Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

"Fuwaa~ Could you...keep it down just a bit? It's hard to sleep with so much noise~"
Hail, Luminous Avenger iX 2 [2]

Hail is one of the special Workers known as the Gravekeepers tasked with defending the Grave Pillar from intruders. She is the boss of the mission Arctic Block.

Defeating Hail grants the EX Weapon Cryo-Flash, which slows down time, and can freeze it entirely around locked on normal enemies and one boss.

Website Description[]

  • English
  • Japanese

Hail is a "chill" Worker who tends to take things at her own slow pace. However, contrary to her leisurely personality and manner of speaking, Hail's fierce ice attacks take no prisoners.

As she has been in service nearly as long as Dacite, Hail has also fought against humans in the distant past. Unlike Dacite however, she has never given it much thought.

Hail enjoys finding quiet places to sleep. She has had an abundance of free time since humanity's demise, so she now finds the deepest corners of the Arctic Block for her naps.[2]



Hail is a female Worker who sports a crown, a veil cape, a pair of figure skates, and very pale skin.


Main article: Hail/Gallery


Arctic Block[]

Arctic Block

Hail is encountered by Copen and Lola in the Grave Pillar's upper stratum Arctic Block. Awoken by their presence, Hail asks them to keep it down. Copen identifies her as a Gravekeeper, and Hail briefly ponders the term, remembering that's what Workers on the outside call them. She confirms her identity as the sector's administrator. Despite knowing it's probably pointless to ask, Copen questions if she'd be willing to just hand over her bulkhead key and avoid a fight. Hail of course refuses, states that defeating intruders like him is her mission, and attacks. She is destroyed and the key is retrieved.

Hanging Gardens[]

Later in the Hanging Gardens, a rebuilt Hail confronts Copen, being the second Gravekeeper he faces there. She comments on the beauty of the area, and how because the blocks in the tower are so far apart it's her first time working with everyone. She again fights Copen and Lola and is destroyed.

Hail's ultimate fate is unclear, as it is possible the maintenance system will rebuild her again. While a blackout occurs and some machines in the Hanging Gardens begin shutting down after Mother's destruction, it is not known if this affects the tower below as well, and in the Hard Mode ending no such blackout is shown occurring.


Boss Battle Skills[]

Skill Description
Hail Cold Ring
Cold Ring[2]
Hail fires a ring of ice to freeze Copen in place. It also deflects attacks, making it a defensive move as well.
Hail Snow Spike
Snow Spike[2]
Hail fires a crystallized ice projectile after a large jump. It forms a spike of ice that remains after impact.
Hail Frost Javelin
Frost Javelin[2]
Hail creates a blade of ice around herself, turning her body into a weapon with this falling attack. At lower HP, she will also disperse a wave of ice around her.
Hail Ice Mountain
Ice Mountain[2]
Hail uses her frosty breath to create a giant mountain of ice. She then rams into it, sending it gliding off-screen.
Hail Frozen Bits
Frozen Bits[2]
(フリーズビット, Freeze Bit)[3]
Bits form in the air to fire ice bullets downward. On Normal Mode, each bit fires a single bullet one after another, while on Hard, the bits fire simultaneously 3 times.
Hail Frigid Stasis
Frigid Stasis
(スタグネーションワールド, Stagnation World)
Hail turns invincible and fires a curtain of ice bullets. Her Cryo-Flash is activated during the attack, slowing time and causing confusion for Copen. On Hard Mode, Hail ends this attack with a powered-up Frost Javelin, and ice spikes in between the bits fall down.

Boss Battle Voices[]


Event Translated Romaji Japanese
Cold Ring It’s in vain. Muda desu. 無駄です
Snow Spike Freeze. Kotte. 凍って
Frost Javelin Yah! There! Yaa! Yoisho! やあ!よいしょ!
Ice Mountain Fuuuu.... Fuuuu.... ふう〜
Frozen Bits Let's sleep. Nemuri mashou. 眠りましょう
Frigid Stasis This is my trump card... Frigid Stasis! This’ll hurt. Freeze. Stay still... How was that? Oh, myyy!
(Hard Mode) There! Oh, myyy!
Totte oki desu... Sutagunēshon Wārudo! Itai desu yoo. Furiizu. Ugokanai dee... Dou deshita? Araa!
(Hard Mode) Yoisho! Araa!
とっておきです… スタグネーションワールド! 痛いですよ〜 フリーズ ! 動かないで〜 どうでした? あら!
(Hard Mode) よいしょ!あら〜
1st Phase Down I’m sleepy~ Tsukare chaimashitaa... 疲れちゃいました~
2nd Phase Down I can’t bear it anymore~ Mo dame desu~ もうだめです~
Defeated Ah! Good night… Oyasumi nasai... お休みなさい...


