asks how stripping away Adepts' freedoms is noble, but Jota just laughs in his face, claiming "freedom" is merely adulation. He says that Adepts are a ticking bomb, ready to take the world with them, going on to say how Nova is greatly concerned with Japan's future, and states he will gladly give his life once more for his country.

Soon, Jota does just that, perishing one final time as Viper takes his place as Gunvolt's foe.

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3

An illusion of Jota created by Serpentine from Gunvolt's memories appears as part of the first dual boss in Sunrise Palace 2, being partnered with an illusion of Viper. The illusions fight Kirin and Gunvolt while berating the latter over his past choices and failures, but the heroes defeat them and proceed deeper into the palace.

Other Appearances

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2

Jota appears as the boss of the Score Attack exclusive stage EX Babel.

The stage was originally released for the Nintendo 3DS version alongside EX Mysterious Manor as part of the DLC pack "Missions - Jota and Elise" for $1.99 / €1.89 / 300 Yen, and has been included by default in all ports of the game to later platforms.

Mighty Gunvolt

Jota appears as the boss of the stage Tower, with a moveset partly based on his original one.

Mighty Gunvolt Burst

Jota appears as a collectible pixel sticker as a random drop from an enemy.

Azure Striker Gunvolt: The Anime

Jota makes a cameo at the end of the OVA, surrounding Gunvolt along with the other Swordsmen (minus Merak) as a silhouette.


CnC Jota

"You are waaay too slow!" Jota is one of the characters from the first Azure Striker Gunvolt featured in the crossover roguelite card-battling RPG Card-en-Ciel, appearing as both cards and an enemy paired with Viper.

Jota's cards possess the [Convert] function, which means his normal state card is the default one in the deck and all copies will be converted into the armored version when [Convert] is triggered, and back again if [Convert] is triggered again.

Card Character Effect Cost Movement
The Prideful Silhouette Jota (Normal) 20 Break. [Convert]
(Special: 40 Break. [Convert])
3 Down
Phosphoratorium Jota (Armed Phenomenon) 20 Break. This card's Cost is 0. [Convert]
(Special: 40 Break. This card's Cost is 0. [Convert])
3 Down

Powers and Abilities

As a human attuned to the Septimal stage of the Lifewave, Jota is a powerful adept capable of harnessing the septima known as Lightspeed, which, true to its name, allows him to control photons to manipulate light, similar to how Gunvolt can manipulate electrons to control lightning. Much like Gunvolt can shift his body into electrons when performing Prevasion, Jota can shift his body into photons to move at the speed of light, potentially making him the fastest known Adept. 

However, this power isn't without it's drawbacks. When Jota is moving at light speed, his movements are simply too fast for his mind to keep up. As such, he cannot think during this time and can only move to places he has designated beforehand. Also, as he has no mass in this state, he cannot move and attack at the same time.

When activating his Glaive, Jota gains many more abilities. Jota can fly in the air at high speeds thanks to his rocket boots. In battle, Jota mainly fights with his five Photon Bits (フォトンビット)[4]. The bits can transform into guns to fire lasers at opponents and can detach and transform into drills to attack enemies directly.

Jota also fights with wrist-mounted energy blades, using them primarily in his Flash Stinger skill. Jota is also skilled in swordplay, which is reflected in his Special Skill Phosphoratorium, where he combines his Photon Bits into a gigantic blade and slashes forward, firing a wave of dark light and tearing a hole in space. However, since this skill uses up a lot of energy, it leaves Jota in a burnt-out state which subsequently makes him slower and leaves him without his Photon Bits.[5]

