Septimal Adept PROFILE (English name unofficial) (
Despite not being adepts, Copen and Lola were featured with either part or all of the Septimal Adept part of the logo crossed out depending on the series.
Major characters not featured are Zeno, Moniqa, Mytyl, Nori, Xiao, and true Zonda, although they did receive basic character profiles in the Official Complete Works, which compiled all the profiles while revising some. Certain mecha, namely the full version of the Plasma Legion and the Medium Bosses Mantis, Spyder, and Mantis Legion, did not receive profiles outside soundtrack booklets.
Luminous Avenger iX, Luminous Avenger iX 2, and Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 have not received any character profiles.
While no official translation exists, a fan translation was made and is available in the sections below. All such sections use the revised Official Complete Works profiles and translations of them instead of the original magazine versions. While the headers use English localization terms for ease of navigation, the translations use the Japanese terms.
Magazine Scan and Photo Gallery[]
Gunvolt 1[]
Gunvolt 2[]
Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 profiles[]
No.01 Gunvolt[]
The game’s protagonist, a 14-year-old boy. His alias is “GV”.
“Gunvolt” is a codename, but, since he doesn’t speak of it his real name remains unknown.
His personal pronoun is “boku”.
He is a top-ranked 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychic who belongs to the openly anti-Sumeragi armed organization “Feather”.
His 7th Wave (Sevens) is the Thunder Ability that allows him to control electrons at will; the “Azure Thunderclap (Armed Blue)”.
Due to his 7th Wave compatibility, he was held as a test subject in a Sumeragi lab ever since childhood. Asimov later rescued him from the facility, and GV became a member of Feather.
Between missions, he remains under the care of Feather and can attend school and live a normal life for someone his age.
He is typically calm and mature, but with a strong sense of justice. When something goes against his values, his heart pushes him to never give up.
And, as result, he quits Feather when he meets Cyan.
He is a prodigy who is capable of anything, and since he began living with Cyan, he seems to have gotten better at cooking.
本作の主人公である14歳の少年。 通称 "GV".
任務が無い日は年齢相応に学校へ通い、 一般的な生活が出来るようフェザーにより配慮されている.
普段は冷静で大人びているが、曲がったことは嫌いで、 納得のいかないことに対しては我を申し通そうとする芯の強さを持っている.
なんでもそつなくこなす天才肌で、 シアンと同居以降は特に料理の腕を上げているようだ.
7th Wave (Sevens)
This is the generic name for the ESP phenomenon that began appearing within humanity some decades ago.
It typically expresses itself in boys and girls under 10 years of age. Since it’s a special ability that only those with a special 7th wave-form could use, as established by the wave research at the time, it was named 7th Wave (Sevens).
Because many Psychics exhibited this 7th Wave as energy (such as heat or light), the Sumeragi Group (GV’s foe) was the first to set eyes on it. They conducted research in hopes of creating a new source of energy from it.
There’s a very influential theory which states that the 7th Wave, through an unknown bodily strength, controls and changes pair annihilation in the body to create massive energy. However, since most of that manifestation mechanism is unknown, there are several scientists that have doubts or misgivings about whether it can be used as an energy source.
The first 7th Wave Psychics were naturally born humans. However, the Sumeragi Group's research has succeeded in cultivating 7th Wave Inducers. It’s starting to become possible to artificially create 7th Wave Psychics.
Humans and animals that have 7th Wave potential are the test subjects, also called “matches”. The Abilities bloom in them by transplanting the 7th Wave Inducers into their bodies, but it’s very hard to find a successful match. Gunvolt and Cyan are some of the few Sumeragi-created subsequent 7th Wave Psychics.
主に10代以下の少年少女に発現する。当時の波動エネルギー研究において、 特殊な第七波形を有した人間だけが扱えた特殊能力のため第七波動(セブンス)と名づけられた.
第七波動能力には、熱や光などのエネルギーとして発現する能力者が多くいたため、GVが敵対する皇神グループはこの能力にいち早く着目, 新エネルギーとしての研究を進めていた.
初期の第七波動能力者は自然発生により産まれた存在であったが、現在では皇神グループの研究により第七波動誘因子を培養することに成功。 人工的な第七波動能力者を創り出すが可能になりつつある。
Azure Striker[]
Azure Thunderclap (Armed Blue):
This was the first 7th Wave to be discovered in the world.
It’s the generic name for the electrical discharge ability that works via fine control over electrons.
Apart from its straightforward attack ability, the Azure Thunderclap (Armed Blue) can significantly increase bodily abilities by turning a Psychic’s biological current active. It’s capable of covering the body’s surface with a thin EM field film (shield) which protects one from all types of attacks: this film acts as a barrier, the “Thunder Scales”. It also allows controlling (hacking) of electrical devices from the outside. They say that it hides power which can be used in all kinds of situations
蒼き雷霆 (アームドブルー):
体内より電気を発生させる放電能力と、 その元となる電子を微細にコントロールできる能力を総称したもの.
蒼き雷霆(アームドブルー)は直接的な攻撃性能以外にも, 能力者の生体電流を活性化することで身体能力を著しく高めることができたり, 体表面を薄い電滋場の膜(シールド)で覆うことであらゆる衝撃から身を守るバリア"雷撃鱗" として役割を果すこと, また電子機器を外部から制御(ハック)するなど, 様々な場面に応用できる力を秘めているといわれている.
