Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

"I... r-remember now... I... We..."
Elise, Azure Striker Gunvolt

Elise "The Eternal Envy" is a Sumeragi Group prisoner and major antagonist in Azure Striker Gunvolt, serving as the boss of the mission Underworld (Stratacombs) and playing an important plot role due to her powers. She is also a lead character in the drama CD Lazy Kingdom.

Once a school girl bullied for being an Adept, Elise was captured and handed over to one of Sumeragi's research teams by Merak following an incident in an online game which brought her to his notice. She was then held as a prisoner within a secret underground facility, wherein attempts to implant a personality more "useful" to the conglomerate were carried out, with disastrous consequences. The resulting alternate personas are the crazed Elise 2 and domineering Elise 3.

Elise's Septimal power is Rebirth, which grants her the ability to manipulate souls and revive the dead, although normally this only creates zombies. The ability to fully resurrect the dead belongs to Elise 2, who is the strongest of the three.[7]

Website Description

  • English
  • Japanese

Elise is an Adept who is currently being held prisoner by the Sumeragi Group. Her Septimal power, known as "Rebirth," gives her the ability to manipulate the soul, and return life to those who once lost it. Sumeragi failed to bring her immense septimal power under control, which in one incident, triggered a rampage that decimated the research facility where she was being held. This was caused by implanting her brain with a more aggressive persona to replace her original weak-willed self, which resulted in a split-personality that can manifest itself in the real world, unlike Lumen, which is only a virtual avatar. The Glaive which holds her septimal power is known as the "Living Blade."[3]



Elise is a teenager with waist-length white hair and purple eyes. She is seen wearing a female Sumeragi prisoners uniform, which is a short, pale blue gown, with black bracelets. Numerous artwork depicts her wearing a Sumeragi officers uniform, although this is never seen in-game.

In her Armed Phenomenon, Elise gains short, purple hair, and black eyes with purple irises. She wears purple, gray and black armor. On her head is a headpiece which vaguely resembles a cobra's hood, with a long pink "tail" sprouting from it with a spearhead on the end. Her arms are also covered in armor that resembles a cobra hood. Elise 2 has an elongated tongue and slit pupils.


Main article: Elise "The Eternal Envy"/Gallery


After being experimented on, Elise's mind has gained two other tangible personalities capable of communicating with each other and manifesting physical bodies when her Glaive is released and she transforms.

Elise 1

Elise's original personality. As a result of being frequently bullied by other girls at school, she became quiet and reclusive, occasionally playing video games to escape her real life troubles. Emotions filled with jealousy swirl in the depths of her heart and are directed towards those who live peacefully. Due to her timid nature, however, she almost never brought those out.[8] She is very passive and weak-willed, and is unable to go against Elise 3.

Elise 2

An alter created when the researchers attempted to implant a personality obedient to Sumeragi in Elise. However, perhaps due to the influence of the darkness in Elise's heart, Elise 2 manifested as a violent personality that went berserk and killed and zombied many of the researchers before being sealed in the depths of Elise's consciousness. Elise 2 is very unhinged and crazy, speaking in beastly and jagged dialogue, and is described as an "animal" by Elise 3. Sometimes she compares battles to games: but that might be a representation of herself (since she never had any friends to play with) in her manner of doing things.[9]

It is apparently possible to make Elise 2 cooperate, as Sumeragi got her to resurrect the other Sumeragi Adepts and fight on Nova's side at Firmament, but when the matter is brought up her only response is "I'mmm... Nooot teeellinggg! Keeshesheshesheeee!!"

Elise 3

An aggressive and domineering personality created by the surviving researchers after their failure with Elise 2, but similar to Elise 2 she just ended up killing and zombifying the last of them. It's possible that her existence is the result of some tabooed longing Elise had regarding the bullies who bullied her.[10]

Elise 3 can be excited by battle, as shown by her reaction to Gunvolt threatening to obliterate her if she gets in his way.


Lazy Kingdom

At some point before the events of the first game, Elise decides to play the popular MMORPG September Record to escape from a stressful day at school involving bullying when she receives a mysterious email that promises to bring out "the true nature of her character".