Boss Battle Skills

Azure Striker Gunvolt

Skill Description
Jota - Battle (1)
Luminous Rain[2]
(降リ注グ光ノ御柱ルミナスレイン,[3] Downpour of Light Pillars [Luminous Rain])
Jota's standard attack. Jota places his five laser bots at the four corners of the screen as well as an arbitrary point center-screen. The bots at the corners remain fixed in the direction they're facing, but the center bot rotates to track Gunvolt's location. Jota disappears from the screen after he has set all of the bots in place. The attack proceeds with the bots firing thin laser beams in the directions they're facing. At the conclusion of this attack, Jota reappears center-screen; at which time his bots fling themselves back onto the ring structure on his back.
  • The laser bots deal contact damage.
  • At battle phase one, the lasers always fires simultaneously.
  • Starting with battle phase two, the lasers may fire one after the other in the order in which they were placed.
Jota - Battle (2)
Calamity Ripper[2]
(災禍ノ裂槍カラミティリッパー,[3] Shredding Spears of Calamity [Calamity Ripper])
Jota's standard attack. Jota appears center-screen and shoots three laser bots in one lateral direction off-screen and two in the other direction off-screen. He then descends to the ground as the bots reappear at the sides of the screen. At the conclusion of this attack, Jota disappears from the screen as the laser bots turn into swirling lances and charge inward. The lances can be deflected if they come into contact with the Flashfield.
  • Jota's defense increases while he is using this attack.[6]
Jota - Battle (3)
Judgment Ray[2]
(煌ク断罪ノ滅光ジャッジメントレイ,[3] Glaring Condemnation of Ruinous Light [Judgement Ray])
Jota begins using this attack at battle phase two. Jota begins the attack by forming mirages of himself at a position facing Gunvolt. He proceeds by appearing in place of his mirages and fires a barrage of lasers in the direction he is facing; the attack range covers any space above or in front of him.
  • At battle phase two, his mirages' position remain fixed and so the direction of this attack is easily predictable.
  • At battle phase three, his mirages shift their positions if Gunvolt runs behind them so as to place themselves at an ideal location where Jota can attack Gunvolt.
  • Note: Gunvolt will not take contact damage from the mirages.
Jota - Battle (4)
Flash Stinger[2]
(影絶ツ閃光ノ牙フラッシュスティンガー,[3] Shadow-Severing Flash Fang [Flash Stinger])
Jota begins using this attack at battle phase two. Jota appears one side of the screen facing Gunvolt; his laser bots form a V behind him and transform into swirling lances. Jota proceeds the attack by propelling himself off-screen with a piercing forward thrust; the bots follow suit. As with the Calamity Ripper, the lances can be deflected when they come into contact with the Flashfield.
Jota - Battle (5)
(終焉ノ光刃ゼロブレイド, Light Demise Blade [Zero Blade])
Jota's special attack. It’s a powerful attack which is based on altering to his needs a quantum mechanical idea. This particular idea suggests that only what we observe through our naked eyes actually exists, and it acknowledges that “light” is what’s shaping the world. Jota controls that “light” which shapes the world and, by turning it into zero, he can tear the world/space itself. 

He appears on the edge of the screen facing Gunvolt. His laser bots then form a giant sword, which Jota then slashes overhead to create a plane of dark light that spans the entire upper-half of the screen (the tear in the world/space). Jota finishes the attack by propelling himself off-screen with a forward charge across the lower-half of the screen, damaging Gunvolt on contact.

  • Contact with the dark light inflicts the Overheat status in addition to damage.
  • Jota's defense increases while he is using this attack.[6]
  • While the attack at first glance seems unavoidable, there is a way. Gunvolt must stand to the end of the other side of Jota, and begin shooting at him while he is preparing the attack. Jota's forward charge will be slowed due to the projectiles hitting him, buying enough time for the above tear to fade, opening a small timeframe to safely jump over it. However, this method of dodging is extremely difficult to pull off and Gunvolt will only have enough time to dodge by standing at the edge of the screen opposite Jota and no closer when shooting at Jota to slow him. This is because it will still take time for the tear to fade, and if Gunvolt is any closer, Jota will be slowed by Gunvolt firing at him but not for enough time for the tear to fade before Jota hits Gunvolt.
  • There is another way to dodge the attack, removing the need to dodge Jota's charge altogether. If Gunvolt jumps over Jota at the very start of the attack, whilst the giant sword is still forming, Gunvolt can wait out the attack behind Jota thanks to a small gap between Jota and the edge of the screen (This gap was removed in his ASG2 DLC Stage). Alternatively, his tackle can be avoided by wearing the Chargeguard Pendant+ and performing a well-timed Recharge.