Dart Leader[]
Dart Leader:
Gunvolt’s exclusive EM Projection Gun, supplied by Feather. It fires needle-shaped bullets called “Variant Lightning Rods (Darts)”.
Because its energy source is Gunvolt himself, there is no external power system installed. By changing the gun’s energy into the exclusive Variant Lightning Rod Cartridges, it’s possible to alter the gun’s ballistic performance.
Since its main purpose is to guide lightning, its output is limited. However, if Gunvolt connects the “tail-plug” equipped on his hair into the rear connector, it can fire a powerful 7th Wave directly as well.
In truth, if the muzzle size matches, it’s capable of shooting conventional bullets or pebbles, and can even be used as a wire hanger. However, Gunvolt’s physical abilities are so high that this is almost never used.
ガンヴォルトを通して電源を確保できるため、 外部電源はオミットされている。専用の受雷針カートリッジに変換することで弾道性能を変えることができる。
電撃を誘道することが主目的のため威力は抑えられているが、 ガンヴォルトの毛髪に装備されている [テールプラグ] を後部コネクタに連結し、 強力な第七波動をダイレクトに放出することも可能。
実は銃口のサイズさえ一致するものであれば普通の銃弾や子石などを撃ち出すことや、ワイヤハンガーのような使い方もできるが、 ガンヴォルト自身の身体能力は高いためほとんど使われたことはない。
Private Armed Organization “Feather”
It’s a resistance group that began as a human rights group led by overseas 7th Wave Psychics. Asimov is one of the founders.
They publicly proclaim to fight for the freedom of Psychics. Their activities aim to release the many 7th Wave Psychics that are being held prisoner by Sumeragi, who oppose that ideal.
Many of Feather’s 7th Wave Psychics were rescued from Sumeragi in the past. They became the core of the organization, carrying out operations in support of the principles that Feather stands for.
Aside from the battle unit, there are also intel and weapon development departments composed of civilians. In total, the organization has around 100 members.
海外の第七波動能力者による人権団体が母体となったレジスタンスグループ。 アシモフは創始者の一人。
実働部隊以外にも一般人を装った諜報部隊や武装兵器の開発部署などがあり、 約100人規模の組織で結成されている.
No.02 Joule & Lumen[]
She’s a national Virtual Idol produced by the Sumeragi Group.
The general public sees her as artificial intelligence (AI), but she’s actually the embodiment of Cyan’s 7th Wave: the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy”.
She has an independent identity with a strong, free-spirited personality, but this is just a glimpse into Cyan’s true nature.
Part of Cyan thinks of her as a different person, but Morpho is very aware that they’re one and the same.
The Sumeragi Group placed Morpho into the public eye as an idol, but behind the scenes they were using her as sonar to detect other Psychics.
Her appearance is based on what Cyan would look like at 17 years of age, but since it’s heavily influenced by Cyan’s own ideals and insecurities, it’s unclear whether she’d actually come to look like that or not
Morpho’s current appearance (her figure, outfit, etc.) has been the same for the past year or so.
Her outfit and looks can be controlled to some extent by Cyan/Morpho’s will.
独立した自我を持ち、気が強く自由奔放な性格をしているが これはシアンの本心の片燐である.
姿はシアンが17歳まで成長した姿がベースになっているものの、 彼女自身の理想やコンプレックスに大きく影響を受けているため、シアンが成長すればそのままモルフォのようになるかどうかは不明である
現在のモルフォとしての見た目の形状 (容姿や衣装) が安定してきたのは約1年前である
A 13-year-old girl. She’s the game’s heroine.
She’s an artificial 7th Wave Psychic created through a Sumeragi experiment. She’s a rare case, even for Sumeragi, because she had the 7th Wave Inducers implanted in her before she was even born; she’s a designer child.
Her 7th Wave is a consciousness induction ability that resonates with other Psychics’ 7th Wave and increases their power through “songs”: the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy”.
She was rescued by GV after being imprisoned in a lab as a test subject by the Sumeragi Group. Ever since GV rescued her, she’s been living in a house alongside him.
Ever since she began to live with GV, she started going to school and enjoys a modest everyday life with her friends.
She has a pure and mature personality, but she opens her heart to GV and approaches him with an informal attitude.
Due to spending most of her life since birth in a lab, there are some aspects of society she is unfamiliar with. However, some Sumeragi researchers sympathized with her upbringing and provided her with some things, so she does have a limited knowledge. She especially loved to read a poem collection she was given.
This may or may not be a side-effect of her experiments, but her growth was poor and she is physically weak. This is a source of insecurity for her.
第七波動は "歌" によって他の能力者の第七波動に共鳴し、その能力を高める精神感応能力 "電子の謡精".
生まれてからほぼ大半を研究施設で過ごしたため, 世間にうといところがあり, 彼女の生い立ちに同情する一部の皇神の研究者たちが色々と差し入れを行ったため, 知識にかたよりがある (特に差し入れられた詩集は好んで読んでいた).
The Muse[]
Cybernetic Singing Fairy (Cyber Diva):
Cyan’s 7th Wave, the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy” uses Morpho’s songs as a medium to interfere with other Psychics’ consciousness: it’s a consciousness induction ability.
It’s one of the branches derived from the “Electron-controlling 7th Wave” ability that was discovered during the lightning Psychics mass production scheme, “Project Gunvolt”.