This allows her to manifest her Septima powers within the game whenever she hears Lumen's song, which she abuses to target high level players. This ends up drawing the attention of Merak, who manages to deduce that Elise is the Player Killer and sets a trap for her by distracting her with a remote-controlled avatar while he uses his Wormhole Septima to go to her house and capture her. Although Merak briefly considers informing Nova, he deems trying to harbor Elise too much of a hassle and just reports her to Sumeragi's researchers in exchange for reward money.

Azure Striker Gunvolt

After being abducted by the Sumeragi Group, Elise was taken to a secret underground lab where researchers attempt to implant a personality obedient to them in her. However, this resulted in an insane, almost beast-like alter ego Elise 2 who slaughtered most of the team before being sealed in Elise's consciousness. The survivors tried to implant an obedient personality again, but this fractured Elise's mind further and created the domineering Elise 3, who ended up turning the rest of them into zombies. With the lab was devastated, Elise remained stuck in its depths by herself, and lost her memory of what happened as Elise 3 became dormant.

Underworld (Stratacombs)


At some point QUILL operative Zeno discovers the existence of a large underground space beneath a nondescript Sumeragi warehouse, and sends in Gunvolt to fully investigate while acting as his mission control. While exploring the lab and activating the emergency light systems, Gunvolt eventually manages to find Elise (in her original persona), who is suffering from amnesia, and begins escorting her out of the lab as he tries to find an exit. As they walk past a room, Elise suddenly clasps her head in pain and runs into the room, Gunvolt on her heels.

Having regained her memories, she activates her Glaive, not only transforming her, but giving her dominant personality Elise 3 a separate physical body. Elise 3 belittles Elise 1 for losing her memory, before explaining most of their situation to Gunvolt. She then promptly attacks him.

During the fight Gunvolt pleads with Elise, saying he has no wish to fight them, but Elise 3 dismisses him. When GV turns his attention to Elise 1, she only apologizes, too weak-willed to do anything on her own. Elise 3 expresses her wish to turn him into a zombie, escape to the surface, and turn others into zombies and rule as queens. As Gunvolt attempts to kill them, they only keep reviving each other, much to the dominant's amusement. Out of options, Gunvolt finally defeats them by killing both at the same time.

Unbeknownst to Gunvolt, the damage done to Elise's Glaive upon defeat weakens the seal on her, and in a last ditch gambit to survive Elise 3 releases Elise 2, who slithers away in the form of a horned purple snake.

Stratosphere (Babel)

At some point, Elise 2 is recaptured by the Sumeragi Group and Elise is placed under the command of Project Muse head Nova Tsukuyomi, who has her revive the Adepts previously killed by Gunvolt. She, along with the others, wait as Gunvolt makes his way to the space station Firmament where Nova waits.

Eventually, Gunvolt reaches Elise 2, who revives the two personalities that Gunvolt previously faced. He battles them, but is unable to damage Elise 2 at all due to her endless vitality. Once Gunvolt kills both Elise 1 and 3 twice in a row, Elise 2 prepares to revive them again, but is suddenly interrupted by Copen, who kills her once and for all using the Septima neutralizing Greed Snatcher bullets based on Carrera's Septima.

Other Appearances

Mighty Gunvolt

Elise appears as a DLC boss in Mighty Gunvolt, having similar attacks as in the original game.

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2

Elise appears as the boss of the Score Attack exclusive stage EX Mysterious Manor.

The stage was originally released for the Nintendo 3DS version alongside EX Babel as part of the DLC pack "Missions - Jota and Elise" for $1.99 / €1.89 / 300 Yen, and has been included by default in all ports of the game to later platforms.

Mighty Gunvolt Burst

Elise appears as a collectible pixel sticker as a drop from a random enemy.

Azure Striker Gunvolt: The Anime

Elise makes a cameo at the end of the OVA, along with the rest of The Sumeragi Seven (minus Merak), surrounding Gunvolt.