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 (Fighting alongside Viper)

Skill Description
Viper Jota Luminous Rain + Angry Bombs
Luminous Rain + Angry Bombs
Jota flies around the room, placing laser bots at the corners of the room and another point in the room. While this is happening, Viper slides onscreen and fires three Angry Bombs at the player that explode upon contact with the player, or when hit by attacks. Once Jota is done placing the bots, he disappears while Viper slides offscreen. The laser bots then point at the player and fire lasers, before Jota reappears onscreen and returns the laser bots to himself.

In Hard Mode, battle phase two onwards, after the attack there is a chance for Viper to jump back onscreen to the middle of the room and fire three Angry Bombs to each of his sides, before sliding back offscreen.

Viper Jota Flash Stinger
Flash Stinger
Jota appears at one side of the room and arranges his bots in a V formation behind him, while Viper appears on the other side of the room. Jota then charges across and off the room, while Viper slides across at the same time; Jota's bots then turn into swirling lances and move in the direction Jota did, while four flame pillars appear in the room.

In Hard Mode, five flame pillars appear instead. Battle phase two onwards, seven flame pillars appear instead, with six of the pillars appearing in groups of three.

Viper Jota Unicorn Drop
Unicorn Drop
Viper jumps onscreen as two flame pillars appear on both sides of the room. Viper then jumps to one pillar, jumps to the other while throwing two Angry Bombs downward in midair, then does another jump while throwing one Angry Bomb straight down in midair, before jumping upwards and offscreen. As the flame pillars disappear, Jota appears with his laser bots aimed over and firing downwards over the half of the room he's not in, before Viper drops down on the player's position with a Volcanic Axe Kick.

In Hard Mode, Viper fires four bombs on the first jump, and five bombs on the second jump instead. Jota's laser bots instead fire in X formations throughout the room, and when Viper axe kicks, he throws up four fireballs around him. Battle phase two onward, there is also a chance for Jota to appear at the center of the room, with his laser bots firing outwards in five directions three times.

Viper Jota Incandescent Blade 1
Viper Jota Incandescent Blade 2
Incandescent Blade
(プロミネンスブレイド, Prominence Blade)
Viper and Jota's combined Special Skill. Two flame pillars appear at the sides of the screen. Viper charges into and jumps off the flame pillars, firing two fireballs behind him as he does, until he reaches the top middle of the room, where Jota surrounds him with his laser bots. Viper then, while surrounded by flames, fires spreads of fireballs outwards repeatedly, while Jota's laser bots also fire in five ways; first in five directions outward, then aimed at the player, then in another five directions outwards, then over half the room, then over the other half. Viper then flies off and reappears in the other side of the room, where he jumps up and hovers, charging up heat, while Jota appears at the other side of the room and forms his laser bots into a giant sword. Jota takes aim at the player, indicated by a transparent laser coming from his sword, before firing a large purple tear which restricts the player's movement in the direction he was aiming. Viper then flies upwards offscreen, before dropping back down on the player with an axe kick, making two flame pillars appear to each of his sides.

In Hard Mode, Viper's spreads of fireballs are wider, and he unleashes more flame pillars when axe kicking.

Mighty Gunvolt

Attacks Description
MGV Jota CalamityRipper
Calamity Ripper[2]
(災禍ノ裂槍カラミティリッパー,[3] Shredding Spears of Calamity [Calamity Ripper])
Jota appears in the center of the arena alongside five laser bots to the left and right of the arena; Three on one side, and two on the other. He moves down to ground level before disappearing, and the bots drill toward the center. Their course can be changed by shooting them, but Beck is also able to slide to avoid the attack.
MGV Jota LuminousRain2
MGV Jota LuminousRain
Luminous Rain[2]
(降リ注グ光ノ御柱ルミナスレイン,[3] Downpour of Light Pillars [Luminous Rain])
Jota appears and places down a laser bot on his current position, then slowly moves to each of the four corners of the screen and places a laser bot in each one. Then, one by one, the laser bots begin shooting elongated beams toward the center of the arena.
MGV Jota FlashStinger
Flash Stinger[2]
(影絶ツ閃光ノ牙フラッシュスティンガー,[3] Shadow-Severing Flash Fang [Flash Stinger])
Jota's special skill, he only begins using this attack after having lost half of his health. Jota appears in one end of the screen alongside three laser bots placed in an inverted spike pattern. Jota rushes forward, and soon after the three laser bots drill in the same direction.