This 7th Wave is said to have a very close relation with a Psychic’s consciousness state. If someone’s wavelength matches that of Cyan/Morpho’s, it can increase their 7th Wave by encouraging their consciousness.
Whenever GV gets into danger during his battles, Morpho’s song, the “Song of Diva”, activates his abilities and bodily functions. This is because his 7th Wave, the “Azure Thunderclap”, and hers, the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy”, have a very close nature. This is cited as the greatest reason as to why this phenomenon takes place.
When Psychics listen to Morpho’s songs, Sumeragi can detect a special interference wave. Sumeragi uses this power as a sonar to establish other Psychics’ location. Through this ability, many Psychics were discovered which resulted in them being forcefully imprisoned by Sumeragi’s deployment unit.
A 7th Wave (Sevens) with a personality of its own is an incredibly rare case. No other similar cases have been confirmed across history. Sumeragi scientists had theories that it could become the key to understanding several unknown portions of the 7th Wave (Sevens) phenomenon.
シアンの第七波動、"電子の謡精" は、モルフォの歌を介して、他の能力者の精神に干渉する精神感応能力である
雷撃能力者量産計画 "プロジェクトガンヴォルト" の過程で発見された "電子を操る第七波動能力"の派生係の一つ.
この第七波動は能力者の精神状態と密接な関係があると言われており, シアン=モルフォと波長があった者であれば,その精神に働きかけることで第七波動の力を高めることができる
GVは闘いのなかで危険をにおちいった際,モルフォの歌"ソングオブディーヴァ"によって能力や身体機能が活性化されるのは, 彼の第七波動 “蒼き雷霆"と"電子の謡精"の性質が近しいものであったことが大きな理由として挙げられている.
No.03 Nova[]
A 14-year-old 7th Wave Psychic who belongs to the Sumeragi Group. His 7th Wave is “Telekinetic Power”.
He was an orphan raised in a Sumeragi 7th Wave lab, and a test subject of “Project Gunvolt” -- just like GV. However, he wasn’t compatible with the Azure Thunderclap and went berserk.
As he was nearing death, he was hurriedly implanted with “Telekinetic Power (Psychokinesis)” Inducers and survived.
He showed outstanding finesse in both the 7th Wave and politics. At only 14 years old, he ascended to Team Leader in charge of the Diva Project.
Although he was originally a gentle boy with a strong sense of justice, experiencing Sumeragi's internal conflicts caused him to mature in subtle ways, and he began to bury his emotions.
However, his inner love for peace remained unchanged, and he seemed to loathe the “evil” he saw in GV.
It’s possible that this hate stemmed from his insecurities surrounding GV.
Telepathic Power (Psychokinesis):
A 7th Wave which directly turns thoughts into energy and interferes with space and matter.
Similar, weaker abilities had been detected before the discovery of the 7th Wave (Sevens) -- this one is considered the most primitive 7th Wave (Sevens). Nevertheless, it’s very powerful and without peer.
In sheer battling ability, it surpasses the Azure Thunderclap.
念動力 (サイコキネシス):
Nova's Glaives[]
Shiden’s Swords:
The Sumeragi top brass feared Shiden’s 7th Wave due to its massive power. So, apart from his original Sword, the “Ame no Murakumo (Heaven Plexus Clouds)”, they added the sub-Swords “Yatagarasu (Eight Foot Bird)” and “Kurohyou (Black Panther)” to further seal his abilities.
Originally, the Swords were named that way due to their nature: artifacts built with modern technology, using existing historical blades or magical artifacts as the base. However, these sub-Swords weren’t made from something that previously existed; they are modern, totally artificial Swords built from scratch.
The addition of sub-Swords impacts Shiden’s transformation as well. Each one becomes its own entity: the embodiment of shadow crawling from the earth, “Panther Force” and the embodiment of ascending sun, “Raven Force”.
強すぎる紫電の第七波動を恐れた皇神上層部は, 本来の彼の宝剣 "天叢雲" を他に, "八咫烏" "黒豹" と呼ばれるサブ宝剣を追加することで, さらなる能力封印をほどこした.
本来,宝剣とは名前の由来となった実際の刀剣や歴史上伝わる呪術的アーティファクトを組み合わせ, 現代の加工したものではあるが, このサブ宝剣はそういった出自の存在しない,ゼロから作り出された新時代の完全人工宝剣である.
Special Attack Satellite, "Star Dragon"[]
Special Attack Satellite “Star Dragon”:
It’s an artificial satellite managed by the Sumeragi Group. It is publicly listed as an unarmed satellite designed for weather observations and radio transmissions, but it’s actually equipped with a powerful laser gun.
This satellite was outside of Shiden’s control, but one of his followers secretly remodeled it into a telepathic weapon, and Shiden controlled it with his mind. The attack raining down during his 2nd form battle comes from this satellite.
Diva Project[]
Diva Project:
A massive project that Shiden focuses on pushing forward. It’s a scheme to turn all of the nation’s 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychics into puppets that obey Sumeragi’s will. They do this by emitting the consciousness induction wave of Cyan’s 7th Wave (Sevens)--the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy”--across all of Japan from the satellite base “Heaven’s Floating Bridge”.
Sumeragi invested a lot of money into this scheme. Now that GV has disrupted their project, Sumeragi is likely to fall into chaos.