CnC Elise

"Uuuh... I'm sorry we won't die..."

Elise 1 is one of the characters from the first Azure Striker Gunvolt featured in the crossover roguelite card-battling RPG Card-en-Ciel and its GV1 game world, appearing in her Armed form as a card.

Card Character Effect Cost Movement
Resurrection Elise 1 (Armed Phenomenon) Draw 1 of the Convert card at the top of your discard pile. Setup: Convert drawn card.
(Special: Draw 4 of the Convert cards at the top of your discard pile. Setup: Convert drawn cards.)
0 Left

Powers and Abilities

Elise is an Adept who wields the Septima known as Rebirth (生命輪廻アンリミテッド アニムス Seimei Rin'ne (Anrimiteddo Animusu), Life Reincarnation [Unlimited Animus]), which grants her the ability to manipulate souls and resurrect living things. It is one of the few Septimas that have been referred to as "Ultimate Ability" (”究極の能力”).[11] Sumeragi imprisoned and experimented on her in hopes of using her powers to overcome death itself at their whim.

Under normal circumstances, the subjects of Elise's resurrection are not fully revived, instead being transformed into zombies. The Sumeragi scientists that she killed and then resurrected are found in gameplay as the zombie enemies: purplish, human-shaped yet animalistic creatures that scatter into dust when destroyed by Gunvolt's lightning. The ability to fully resurrect a subject without them coming back as a zombie is described in supplementary material as Elise 2's power[7], but the other two alters are shown using it on each other in-game.

When Elise's Glaive is released and she transforms, her power is significantly enhanced, and her alternate personalities gain the ability to take separate physical forms with roughly the same appearance and powers as Elise herself. However, Elise 2 is stronger than the other Elises and displays endless vitality that makes her invulnerable to harm from most attacks; not even Gunvolt could take her down. Only Copen's Septima-neutralizing Greed Snatcher bullets, derived from Carrera's Magnetic Arts Septima, were able to kill her.

The Glaive's transformation grants Elise skills such as Gorgon Gaze[11], a special light projected from their visors that causes anyone who directly looks at it to enter a short state of suspended animation.[12] In battle, Elise's alters work together despite their differing personalities; hanging from poles, throwing kunai made from poison snake corpses that they zombify, and resurrecting each other, though with only a fraction of their HP intact in-game. Elise 2 has also displayed the ability to resurrect the other two at once and with more of their HP intact.

In the revised English translation of Azure Striker Gunvolt, Elise 3 taunts Gunvolt with the threat of turning him into a zombie who will then go and infect more people, turning them into zombies. However, in the Japanese version, Elise 3 simply says that she will turn many people into zombies, starting with Gunvolt; no implication is given that the zombie state Elise creates is contagious.

Boss Battle Skills

Azure Striker Gunvolt

Skill Description
Viper Throw[3]
(蛇手裏剣, Snake Shuriken)[4]

Elise's standard attack. Both alters toss kunai (made using snake corpses as a basis), two at a time, at Gunvolt. The kunai transform into zombie snakes (through Elise's Septima) that slither across the floor upon contact with Gunvolt, the Flashfield, or the floor. The kunai, both in its shuriken and snake form, can be destroyed with the Flashfield.

  • Elise will occasionally position her dominant and submissive alters across from each other and shoot three kunai towards center-screen.
  • During her fight at Babel, Elise occasionally summons her crazed alter to toss a single energy-charged kunai at Gunvolt from the top of the screen. Unlike the kunai of the other two alters, the energy-charged kunai does not transform into a cobra upon impact and cannot be blocked with the Flashfield. Beginning with battle phase two, the crazed Elise fires her energy-charged kunai much more rapidly.

In Azure Striker Gunvolt 2, when you play as Copen, the kunai transform into cobras upon contact with his Flashshield, much like Gunvolt. However, cobras bypass Flashshield, so you can only destroy them by using Copen's Reload Crush.

Elise - Boss Battle (3)
Slithering Whip[3]
(ジャコードウィップ, Jacord Whip)[4]

Elise's standard tag team combo. She positions her submissive and dominant alters at opposite corners of the screen. Each personality then whips out her arm to grab the pole at the center of the screen and swings across to the other side of the screen.