Boss Battle Voices

Azure Striker Gunvolt

Translation English Romaji Japanese
Luminous Rain Hmph... Light of mine! Fuu... Hikari yo! ふっ… 光よ!
Calamity Ripper Be cut to shreds!
Calamity Ripper!
Dansai se yo!
Karamiti Rippaa!
Judgment Ray You shan't escape!
Disappear within this light!
Nigashi wa sen!
Hikari ni kie yo!
Flash Stinger I'll cut you down! Flash Stinger! Kirifuseru!
Furasshu Sutingaa!
Phosphoratorium I'll end this here... Zero Blade!(Phosphoratorium!)
Even light itself, can break!
We're not done yet! Haaaah...!
Owaraseru...! Zero Bureido!
Hikari sura hadan seyo!
Mada da! Haaaaa!
1st Phase Down My light has been blocked... Hikari naki mono ga... 光無き者が……
2nd Phase Down ... by a lightless being! Hikari wo saegiru ka...! 光を遮るか…!
Defeated Ugh...!
Let there be light!!!
Uu! Hikari areeeeee! うっ!光あれぇぇーーっ!

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 (Fighting alongside Viper)


Event English Romaji Japanese
Luminous Rain + Angry Bombs Jota: Hmph...

Viper: Hah! There, there, theeere!

Jota: Light!

(Extra attack) Viper: Hah! There, there, theeere!


Haa! Oraoraoraaa!

Hikari yo!

(Extra attack) Haa! Oraoraoraaa!




(Extra attack) ハァッ!オラオラオラァッ!

Flash Stinger Jota: I'll cut you down! Flash Stinger!

Viper: Hyahah!

Kirifuseru! Furasshu Sutingaa!

Hyaa haa!



Unicorn Drop Viper: Hah! Ti! Ti!

Jota: Be cut to shreds!

Viper: I'll kick and crush you! Theeeere!

(Extra attack) Jota: Disappear within this light!

Haa! Ti! Ti!

Dansai se yo!

Keritsubusuu! Deyaaa!

(Extra attack) Hikari ni kie yo!




(Extra attack) 光に消えよ!

Incandescent Blade Viper: Theeeere! I'm pissed!

Jota: I'll end this here...!

Viper: Incandescent...

Jota: ...Blade! Hmph...

Viper: Burn to a crisp!

Jota: You shan't escape! Break even light itself! Haaaah!

Viper: Hyahah! Theeeere!

Deyaaa! Kireta ze!



...Bureido! Fuu...

Kogetsuki na!

Nigashi wa sen! Hikari sura hadan seyo! Haaaaa!

Hyaa haa! Deyaaa!








1st Phase Down Viper: I'll turn you to cinders!

Jota: You lightless being...!

Keshizumi ni nari yagare!

Hikari naki mono ga...!



2nd Phase Down Viper: Not even dust will remain of you!

Jota: How dare you block my light!

Chiri sura nokosanee!

Hikari wo saegiru ka!




Event Voice
Luminous Rain + Angry Bombs Jota: Hmph.

Viper: Hu! Die, die, die!

Jota: Light up!

(Extra attack) Viper: Hu! Die die die!

Flash Stinger Jota: I'll cut you down. Flash Stinger!

Viper: Hahaha!

Unicorn Drop Viper: Dyah! Hu! Hu! Hu!

Jota: Fall to shreds.

Viper: I'll crush you! Huah!

(Extra attack) Jota: Disappear into light!