No.04 Asimov[]
24 years old. He has the same 7th Wave (Sevens) as GV, the Azure Thunderclap (Armed Blue).
He’s one of the Feather founding members and the leader of the battling unit Team Sheep’s, as well as a sniper.
He’s a sniper, yet he’s very skilled in the usage of all kinds of weapons: he showed that during the game by skillfully using the gun he stole from Acura.
He speaks in an odd way by mixing English in his speech: his friends often point out that his form of speaking isn’t precisely correct English.
He actually is, like GV, a test subject of the “Project Gunvolt”. His thunder’s power is above that of GV but since it’s always running berserk, he needs special sunglasses to be able to control his own ability.
Although his emotions for 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychics are intense, he creates a stoic mask in order to cut off his friends and to accomplish his goals.
Maybe his hatred towards the Non-Psychics that persecuted him is spiraling in the depths of his irises hidden by the sunglasses.
24歳. 第七波動(セブンス)はGVと同じ蒼き雷霆(アームドブルー).
フェザーの創始メンバー の一人でありながら、 実動部隊であるチームシープスのリーダー兼狙撃手.
狙撃手ではあるが、 あらゆる武器の扱いに長けており、 ゲーム内でも奪ったアキュラの銃を巧みに扱ってみせた.
英語交じりの怪しい口調で喋るが、 英語としても正しくないとたびたび仲間から指摘を受けている.
実はGVと同じ "プロジェクトガンヴォルト" の実験体. 雷撃の威力はGVを上回るが、その能力は常に暴走状態にあり、特注のサングラスがなければ自身の能力を制御することが出来ない.
Asimov's Past[]
Asimov’s past:
Asimov originally was a homeless child born from two illegal immigrants.
Captured by Sumeragi’s Hunters, he was deemed compatible with the “Azure Thunderclap (Armed Blue)”, so he became a test subject of Project Gunvolt. However, since he couldn’t control his ability, he was considered defective.
Afterwards, he was subject to all types of experiments as a lab rat. However, as a result, his hatred for the Non-Psychics was exacerbated.
He went berserk during an experiment and the lab burnt down. He mixed in with the confusion and escaped the lab.
He somehow managed to join a certain group once he escaped overseas and devoted his efforts into establishing Feather. His identification name in the Sumeragi records at the time was “Takefutsu”.
皇神(スメラギ)のハンターに囚われた後、 "蒼き雷霆(アームドブルー)" の適合が認められたためプロジェクトガンヴォルトの実験体となるも、 能力を制御できなかった失敗作として扱われる.
その後、モルモットとして様々な 実験を受けたことが無能力者たちへの憎しみを募らせる結果となるのだった.
実験の際に彼の能力は暴走し 研究所は焼失。そのどさくさに紛れアシモフは研究所を脱走.
どうにか国外へ逃亡したあと、 とある団体に入り込みフェザー設立に尽力した. 当時の皇神(スメラギ)での識別名はタケフツ.
Asimov's Sunglasses[]
Asimov’s Sunglasses:
They’re a safety device to control his abilities. This equipment is the same class of system as GV’s contact lenses, yet, unlike GV who uses those to increase his 7th Wave (Sevens), Asimov uses it to seal his own 7th Wave (Sevens).
Only a small handful of Feather members know about these sunglasses’ effect and his 7th Wave (Sevens) because of an ethos within Feather that says “don’t pry about others’ 7th Wave (Sevens)”.
能力を制御するための安全装置. GVのコンタクトレンズと同系統の装備であるが第七波動 (セブンス) を高めるために使用するGVと違いアシモフは己の第七波動 (セブンス) を封印するために使用している.
このサングラスの効果と"他者の第七波動(セブンス)に関しては詮策しない" というフェザー内の気風もあり彼の第七波動(セブンス)はフェザー内で一部の人間しか知られていない.
E.A.T.R. (Electromagnetic Anti-Tank Rifle)[]
It’s an anti-tank rail-rifle provided by Feather. The official name is “Electro-magnetic Anti Tank Rifle”
It’s a gun with common standards, a brother gun to the “Dart Leader” provided to GV. The bullet shot from the weapon has an effective range of 5000 M and a speed of 7 Km per second: it will always “predate” the target.
When sniping from very long distances, the user is in need of high skills and precise calculations amongst others. Since it isn’t an anti-personnel weapon, he didn’t use it during his battle with GV.
フェザーから支給されている対戦車用レールライフル。正式名称は”Electro-magnetic Anti Tank Rifle”
GVに支給されているダートリーダーとは共通規格の兄弟銃. 有効射程は5000M秒速7Kmで撃ち出される弾丸は対象を確実に[捕食] する
超長距離狙撃を行う場合、 ち密な計算など使用者に高度なスキルが必用とされる. 対人武器ではないためGVとの戦闘時には未使用.
Greed Snatcher[]
Greed Snatcher:
It’s a special bullet with the property to control others’ 7th Wave (Sevens) that was stolen from Acura.
Asimov also makes use of the Azure Thunderclap (Armed Blue)’s ability to create an EM field that allows him to pull a stunt: he can freely control the bullets’ trajectories.
But it places a very strong burden on the gun; it’s a two-edged sword apart from being an ace-in-the-hole that can only be used in a brief battle.
The Dart Cartridges that GV uses are based on mechanically controlling this technique to some extent.