Elise - Boss Battle (2)
Viper Rondo[3]

Elise begins using this tag team combo at battle phase two. She positions her submissive and dominant alters on either side of Gunvolt.

One of them shoots three kunai at Gunvolt, while the other pulls herself to the center pole. The kunai-throwing alter then extends her arm to the center pole and propels herself to jump across the screen. At the conclusion of the attack, the second alter swings to the side of the screen opposite her initial position.

Gorgon Gaze[3]
(ジェラシックゴルゴン, Jealousic Gorgon)[4]
Elise begins using this tag team combo at battle phase two. Elise positions her dominant and submissive alters at opposite corners of the screen.

The attack proceeds with the alters moving in opposite vertical directions while shining their Gorgon's eyes in front of them. The beams themselves deal no damage, but if Gunvolt faces one he receives the Stone debuff, becoming frozen in place and taking increased damage until the player shakes it off.

  • If Gunvolt is turned to stone, the alters fire unforgiving barrages of kunai at Gunvolt.
Elise - Resurrection
Resurrection / ReSURexIOnnN
(リザレクション / 離The裂苦死ョN)
Elise's special skill. When either the dominant or submissive alter is destroyed, the other will immediately activate this skill. The user will engulf the other side of the screen with a pillar of purple light and revive the other alter with a third of her maximum health.
  • Unless both the dominant and submissive alters are killed simultaneously, Elise will use this skill up to a total of five times.
  • Elise will interrupt tag team combos to use this skill if one of her alters perishes. The only exception is Gorgon's Gaze, in which case Elise will use this skill as a follow-up.
  • In the battle at Babel, the crazed Elise will use her more powerful version of this skill when Gunvolt kills the other two alters simultaneously. In this instance, both perished alters are revived, each with a half of her maximum health. The crazed alter will do this only once per battle. The second time both the dominant and submissive alters are destroyed while fighting the crazed one, she will be killed by Copen before she can revive them again.

Mighty Gunvolt

Skill Description
MG Elise Viper Throw
Viper Throw[3]
(蛇手裏剣, Snake Shuriken)[4]
MG Elise Viper Rondo
Viper Rondo[3]
MG Elise Gorgon Gaze
Gorgon Gaze[3]
(ジェラシックゴルゴン, Jealousic Gorgon)[4]
Inflicts damage instead of petrification.

Boss Battle Voices

Event Translated Romaji Japanese
Transform Elise 1: Ah... Aaaahhhh! Aa... AAAaaaA! あっ…あああぁぁぁあ!
Viper Rondo Elise 3: We're doing it!
Elise 1: Ah... I'm sorry!
Yaru wa yo!
Aaa... Gomennasai!
Gorgon Gaze Elise 1: Look over here, please... There!
Elise 3: Face this way! Take that!
Mitekudasai... Eii!
Kocchi wo minasai! Kurainasai!
Resurrection Elise 1: Uuu... Resurrection... come back...!
Elise 3: Hah... Resurrection! Wake up!
Uu... Rizarekushon! Ikikaette!
Aah... Rizarekushon! Okinasai!
Defeated Elise 1: At least now, I can rest in peace...
Elise 3: I can't let it end here...!
Kore de, raku ni...
Konna tokoro de...!

Special Skill Chants


  • English
  • Japanese
  • English fan translation
  • Korean (with Eng tl)

Life, return to life,
Break the cycle and return
This soul from nether coils


The revolving reincarnation spins life...
And crosses the irreversible curtain...
You soul, return to the living world...

돌고 도는 윤회가 생명을 자아낸다.
거스를 수 없는 장부를 넘어서,
혼이여, 현세로 돌아가라.
The cycle of reincarnation spins life.
Cross the irreversible curtains,
And return to the living world, dead soul!