Incandescent Blade Viper: Dyah! Now I'm pissed!

Jota: Allow me to end this!

Viper: Incandescent...

Jota: Blade! Hmph!

Viper: This one's scorching!

Jota: There's no escape. The light will purge you! Haaah!

Viper: Hyahaha! Huah!

1st Phase Down Viper: I'll burn you to cinders!

Jota: These unenlightened...

2nd Phase Down Viper: You won't even leave ash behind!

Jota: You dare block the light?!

Special Skill Chants


  • English
  • Japanese
  • English fan translation
  • Korean (with Eng tl)

Blade within whose wake
Light declares us all condemned
Before we flicker out


Gathering afterglow, shining blades...
Sparkle of light that announces the demise...
Tear the horizon and return to nothingness...

남아 있는 빛으로 빛을 내는 검.
종말을 알리는 빛의 반짝임.
지평을 갈라 무의 세계로 돌려보낸다.
The afterglow gathers, and the blade shines.
Its sparkle declares the demise,
It shall tear the horizon and return anything to void!

Incandescent Blade:

  • English
  • Japanese
  • English fan translation

Dragon given life by sun's essence
Scarlet light of noble rage
Forge a sword to burn all away


Nuclear heat dragon come from the sun
Prideful angry red light
Become the end blade to burn and cut everything


"My men warned me about a lightning wielding Adept. Seems like that was you. This is as far as you go, Gunvolt! I am Jota. Sumeragi's shining sentinel, defender of our nation's glory! This tower is a gallant symbol that spreads our message far and wide... I will not be defeated by traitorous scum like you!"
Jota , meeting Gunvolt

"Sumeragi is the shining light that keeps this country safe! That's why I left the military and joined up with them! All for the glory and protection of my homeland!
Jota , fighting Gunvolt

"Traitors like you will never understand. Prepare to be mesmerized... And blinded by my ultra high speed righteous light! They say the speed of light is pretty fast! But my light is even faster!
Jota , boasting of his speed

"That's some big talk... However! You are waaay too slow, Gunvolt! You'll never be able to keep up with me!"
Jota , continuing to gloat

"Not so fast... I'll be your next opponent!"
Jota , after his resurrection

"If it's for Sumeragi's noble cause, then that's fine with me!"
Jota , fighting Gunvolt once more

"Freedom...? Ha, nonsense!! 'Freedom' is what an enemy nation brings to the country it defeats!! It's just foolish adulation! Not that traitorous scum like you would understand! Adepts are like a bomb that is about to explode. This nation, no! This world is in peril! How many dangerous things do we face now?! Master Nova is in great distress over the future of our nation. If it's for my country, I will gladly give my life once again! I am light! I will illuminate this nation's future! I shall be it's sentinel! Trash like you who block out the light cast a dark shadow on us all! Drown in my radiance!
Jota , explaining the danger facing the nation

Creator Comments

Designer Comments

Source: Armed Blue: Gunvolt Complete Works

  • English fan translation
  • Japanese

Taking into account this character’s age, his “setting” of an ex-military is a bit forced yet, when I began his design, I had an image of him being around his mid 20s. His motif is the sin of pride and so I had in mind that he’d have a very prideful feeling to him and a fastidiousness of never recognizing anything that didn’t match with his sense of values. In the previous drafts he’d been an older guy but I changed him to have a younger image. His post-transformation form has radially aligned bits on his back which are based on the image of the peacock’s tail feathers. He’s the “leader” guy amongst the 7 bosses and so I was conscious of making him have a bossy silhouette to him when all of the 7 (bosses) were lined up (together).

-- Yoshitaka Hatakeyama


-- 畠山義崇

Scenario Writer Comments

Source: Justice Rage

The boss that represents arrogance. He might not feel like it, but pushing ideals into others is arrogance. Or at least that’s my image of it. When making the game, we had an odd competition between staff to see how much we could twist the tasks we each had (gluttony was a skinny skeleton, lust was bi-gender, envy had you balance your behavior towards them else it meant trouble, etc, etc). In terms of powers, his movements are so fast, like the speed of light, and when seen from others’, he looks like he’s just warping around. GV also had that impression and taunts him by calling “flashy and sparkly” during the battle. That’s not it! That’s not all there’s to him! He’s very fast! He simply happens to stop during attacks! I personally think that his difficulty was a good point of compromise in the game? Or so I think.''