It’s a special bullet with the property to control others’ 7th Wave (Sevens) that was stolen from Acura.
アシモフはさらに、 蒼き雷霆(アームドブルー)の能力で電滋場を形成することによりグリードスナッチャーの弾道を自在にコントロールするという離れ業をやってのけている.
しかしこれは銃自身に強い負担をかけることになる諸刄の剣であり、 短期決戦にしか使用出来ない奥の手でもある.
No.05 Copen[]
He’s 14 years old and excels at everything. He continues the research of his late father, a 7th Wave (Sevens) researcher, and has a marvelous technical prowess that overcomes even that of Sumeragi in some aspects.
The many pieces of equipment that he wears are self-developed and, despite being a normal human without a 7th Wave (Sevens), can match the abilities of moderate 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychics thanks to his high technical intelligence and studied combat style.
He is normally composed and moves to bring down the target once he’s carefully planned out his method of attack. When facing 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychics, however, he tends to go wild and thus is often met with failure.
He was born into a prominent family with influence in Japan, the Kamizono Family, however Acura decided that he shouldn’t involve the family in his private grudge and refuses to use the family’s influence.
However, he has placed his trust in a servant sent by the Kamizono Family, Nowa. She seems to support Acura in a variety of situations.
14歳. 万事においての天才. 第七波動(セブンス)研究者であった亡き父の研究を引き継ぎ、 ある側面においては皇神(スメラギ) すら超える驚異的技術力を有している.
彼が纏う数々の装備は手ずから開発したものであり, 第七波動(セブンス)を持たない普通の人間ではあるものの, この高い技術力からなる装備と研鑽されたバトルセンスで, 並の第七波動(セブンス)能力者に引けを取らない戦闘能力を有している.
It’s a strengthening jacket that, through mechanical support, notably increases Acura’s mobility and defense. However, since it places a large burden on the body, long-term wear is impossible.
EX Gear[]
EX Gear:
It’s a shield-shaped piece of equipment developed by Acura to be able to use pseudo 7th Wave (Sevens).
It transforms into a longbow-like shape when attacking and can use all kinds of abilities that recreate all types of 7th Wave (Sevens) by swapping cartridges yet their performance is lower than the original.
This “7th Wave (Sevens) that anyone can use” is something that, even in the modern world, only Acura has managed to achieve. It’s a revolutionary invention but Acura, who doesn’t trust others, has no intent of disclosing the technological info. During his fight with Asimov, his gear was greatly damaged.
攻撃時には弩弓のような形状に変形する。カートリッジを差し替えることで、名種第七波動(セブンス)を再現した様々な能力を使用できるが、 オリジナルの能力より性能は落ちる.
この [誰にでも扱うことのできる第七波動(セブンス)] は現代世界でもアキュラだけが成し遂げた革新的発明なのだが、他人を信じないアキュラに技術情報を開示するつもりはないようだ. アシモフとの戦闘時に大破.
It’s a Demon-bane revolver that also is Acura’s memento from his father.
It was stolen by Asimov and, since it was abused, is now heavily damaged.
These are the silver bullets shot from the “Border” gun. They have a special constitution and structure and, despite being physical bullets, can break through GV’s Thunder Scales.
Acura possesses several bullets like these and exchanges them depending on the opponent he is fighting.
ボーダーから射出される白銀の弾丸. 特殊な体質と構造をしており、 実体弾でありながらGVの電撃隣を突破することができる.
彼はこのような弾丸をいくつも所持しており、 戦う相手によって使い分けている.
Greed Snatcher[]
Greed Snatcher:
It’s an Anti-Psychic Purpose Special Bullet copying Carrera’s 7th Wave (Sevens).
Its power is greatly inferior compared to the “Super Heavy Magnetic Exploding Star” that Carrera himself employs but the maneuverability has greatly improved.
This is a result from Acura’s improvements but it also should be noted that Carrera himself wasn’t able to properly use his own 7th Wave (Sevens).
That the Greed Snatcher isn’t used through the shield but through the gun may be a display of some form of sentimentalism for Acura: to use the trump card against Psychics through his father’s memento.
カレラの第七波動(セブンス)をコピーした対能力者用特株弾. カレラ本人が使用する[超重滋爆星] よりも威力は落ちているが, 取り回しは大幅に向上している.
グリドースナッチャーのみは盾ではなく銃で扱うのには, 能力者に対する切り礼となえる弾丸を, 父の形見で扱いたいというアキュラなりのセンチメンタリズムの現れかもしれない.
Doppler Desire[]
Lust Doppler:
It’s an SP Skill based on the “Mirage Cross” that Pantera uses. It’d seem that Acura was unable to recreate Pantera’s original SP Skill “Phantasmagoria”.
パンテーラの使う [ミラージュクロス] を元にしたSPスキル。本来のSPスキル [ファンタズマゴリア] は、アキュラに再現できなったようだ
Copen's Father[]
Acura’s father:
He was a researcher on duty at Sumeragi’s Future Tech Lab and was the one who built the foundations of the current 7th Wave (Sevens) research.
He had his misgivings about the Psychics’ danger, more than anyone else, but he died in the accident that Asimov, then a prisoner of Sumeragi, triggered.
Since the accident was concealed by the Sumeragi top brass, Acura thinks that they, who didn’t pay attention to his father’s complaints, were the ones who killed him.