  • English
  • Japanese
  • English fan translation
  • Korean (with Eng tl)

Die die die die DIE
DIE die die die die die DIE
Die die DIE die die


Death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death…
Death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death…
Death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death…
Re –su – rre – c – tiO – N


Designer Comments

Source: Armed Blue: Gunvolt Complete Works

  • English fan translation
  • Japanese

Elise is a character whose personality has split into several others, but the general image was thought of using a weak-willed main one as a basis. Her long hair that coils inward is meant to express her withdrawn personality and her being shut inside her shell. Her post-transformation form uses a jealous snake as a motif, and incorporates the images of ninja and assassins hiding weapons inside their long sleeves. The eye-patterns common on snakes' bodies is also a main point. Her special skill being resurrection is probably because it incorporates the symbol of medicine's design, the Asclepius rod, one that also uses snakes. When I began designing her I originally intended for her to be a gross character, but her VA's acting was cuter than expected, so I ended up portraying her as such.

-- Hatakeyama Yoshitaka


-- 畠山義崇

Musical Themes

Title Context Composer Audio
Envious Necromancer
(廻る魂の在り処, The Whereabouts of Wandering Souls)
Elise's theme, and the BGM of the Stratacombs stage. Ippo Yamada
Envious Necromancer
(廻る魂の在り処, The Whereabouts of Wandering Souls)
8-bit remix used in the Mighty Gunvolt DLC stage Bio Lab. Ippo Yamada

Track notes by sound designer Ryo Kawakami:[13]

  • Envious Necromancer

The theme track of Elise "The Eternal Envy", that plays in the Underground Facility. It’s become an unusual avant garde track where an unstable rhythm and creepy acoustics cross each other. It’s a big melody split in 3 parts each representing one of the 3 personalities plus a load of effecting special sounds; Mr. Ippo almost scolded me when I handed the data of each part to him, yelling “how am I supposed to mix them together!?”; I then added a drums section that cut in to reflect the 2nd personality… I wAs AbLe tO ExPeRiMeNt A lOt, iT WaS fUN! KYAH-SHAAAHH!'


  • The Sumeragi Seven are based on the seven deadly sins and an animal that represents it. Elise represents envy and is based on snakes. Other design bases are ninjas and Medusa. Her boss battle gimmick where both Elises must be focused on is meant to play into her envy motif.[14] Her serpent motif, as well as how one early design labeled "sea snake" had an aquatic motif, may also reference the demon prince of envy Leviathan, similar to most of the S7 having references to the demons associated with their sins.
    • Elise 1, 2, and 3 may be a reference to the three Gorgon sisters from Greek mythology: Medusa, Stheno and Euryale.
  • Following the luxury car naming scheme of most Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 characters, Elise's name presumably comes from the Lotus Elise.
  • In the Japanese version, Elise's Glaive, Futsunomitama (Japanese article), referred to as "Living Blade" on the official English Gunvolt site, is a sword said to have been wielded by the god Takemikazuchi when subjugating the Middle Country in Japanese mythology, and was later given to Emperor Jinmu, the first emperor of Japan.
Many meraks
  • In early design concepts, Elise had a power that allowed her to swim through both water and earth and transform into a larger figure similar to a ship and whale. The swimming ability referenced the stand Oasis from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, although the line mentioning this was omitted from the Armed Blue: Gunvolt Official Complete Works version of the art.
  • There were originally going to be eight Sumeragi bosses, and this concept group did not have an envy boss. Instead there was a ninja representing melancholy, and a depressed-looking girl(?) representing vainglory. These concepts were merged into Elise, and her concept art page in the Official Complete Works includes designs similar to the two separate characters. (Incidentally, according to St. Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica, vainglory is a progenitor of envy.)
  • Elise came in 1st place on the Gunvolt 1 character popularity poll, which earned her the front position on the promotional Halloween wallpaper.[15] The wallpaper is also one of the only illustrations of her to have eye lights.
  • Elise's battle concept art mentions Mega Man ZX Advent, likely referencing two bosses:
    • Rospark, who mainly sticks to one of three poles in his arena and uses whips to attack the player.
    • Argoyle and Ugoyle. Both are purple, use coordinated attacks, and are twin bosses. Their arena also features the same poles as Rospark's. However, Argoyle and Ugoyle don't need to be killed at the same time, nor do they use their poles for any attacks.
  • The incantation for Elise's SP Skill, Resurrection, may reference a cycle of death and rebirth along the lines of notions such as the Samsara.
  • Elise is the only female boss in the first Azure Striker Gunvolt game.
  • Elise is the first boss without a cooldown voice-line between phases. The others are Asroc and The Creator.
Cha elise mg
  • In Mighty Gunvolt, Elise 1 and 3 appear with separate bodies even outside of Elise's Armed Phenomenon, both before they transform for their boss fight and after they fall to the ground defeated. They also appear to be wearing Sumeragi uniforms and have purple hair instead of white.


