Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

Indigo Destiny (藍の運命 Ai no Unmei) is a song by both Joule/Lumen and Lola. A duet performed by both also serves as the true final boss theme of Azure Striker Gunvolt 2. Due to the song's prominence, it is generally regarded as the main theme of Gunvolt 2, though no known official source refers to it as such.

A remix of the Joule/Lumen version was made for the Morpho Song Re-Collection -2018 Remix- album included as a bonus with the Armed Blue: Gunvolt Complete Works.

It is one of the 15 songs included by default in GUNVOLT RECORDS Cychronicle, and the only one of them from Azure Striker Gunvolt 2.

According to sound producer Ippo Yamada, only the one chorus version of the duet included in the Armed Blue Gunvolt: Sou Soundtrack game soundtrack exists.[1]


No. Songs Duration Audio
01 Indigo Destiny (Joule/Lumen) 4:41
02 Indigo Destiny (Joule/Lumen ~ Karaoke ver.) 4:41
03 Indigo Destiny (Joule/Lumen ~ Game-loop ver.) 1:42
04 Indigo Destiny (2018 Remix) 4:40
05 Indigo Destiny (Lola) 4:36
06 Indigo Destiny (Lola ~ Karaoke ver.) 4:40
07 Indigo Destiny (Lola ~ Game loop ver.) 1:42
08 Indigo Destiny (Duet ver.) 3:00


  • Japanese
  • Romaji
  • English fan translation

空が落ちて 騒ぎ出した 世界の片隅で
静かに藍を織りなす糸 生命縫い止めて

いまこうして 生まれ変わる ふたりの運命は
たとえ苦しんでも 今は見えなくても

熱を帯びて 壊れた町は
昼と夜の 狭間をぼか
あの日 君は 右手を掲げ
高く振った 見え無くなるまで

彷徨い 悩んで 辿り着いた在り処
現世うつしよ の幻影
飛ばせ 消えゆく果てへ

撃ち抜いた暗黒も 忘れ去り 眠れ

いま再び 巡り会えた 世界の傍らで
いつかは藍に変わるからと 空を抱きとめて

またこうして 走り出した ふたりの運命は
たとえ失っても いまは遠すぎても

めくるめいた 記憶 咲いて
螺旋 描き 鮮やかになる
いつか 還る 時は 来るの
雫 落ちて 波紋のように 広がってゆく

扉 開け放ち 駆け出した 鼓動
すべて 透き通る そして 終焉の日
輝く礎の導き 遥か

風が吹いて 季節は巡り
過去と現在いまの 隙間を隠す
あの日 君は 何も言えずに
背中見せて 歩いて行ったの

往き交い 迷って 誘われ来た在り処
飛ばせ 凍てつく果てへ

撃ち抜いた 暗黒も
泣き濡れた 善悪も
括られた 怒りさえ
忘れ去り 眠れ

永遠より長い今を 世界は思い出す
染め抜く藍を見つけるのは 空を渡る歌

まだこうして 光褪せぬ
きっと響き渡る ずっと離さないで

口を 閉ざす 種も やがて
海を 渡り 辿り着くはず
いつか 分かる 時が 来るわ
夜を 照らし 覚悟のように 咲き誇る藍


Sora ga ochite sawagidashita sekai no katasumi de
Shizuka ni ai wo orinasu ito inochi nuitomete
Ima koushite umarekawaru
Futari no unmei wa
Kuchihate kieyuku sono hi made
Tatoe kurushindemo ima wa mienakute mo

Netsu wo obite kowareta machi wa
Hiru to yoru no hazama wo kasa bokasu
Ano hi kimi wa migite wo kakage
Takaku futta mie nakunaru made

Samayoi nayande tadori tsuita arika
Utsushi yo no genei
Tobase kie yuku hate e
Uchinuita ankoku mo
Wasuresari nemure

Ima futatabi meguriaeta sekai no katawara de
Itsuka wa ai ni kawaru kara to sora wo dakitomete
Mata koushite hashiridashita
Futari no unmei wa
Kuchihate kieyuku sono hi made
Tatoe ushinatte mo ima wa too sugite mo

Mekuru meita kioku saite rasen egaki azayaka ni naru
Itsuka kaeru toki wa kuru no shizuku ochite hamon no you ni

Tobira akehanachi kakedashita kodou
Subete sukitooru soshite shuuen no hi
Kagayaku ishizue no
Michibiki haruka

Kaze ga fuite kisetsu wa meguri
Kako to ima no sukima wo kakusu
Ano hi kimi wa nani mo iezu ni
Senaka misete aruite itta no

Yukikai mayotte sasoware kita arika
Utsushi yo no genei
Tobase itetsuku hate e

Uchinuita ankoku mo
Nakinureta zenaku mo
Kukurareta ikari sae
Wasuresari nemure

Eien yori nagai ima wo sekai wa omoidasu
Somenuku ai wo mitsukeru no wa sora wo wataru uta
Mada koushite hikari asenu
Futari no unmei wa
Kuchihate kieyuku sono hi sae
Kitto hibiki wataru
Zutto hanasanaide

Kuchi wo tozasu tane mo yagate
Umi wo watari tadori tsuku hazu
Itsuka wakaru toki ga kuru wa
Yoru wo terashi kakugo no you ni
Sakihokoru ai

Sakihokoru ai…

The skies fall, there’s a fuss, and, at a corner of the world…
A string silently weaves the indigo and is sewing life itself…