皇神(スメラギ) の未来技術研究所に勤めていた研究者で、 現在の第七波動(セブンス) 研究の基礎を築いた人物.
能力者の危険性を誰よりも危惧していたが、 当時皇神(スメラギ) に囚われていたアシモフが起こした事故によって死亡.
Kamizono Family[]
Kamizono Family:
It’s a Demon-bane clan that’s existed in Japan since long ago. They are little known in mainstream society and, since Acura himself isn’t interested in his family, little is known about it. The current family head is Acura’s aunt.
日本に古くから伝わる退魔の一族。表社会ではあまり知られておらず、 アキュラ本人も興味がないため詳しくは知らない。現当主はアキュラの叔母にあたる人物。
No.06 Viper and No.07 Merak[]
He’s the Psychic with the “Explosion”, he protects Sumeragi’s Chemical Factories Area.
He’s the former leader of the color gang “Maiden Blood” that had the Kanto region under its control.
He had been scouted by Shiden when he was beginning to have doubts about spending each day of his life brawling.
At first he refused the invitation but once he heard a song by Sumeragi’s signboard Virtual Idol, Morpho, he was attracted to her, and thus joined Sumeragi’s Security Unit.
Since he’s impulsive and easily manipulated, Shiden often tricks him into doing jobs for him.
His best fighting style has kicks wrapped in huge flames at its core, and he also has a sure-kill move in which he compresses huge heat energy into a spheroid which explodes and combusts upon touch, the “Angry Bomb”
His Sword is the “Fire God (Hi No Kagutsuchi)”
Daytona’s 7th Wave (Sevens): it controls heat energy.
Before his transformation, Daytona could only create heat-balls with it. However, once he gained the support of the “Sword”, he was able to compress a huge amount of heat energy into a sphere and have it trigger an explosion-combustion the moment it hits something: this is called the “Angry Bomb”.
He also uses the kick attack “Unicorn Drop” when surrounded by flames which are made by combusting the air of his underbody. By changing the air’s heat, he can control the airflow to create a small air scaffolding.
By kicking said scaffolding he can use practical moves like “Final Assault”, which changes his air-bone movements.
爆炎 (エクスプロージョン):
変身前のデイトナはただの熱球を発生させるだけの能力だったが, 宝剣のサポートを受けることにより, 膨大な熱エネルギーを球形に圧縮し, 着弾した瞬間に爆発熱焼させる [アングリーボム] や,
足周りの空気を熱焼させ炎をまとった状態での蹴撃[ユーニコンドロップ], 空気の熱を変化させることによって気流を操作し, 小規模な空気の足場を形成.
それを蹴ることで空中の動作を変化させる [フェイントアサルト] などの応用技が可能となった.
Hi no Kagutsuchi[]
“Fire God” (Hi no Kagutsuchi)
It’s Daytona’s Sword. The nation-creator male God Izanagi used this to defeat the Fire God Kagutsuchi and thus it was named as such. It’s also known as “Ame no ohabari” (Heaven Tail Feathers Spread).
デイトナの持つ宝剣。国産みの男神イザナギがこれを用い、火の神カグツチを斬ったとされることからその名で呼ばれる。別名 [天之尾羽張 (アメノオハバリ)]。
He’s the “Subspace Hole (Wormhole)” Psychic who leads Sumeragi’s battling unit.
He was sneered at by others for his excellent intelligence, and because he had a 7th Wave, he was personally scouted by Shiden by the time he’d become a truant, and thus, he joined Sumeragi.
His supreme goal is “I don’t want to work”. However, he actually has some diligence that he makes use of along with his quick mind. He has drastic determination.
And since he, compared to other Psychics with more complicated personalities, has a more rational behavior, he’s one of Shiden’s favorites.
His Sword is the “Unmoving Country Line (Fudou No Kuniyuki)”
優れた知能や第七波動(セブンス)能力者であることが他者から疎まれ、 不登校児となっていたところを紫電直々にスカウトされ皇神に加わる
働ないことを至上の目的としているが, なんだかんだいって働いてくれる勤勉 さや頭の回転の速さ, ドラスッティクな決断力を持ち,
また、 何か性格に難の多い能力者のなかでもまともな対応をしてくれるため、 紫電に気に入られている.
Subspace Hole (Wormhole)
This is Merak’s 7th Wave (Sevens)
It’s an ability that triggers distortions in space and links separated places between them
It was originally an ability to transfer himself but since the destination of the transfer is limited to “places I (Merak) know of” he can’t transfer to unknown places. He also can’t transfer to places where there might be some danger once he's there (inside of a wall, for example).
The space distortions can be set up like a placement-type trap but in that case, the transfer accuracy is lower.
It’s also possible to distort the space at the wormhole’s destination, yet it’s something very hard to control. It’s not all-powerful, either.
空間にひずみを発生させ、 離れた場所同士を繋げる事ができる能力
本来は自分を転多するための能力であり, 転多先はメラクが[自身存在できる場所] に限られるため, メラクの知らない場所やメラク自身を転多させた際に危険が伴う場所 (壁の中など) には転多できない
また、 繋げ先の空間はある程度歪ませることができるが、これもコントロールが難しく万能ではないようだ
Armed Chair[]
Armed Chair:
A Sumeragi-developed seat-shaped battling machine, which is also comfortable to sit on. This unit is capable of floating for a long period of time. It can last months since its last energy supply.
The hovering is achieved thanks to Sumeragi’s monopoly of hovertech but, like the Swords, there are a lot of unclear aspects about its mechanism.
Merak’s 7th Wave (Sevens) Inducers are combined to the Armed Seat and he only needs to think to make it move as if it was his hands and feet. It’s got a safety device built in, so it can’t be used when Merak’s not transformed.
The built-in weapons are “Seat Punch”, “Seat Missile”, and “Seat Laser (Lazy Laser)”. Since this machine was made exclusively for Merak, he, as the user, was charged with the naming of each weapon, but it seems he named them in a very random manner.
皇神 (スメラギ) により開発された戦闘用の椅子型マシン. 座り心地は快適. エネルギー捕給なしで数ヶ月単位での長時間浮遊が可能.
これは物を浮かばせることができる皇神 (スメラギ) の独占技術によるものだが、 宝剣などと同じくそのメカニズムは不明瞭な点が多い.
メラクの第七波動(セブンス)誘因子が組み込まれており、 彼が念じるだけで自分の手足のように動かせることができるが、 変身状態ではないと使用できないようセフティが掛かっている.
武装は [イスパンチ] [イスミサイル] [イスレーザー (レイジレーザー)]. メラク専用マシンのため、 各武装の名将は使用者であるメラクに一任されていたが、 どうやらかなり適当につけたようだ.
Fudo Kuniyuki[]
“Unmoving country line” (Fudou Kuniyuki)
It’s the Sword entrusted to Merak. It’s processed from the blade that the famed 6th Evil Spirit King “Oda Nobunaga” was said to own.
No.08 Jota and No.09 Stratos[]
He’s a genuine Japanese, born in a famed family that has expedited excellent military men generation after generation.
He had also been in the Army, but, in the middle of a mission to suppress terrorism by 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychics, he ended up witnessing the disastrous scene of how powerless the Army was when faced with Psychics.
And the ones who suppressed the terrorist incident were the Sumeragi Psychics Unit that Shiden was part of.
After exchanging talks with Shiden a few times, he began to feel that he (Shiden) was fitting to become a general.Jota then resigned from the Army claiming that a wound he’d suffered in the incident had made him lose sight: his next step was to join Sumeragi.
He dedicated his efforts towards helping Shiden gain a stronger position within Sumeragi
He has his own slogan, which is “Soldiers honor Godly speed”. He’s got a strong prejudice regarding speed due to his ability. On the other hand, he hates to hurry in drawing conclusions.
彼も軍に属していたが、 第七波動(セブンス)能力者によるテロの鎮圧任務中、 能力者に対し何も出来ない軍の惨状を目の当たりにしてしまう.
そして、 そのテロ事件を鎮圧したのが紫電の所属する皇神(スメラギ)の能力者部隊だった.
以降、紫電と話を交すうちに彼に将としての器を感じ取り、 事件の際に負った傷による視力底下を理由に軍を辞職、 皇神(スメラギ)に参加.
[兵は神速を尊(たっと)ぶ] を座右の鉻としており, 自身の能力もあって, 速さに対するこだわりが強い. 反面、 結論を急ぎすぎるきらいがある.
Afterglow (Light-speed):
It’s Jota's 7th Wave (Sevens).
An ability that, apart from controlling photons to some extent, allows him to change his flesh into photons and carry out (literally) light-speed movements.
After transforming with the “Sword”, he can change photons into energy through the Photon Bit equipped on his back to form either beam attacks or a light-blade.
However, whenever he transforms himself into photons during his light-speed movements, he becomes unable to carry out thinking. This means that he can only move to spots that he’s decided beforehand. He can’t move and attack at the same time either, which is another defect.
残光 (ライトスピード):
宝剣の変身後は背中に装備しているフォトンビットにより光子をエネルギーに変換し、 ビーム攻撃や光の刄を形成することが可能.
Zero Blade (Phosphoratorium)[]
Demise Light-blade (Zero Blade):
It’s Jota's Special Skill.
It’s a powerful attack based on altering a quantum mechanical idea to his needs. This particular idea suggests that only what we observe through our naked eyes actually exists, and it acknowledges that “light” is what’s shaping the world. Iota controls that “light” which shapes the world and, by turning it into zero, he can tear the world/space itself.
The attack releases an enormous amount of energy so, apart from properly aiming it is hard, Iota momentarily ends up in a fuel-lacking state after using it.
That’s why, after charging in right after shooting the Zero Blade and, unlike when he uses the Flash Stinger, the beam blades don’t form and his displacement speed is slower than the usual.
終焉ノ光刃 (ゼロブレイド):
観測している物だけが実在するという量子力学的発想を拡大解釈し、世界を形作っているのは [光] であることを認識。その光を操り、ゼロとすることで世界=空間そのものを切り裂くという大技。
膨大なエネルギーを放出するので狙いを定めるのが難しいうえ、 使用後イオタは一時的ガス欠状態となってしまう。
そのため、ゼロブレイド直後の突撃はフラッシュスティンガーと違って、 ビーム刄も形成されず移動速度も遅い。
Koryu Kagemitsu[]
“Small-dragon Fluorescence” (Koryuu Kagemitsu)
It’s Jota's own “Sword”. Sumeragi retrieved the blade, designed as National Treasure and stored in a museum, to use as basic material.
イオタの持つ宝剣. 国宝指定され博物館に所蔵されていた刀剣を皇神(スメラギ)が回収し、 素材としている.