-- Toshiaki Tai

Musical Themes

Title Context Composer Audio
Monolithic Pride
(天照の威光, Amaterasu's Glory)
Jota's theme, and the Media Tower stage BGM. Ryo Kawakami
Monolithic Pride
(天照の威光, Amaterasu's Glory)
8-bit remix used in the Mighty Gunvolt stage Tower. Ryo Kawakami

Track notes by sound designer Ryo Kawakami:[7]

  • Monolithic Pride

The theme track of Jota "The Prideful Silhouette", that plays in the Grand Radio Tower Amaterasu (English version: "UTU Media Tower"). I tried to fill it with the image of swiftly climbing the tower as well as the rapidly exchanging radio waves while also adding a sense of someone who believes they’re right, without doubting, someone “bossy” or “stubborn”. Since Jota is a former Army soldier I also tried to add a bit of a military theme to it, too.

Phrases of the track were used for Isola's stage theme in Luminous Avenger iX due to her stage, Radio Tower "Artemis", being a "sibling tower".[8] (In the Japanese version her stage is named after the Shinto moon god Tsukuyomi, who is Amaterasu's brother)


  • The Sumeragi Seven are based on the seven deadly sins and an animal that represents it. Jota represents pride and is based on the peacock. Jota's light powers, bits arranged like a star, and being in charge of a tower named after a sun goddess also allude to the demon associated with the sin of pride--Lucifer. This is similar to Merak and Stratos referencing Belphegor and Beelzebub, respectively.
  • Following the naming scheme of most Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 characters, Jota's name presumably comes from the Lamborghini Miura Jota.
  • In the Japanese version, Jota's Glaive, Koryū Kagemitsu (named Shadow Dragon on the official English GV1 site), is a real historical sword currently in possession of the Tokyo National Museum, and was created by Osafune Kagemitsu in 1322.
  • Despite pride being considered the most serious of sins and Jota being designed as the "leader" of the Swordsmen, the status of the strongest among them almost certainly goes to Zonda, who represents lust, which is ironically considered the least serious of the seven deadly sins.
  • During battle, Jota will only appear on-screen to initiate, perform, or conclude an attack. He shares this trait with Stratos.
  • Jota is one of the two adept bosses that can be fought in the demo; the other is Viper. Both of their missions were briefed with Asimov, and both of them proceeded to appear together on several occasions, including the drama CD Justice Rage and a dual boss battle in Azure Striker Gunvolt 3.
  • Official artwork frequently depicts Jota with a katana, suggesting that he is skilled in the art of swordplay.
  • Jota and Elise are the only Swordsmen whose primary colour schemes are not traditionally associated with their respective sins. Pride is typically associated with purple, while Jota is primarily green, ironically associated with envy. Elise shares the same situation, but reversed.
    • However, his attacks do take the form of a purple-tinged light.
  • Jota's arrogant personality, swordsmanship, green color scheme, and flight capabilities could be a reference to both Hivolt and Aeolus from Mega Man ZX and ZX Advent, respectively. The former also shoots purple laser beams.



Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 Navigation

Azure Striker Gunvolt 1
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (Azure Phosphorescence) • CreditsStory Scripts
QUILL and co. GunvoltJoule (Lumen) • AsimovZenoMoniqa
Boss Characters NovaMerakJotaViperCarreraEliseStratos | Copen
Other Characters ZondaRomeoMinor CharactersMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Main Missions Anthem (1st Sumeragi)Abyss (Subaquatic Base)Minaret (Media Tower)Conflagration (Biochem Plant)Spintronics (Datastore)Underworld (Stratacombs)Garden (Pharma Lab)Kaleidoscape (Sinner's Row)
Final and Special Missions Hostage (Urban Run)Streak (Eridu)Stratosphere (Babel)Idolatry (Firmament) / Azure (Firmament) | Special Missions
Songs Beyond the BlueReincarnationNebulous ClockAzure DoorPain from the PastScorching JourneyRouge ShimmerA Zip to the MoonSakura EfflorescenceEternal BlueCyanotype
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi GroupQUILLGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Score and Kudos (Secrets) • Equipment (Materials) • SkillsChristmas Mode
Fan Discs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy Kingdom