Event Voice
Cold Ring
Give up!
Snow Spike
Frost Javelin
This is for you!
Ice Mountain
Frozen Bits
It's naptime!
Frigid Stasis
This one's extra frosty... Frigid Stasis! These hurt, you know! Freeze! These hurt, you know! Now, stay still! How was that? Oh, my!
(Hard Mode) Chaa! Oh, my!
1st Phase Down
I'm getting tired...
2nd Phase Down
This is not good...!
Aaaaargh! Sweet dreams...

Musical Themes[]

Title Context Composer Audio
Sleeping in the Frost and Snow
Arctic Block stage BGM, and Hail's theme. Yusuke Sakai
Laix2booklet p5-6

Track notes:[4]

  • Sleeping in the Frost and Snow

It’s the track of the Arctic Block and Hail’s theme. It’s a severe tune which makes you think of blowing blizzards, but the melody itself is softly, kind and sleepy as an atmosphere. You can feel the taste of getting lost in the snowy mountains by listening to it. That part where the rhythm suddenly stops during the middle of the track is because it depicts the image of the “Time Freezer” (Cryo-Flash).


Cryosphere's early concept art
  • Given the Workers' resemblance to the Mighty Numbers, as the ice wielding second oldest Gravekeeper Hail is likely based on Mighty No. 2, Cryosphere. More specifically, her basis is likely the original figure skater concept for Cryosphere that was scrapped.
  • As Luminous Avenger iX2 bosses are named after bike-related products,[5] Hail is presumably named after the bicycle Liv Hail.
  • Hail shares several similarities with Dacite. Both are the oldest Gravekeepers, have fought humans in the past, have contrasting powers (ice and fire), oversee contrasting blocks (ice mountain Arctic vs Volcano), have primilary purple color schemes, and are entrusted with Purple Keys.
  • Hail being able to stop time at full power is similar to Tenjian, another ice wielder who is said to be able to freeze even abstract concepts, including time, when sacrificing his life to use his SP Skill Seven Slashes.
  • Hail being a time manipulating figure skater is similar to the scrapped early Gunvolt 2 concept of Ghauri having a time Septima.
  • Hail bears many similarities with Genshin Impact's Ganyu. Both have an affinity for the ice element, both are prone to long sleep sessions and both share the same English voice actress.


  1. Volcano Block/Scripts. Dacite mentions it's been centuries since there was an intrusion like Copen's, and Hail is the only other Gravekeeper who's fought humans.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 English website
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Japanese site
  4. Luminous Avenger iX2 Soundtrack
  5. Summer Games Done Quick 2022, Benja's iX2 run. Former localization director Matt Papa is asked if the naming theme of iX2 bosses is bikes and motorcycles, and confirms it.

Luminous Avenger iX 2 Navigation[]

Luminous Avenger iX 2
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Robotics Vox)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuNull
Boss Characters YpsilonDaciteVespaAutochromeBrigadeHailAceThe CreatorMother Computer
Other Characters BladeJinMariaKyotaMedium BossesCommon Enemies
DLC Boss Characters Kohaku OtoriYang YumoJason FrudnickKuronaKirin
Missions Pillar OutskirtsVolcano BlockJungle BlockPassage to Upper StratumLaboratory BlockIndustrial BlockArctic BlockSpace BlockPassage to Top FloorEntrance to Top FloorHanging GardensHanging Gardens 2Versus Missions and Boss Rush
Songs Command PromptPurificationLove's SanctuaryReady to Go!Curiosity = Possibility!You're Not AloneWordplay MagicThe New World
Story Elements WorkersGrave Pillar
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills