Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki
Downtown backdrop
DLC Zonda icon

EX Downtown (EXビル街) is a Score Attack exclusive mission in Azure Striker Gunvolt 2. It was originally released for the 3DS version as part of the fourth DLC pack Ultimate Challenge alongside EX Frozen City, and has since been included in the console Striker Packs and Steam release by default. It is a heavily altered version of Downtown from the main game modified to be much harder, with Zonda's false forms as the boss, also with heavily modified attacks.

While completing the stage as Copen is challenging, certain platforming segments make completing it as Gunvolt very difficult due to his comparative lack of mobility. Gunvolt's version of the stage has Sumeragi soldiers, while Copen's version of the stage has Blood Servants.


Image Enemy
Zonda m Zonda f Fake Zonda (bosses)
Sumeragi gunner
Sumeragi Gunner
Sumeragi launcher
Sumeragi Launcher
Sumeragi shield
Sumeragi Grenadier
Bomb Laser
Roll Cannon
Spine tower
Brush Saw
Sumeragi burner
Sumeragi Fire Gunner
Buzz saw
Buzzsaw Tower
Eden trooper
Eden Shot Soldier
Eden assaulter
Eden Dagger Soldier
Robot driller
Punch Golem
Barrier machine

Image Enemy
Zonda m Zonda f Fake Zonda (bosses)
Sonic Shooter
Bomb Laser
Buzz saw
Buzzsaw Tower
Blood zombie
Roll Cannon
Eden trooper
Eden Shot Soldier
Eden assaulter
Eden Dagger Soldier
Robot driller
Punch Golem
Spine tower
Brush Saw

Rank and Time Requirements

*May not be accurate


Rank Score Minimum Kudos needed Kill points needed
S+ 400,000 2300 (Score Attack) 17,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 5:10


Rank Score Minimum Kudos needed Kill points needed
S+ 400,000 1900 (Score Attack) 45,000
Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 6:10

Secret Kudos

Going through the spiked floor and ceiling passage way will reward 444 kudos as Gunvolt and 111 kudos as Copen. Doing this is as Copen is not recommended unless you know what you're doing.

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 Navigation

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
Main Pages GameGallerySoundtrack (Azure Trance -Into the Blue-Electro Rotation) • CreditsStory Scripts
Team Gunvolt GunvoltJouleQuinnXiao
Team Copen CopenLolaMytylNori
Boss Characters ZondaTenjianGibrilMilasTeseoDesnaAsrocGhauriPlasma LegionShovel Knight (Amiibo)
Other Characters Minor CharactersMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Score Attack Bosses CarreraMerakJotaEliseViperStratos
Gunvolt Missions Infiltrator (Seraph Interior)Aggressor (Downtown)Luminescence (Mysterious Manor)Effusion (The Sewers)Virtuality (Data Facility)Icebound (Frozen City)Crossroads (Prism Highway)
Copen Missions Chimera (Downtown)Raveled (Babel)Puppeteer (Isle of Dreams)Prism (Prism Highway)Icebound (Frozen City)Forfeit (The Sewers)
Final and Special Missions Eden (The Garden 1)Inferno (The Garden 2)Savior (The Garden 3)Prayer (The Garden 4) | Secret Missions | EX The SewersEX Data FacilityEX BabelEX Mysterious ManorEX Isle of DreamsEX Prism HighwayEX DowntownEX Frozen City
Songs Indigo DestinyIgniterReincarnation AlternativeA Flash of AzureMulti-UniverseIoliteVast CircleStratosphere (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsEdenSumeragi GroupGrimoires
Gameplay Mechanics Score and Kudos (Secrets) • Equipment (Materials) • SkillsCopen's EX Weapons
Fan Discs Clockwork DaydreamEden's Party