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 Navigation

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
Main Pages GameGallerySoundtrack (Azure Trance -Into the Blue-Electro Rotation) • CreditsStory Scripts
Team Gunvolt GunvoltJouleQuinnXiao
Team Copen CopenLolaMytylNori
Boss Characters ZondaTenjianGibrilMilasTeseoDesnaAsrocGhauriPlasma LegionShovel Knight (Amiibo)
Other Characters Minor CharactersMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Score Attack Bosses CarreraMerakJotaEliseViperStratos
Gunvolt Missions Infiltrator (Seraph Interior)Aggressor (Downtown)Luminescence (Mysterious Manor)Effusion (The Sewers)Virtuality (Data Facility)Icebound (Frozen City)Crossroads (Prism Highway)
Copen Missions Chimera (Downtown)Raveled (Babel)Puppeteer (Isle of Dreams)Prism (Prism Highway)Icebound (Frozen City)Forfeit (The Sewers)
Final and Special Missions Eden (The Garden 1)Inferno (The Garden 2)Savior (The Garden 3)Prayer (The Garden 4) | Secret Missions | EX The SewersEX Data FacilityEX BabelEX Mysterious ManorEX Isle of DreamsEX Prism HighwayEX DowntownEX Frozen City
Songs Indigo DestinyIgniterReincarnation AlternativeA Flash of AzureMulti-UniverseIoliteVast CircleStratosphere (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsEdenSumeragi GroupGrimoires
Gameplay Mechanics Score and Kudos (Secrets) • Equipment (Materials) • SkillsCopen's EX Weapons
Fan Discs Clockwork DaydreamEden's Party

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 Navigation

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
Main Game Page (Epilogue ATEMS) • Game GallerySoundtrack (Akashic Record) • CreditsStory Scripts
Dragon Saviors KirinGunvoltLumenB.B.ShironApolloCayman
ATEMS ZedΩLaylaSistinaGraziePradoSerpentine
Other Characters MoebiusNovaAsimovMedium BossesCommon EnemiesCorvette
Phantom Bosses Jota & ViperTenjian & ZondaMerak & Teseo

Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute)Holy Night XIII (Downtown Christmas)
Cyber Daydream (Cyber-Kowloon)Pendulum Heart (Stormy Megafloat)Pride & Battle (Old Capital Temple)
Another Sun (Ballistic Missiles)
Trick Shot (Abandoned Factory)Sandstorm (Desert Base)Phantom Mist (Forest)Hot & Cold (Megafloat "Neptune")
Sunrise Palace (Sunrise Palace 1)Karma (Sunrise Palace 2)Heliacal Rising (Sunrise Palace 3)ZedΩ (Sunrise Throne)Moebius (World Moebius)
Secret MissionsD-nizer (D-nizer Mode)

New Songs Memoria of 'He'TracesErgo SumLiberatorGlass ParadiseStruggling to DreamReincarnation FatefulBoundless MythVirtue of the DawnArdent EyesCelestial Paean
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Group (Dragon Saviors) • Shadow YakumoATEMSBinding BrandsGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Image PulseScore and KudosSkills
Fan Disc Spectrum Theater

Mighty Gunvolt Navigation

Mighty Gunvolt
Playable Characters GunvoltBeckEkoro
Bosses ViperMr. Demon Plant Jr.StratosJotaZonda
PyrogenEliseBrandishMr. Happiness
Stages TrainSchoolLabTowerMirror
FactoryBio LabHighwayGym
Misc. Mighty Gunvolt Original Soundtrack