  1. English Website Dossier
  2. Japanese Website Dossier
  1. Credited as just "Ayano" in-game


Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 Navigation

Azure Striker Gunvolt 1
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (Azure Phosphorescence) • CreditsStory Scripts
QUILL and co. GunvoltJoule (Lumen) • AsimovZenoMoniqa
Boss Characters NovaMerakJotaViperCarreraEliseStratos | Copen
Other Characters ZondaRomeoMinor CharactersMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Main Missions Anthem (1st Sumeragi)Abyss (Subaquatic Base)Minaret (Media Tower)Conflagration (Biochem Plant)Spintronics (Datastore)Underworld (Stratacombs)Garden (Pharma Lab)Kaleidoscape (Sinner's Row)
Final and Special Missions Hostage (Urban Run)Streak (Eridu)Stratosphere (Babel)Idolatry (Firmament) / Azure (Firmament) | Special Missions
Songs Beyond the BlueReincarnationNebulous ClockAzure DoorPain from the PastScorching JourneyRouge ShimmerA Zip to the MoonSakura EfflorescenceEternal BlueCyanotype
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi GroupQUILLGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Score and Kudos (Secrets) • Equipment (Materials) • SkillsChristmas Mode
Fan Discs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy Kingdom

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 Navigation

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
Main Pages GameGallerySoundtrack (Azure Trance -Into the Blue-Electro Rotation) • CreditsStory Scripts
Team Gunvolt GunvoltJouleQuinnXiao
Team Copen CopenLolaMytylNori
Boss Characters ZondaTenjianGibrilMilasTeseoDesnaAsrocGhauriPlasma LegionShovel Knight (Amiibo)
Other Characters Minor CharactersMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Score Attack Bosses CarreraMerakJotaEliseViperStratos
Gunvolt Missions Infiltrator (Seraph Interior)Aggressor (Downtown)Luminescence (Mysterious Manor)Effusion (The Sewers)Virtuality (Data Facility)Icebound (Frozen City)Crossroads (Prism Highway)
Copen Missions Chimera (Downtown)Raveled (Babel)Puppeteer (Isle of Dreams)Prism (Prism Highway)Icebound (Frozen City)Forfeit (The Sewers)
Final and Special Missions Eden (The Garden 1)Inferno (The Garden 2)Savior (The Garden 3)Prayer (The Garden 4) | Secret Missions | EX The SewersEX Data FacilityEX BabelEX Mysterious ManorEX Isle of DreamsEX Prism HighwayEX DowntownEX Frozen City
Songs Indigo DestinyIgniterReincarnation AlternativeA Flash of AzureMulti-UniverseIoliteVast CircleStratosphere (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsEdenSumeragi GroupGrimoires
Gameplay Mechanics Score and Kudos (Secrets) • Equipment (Materials) • SkillsCopen's EX Weapons
Fan Discs Clockwork DaydreamEden's Party

Mighty Gunvolt 1 Navigation

Mighty Gunvolt
Playable Characters GunvoltBeckEkoro
Bosses ViperMr. Demon Plant Jr.StratosJotaZonda
PyrogenEliseBrandishMr. Happiness
Stages TrainSchoolLabTowerMirror
FactoryBio LabHighwayGym
Misc. Mighty Gunvolt Original Soundtrack