Their fates, which are being reborn as we speak…
Will continue until the day that they decay and vanish…
Even if I’m suffering and I can’t see them now…

The city that broke apart bathed by heat…
Shades the gap between morning and night…
On that day… You raised your right hand…
You swung it at a great height until I lost sight of it…

I wandered and worried until I reached this place…
An illusion of the real world…
Send it flying to the vanishing ends of the world…

Forget the darkness you shot through and sleep…
We meet once again at the world’s side…
I hug the skies because one day they’ll turn into indigo…

Their fates have begun to run as we speak…
Will continue until the day that they decay and vanish…
Even if I lose you and even if you’re too far away…

The swinging memories bloom…
The spiral drawing becomes vivid…
One day I will be able to go back…
Droplets fall and spread like ripples…

The door opens the pulsations rush out from it…
All becomes transparent and the day of the demise comes…
The glowing cornerstone’s guidance takes us far, far away…

The wind blows and the seasons go around…
They hide the gap between past and real world (present)…
On that day… You wordlessly
…showed me your back and walked away…

I got lured here after wandering and coming and going…
An illusion of the real world…
Send it flying to the freezing ends of the world…

The darkness you shot through…
The good and evil that made me cry…
And the constricted anger…
Forget them all and sleep…

The world remembers a “present” longer than “eternity”…
A song that crosses over the skies finds the stained indigo…

The light isn’t fading as of yet…
Their fates…
Even in the day that they fade away and vanish…
They’ll surely keep on echoing… Never let go of me…

The mouth doesn’t shut, and the seeds will eventually…
Cross over the seas and reach their destination…
One day you will understand it…
The indigo blooms and illuminates the nights just like one’s readiness…

The indigo blooms…

Game Role

In Azure Striker Gunvolt 2

The duet version of Indigo Destiny serves as the true final boss theme in Prayer (The Garden 4), with Mytyl's awakening triggering Lumen and Lola to sing in harmony.

In Mighty Gunvolt Burst

Joule indigo destiny sticker

Indigo Destiny appears in Mighty Gunvolt Burst as one of Joule's bullet types. It fires two diagonal bullets which home in on the nearest target. It is represented by pixel sticker No.172.



Song Navigation

Songs in the Azure Striker Gunvolt and Luminous Avenger iX series
Azure Striker Gunvolt Beyond the BlueReincarnationNebulous ClockAzure DoorPain from the PastScorching JourneyRouge ShimmerA Zip to the MoonSakura EfflorescenceEternal BlueCyanotype
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 Indigo DestinyReincarnation AlternativeIgniterA Flash of AzureMulti-UniverseIoliteVast CircleStratosphere (DLC)
Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 Memoria of 'He'TracesErgo SumLiberatorGlass ParadiseStruggling to DreamReincarnation FatefulBoundless MythVirtue of the DawnArdent EyesCelestial Paean
Luminous Avenger iX Luminous PromiseIgniterBeyond ProbabilityChronicle of Our LivesOriginal ChordKindled SpiritsResonating HeartsCountdown: 3-2-1-0Inner AlarmSearchlightRaison d'Etre (DLC)
Luminous Avenger iX 2 Command PromptPurificationLove's SanctuaryReady to Go!Curiosity = Possibility!You're Not AloneWordplay MagicThe New World
Striker Pack Parallel WorldTabula RasaLast Station
GUNVOLT RECORDS Cychronicle Melodic WingsAfsānSparkling Elation
Drama CDs The OneFind Out! ~ Compass of Hope ~Full Throttle Cheer
Anime Last WishWorld's EndAzure SkyReality
Butterfly's Journey (Album) SignDrops of OblivionSand TriggerParadox StageParapegmaTwilight SkylineFinal StationLullaby

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 Navigation

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
Main Pages GameGallerySoundtrack (Azure Trance -Into the Blue-Electro Rotation) • CreditsStory Scripts
Team Gunvolt GunvoltJouleQuinnXiao
Team Copen CopenLolaMytylNori
Boss Characters ZondaTenjianGibrilMilasTeseoDesnaAsrocGhauriPlasma LegionShovel Knight (Amiibo)
Other Characters Minor CharactersMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Score Attack Bosses CarreraMerakJotaEliseViperStratos
Gunvolt Missions Infiltrator (Seraph Interior)Aggressor (Downtown)Luminescence (Mysterious Manor)Effusion (The Sewers)Virtuality (Data Facility)Icebound (Frozen City)Crossroads (Prism Highway)
Copen Missions Chimera (Downtown)Raveled (Babel)Puppeteer (Isle of Dreams)Prism (Prism Highway)Icebound (Frozen City)Forfeit (The Sewers)
Final and Special Missions Eden (The Garden 1)Inferno (The Garden 2)Savior (The Garden 3)Prayer (The Garden 4) | Secret Missions | EX The SewersEX Data FacilityEX BabelEX Mysterious ManorEX Isle of DreamsEX Prism HighwayEX DowntownEX Frozen City
Songs Indigo DestinyIgniterReincarnation AlternativeA Flash of AzureMulti-UniverseIoliteVast CircleStratosphere (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsEdenSumeragi GroupGrimoires
Gameplay Mechanics Score and Kudos (Secrets) • Equipment (Materials) • SkillsCopen's EX Weapons
Fan Discs Clockwork DaydreamEden's Party