He’s the Psychic of the “Winged Insect (The Fly)”, which turns the user’s body into flea-shaped energy bodies which can decompose and absorb all matter
He was being held captive as a test subject in Sumeragi’s Pharmacology Lab to study the actual effects of their own drugs on the Psychics’ bodies.
Before becoming a test subject, he was an attractive young man with a high popularity. However, after repeated experiments, his personality broke away.
His 7th Wave is on the edge of rampage, to the point the Sword can barely control it; he has degraded into a monster which devours anything in sight.
He’s constantly harassed by hunger that never is satisfied, and this is usually held back by the psycho stabilizing effect of “S.E.E.D”, produced from the experimental plan “ViVid”
He originally wasn’t part of Shiden’s jurisdiction. But, when he was revived at Heaven’s Inverted Spear, he was incorporated under Shiden’s jurisdiction.
His Sword is the “Lizard Circle (Tokagemaru)”
実験体となる前の彼は人望の厚い好青年だったが, 度重なる実験の末に人格は崩壊
もともと紫電の管轄ではなかったが、 アメノサカホコでの復活再生時には紫電の傘下に組み込まれている.
The Fly[]
Winged Insect (The Fly):
It’s a 7th Wave that allows the user to change their flesh into energy masses that resemble flies.
These energy masses decompose what they touch and absorb them as their own energy.
After transforming with the “Sword”, Stratos is able to momentarily rebuild his flesh once it becomes an energy mass and he gains the ability to change into several forms. However, since Stratos (the user) has almost no intelligence left in him, he changes following his instincts and can’t transform into complex forms.
翅蟲 (ザ·フライ):
宝剣による変身後は、一旦エネルギー体になった後の肉体を再構成することであらゆる形状に変化する能力は加わっているが、使用者であるストラトスに知性がほとんど残っておらず本能の赴くまま変形しているため、 あまり復雑な形状にはなれないようだ.
“Lizard Circle” (Tokagemaru)
It’s the “Sword” granted to Stratos. It’s based on the bewitched blade that appears in Japanese folklore.
It’s believed that this Sword is under Sumeragi’s complete control but the blade appeared where the berserk Stratos was at. It’s like it’d chased after him.
The tale says that when a monster appeared, the blade jumped out of its sheath on its own; it’s similar to what happened here.
As one might understand from this happening, there are still many doubts left about the safety of the “Swords”. But all facts inconvenient for Sumeragi are concealed: such is the status quo.
ストラトスに与えられた宝剣で、 民話に登場する妖刀がベース.
宝剣は皇神の完全制御下にあると信じられているが、 この剣は暴走状態のストラトスの元に引き寄せられるように現れている.
それはさも化物の出現に際し、 独りでに鞘から飛び出したという蜥蜴丸の逸話のように
No.10 Elise and No.11 Carrera[]
Elise 1[]
Elise’s 1st personality:
Elise is a girl who, because of her shy personality and the fact that she was a Psychic, got bullied by other girls of her age.
Emotions filled with jealousy swirl in the depths of her heart and are directed towards those who live peacefully. Due to her timid nature, however, she almost never brought those out.
However, as a result of Sumeragi’s experiments, the passion of her jealousy, which was slumbering in the depths of her heart, ended up manifesting as a split personality.
心の奥底では平穏に過ごす人達に対し、 嫉妬めいた感情を渦巻かせているが、 気弱な性分もあって表に出すことは少なかった.
ところが、 皇神(スメラギ)の研究の結果、 心の奥底に眠っていた嫉妬の情念が別人各として現れるようになってしまう.
Elise 2[]
Elise’s 2 personality:
She originally was supposed to become a personality submissive to Sumeragi but, maybe due to influence from the darkness in Elise’s heart, she manifested herself as a violent personality. She went berserk and turned many of the researchers into zombies.
(The 7th Wave <Sevens> is greatly influenced by the user’s mental state as well, so it’s very hard to perform brainwashing on the user when the 7th Wave <Sevens> is on a rampage or when the user’s personality hasn’t been erased)
As a result, she was sealed deep inside of the depths of Else’s consciousness. Her 7th Wave (Sevens) is the most powerful out of the 3 personalities.
Conventional attacks can’t even possibly harm her due to her endless vitality. Sometimes she compares battles to games: but that might be a representation of herself (since she never had any friends to play with) in her manner of doing things.
本来は皇神(スメラギ)に従順な性格となるはずだったが、 エリーゼの心の闇の影響を受けたのか、 凶暴な別人格として発現. 暴走し、 多くの研究員をゾンビへと変えた.
結果、 深層意識の奥底に封じ込められることとなった. 第七波動(セブンス)の力は三つの人格の中で最も高い.
無限の生命力により、 通常の攻撃では彼女を傷つけることすら出来ない. ときおり戦闘を遊びに例えるのは、 友人と遊ぶことの無かった彼女なりの発露なのかもしれない.
Elise 3[]
Elise’s 3rd personality:
She’s a new personality created after Elise 2 but she also turned out to be a failure. Elise’s personality split further and Elise 3 became a belligerent and authoritarian personality.
Elise 1 may have had some tabooed jealous longing towards the bullies somewhere in her heart and that might be the reason for Elise 3’s personality.
The surviving researchers were turned into zombies by her and Sumeragi’s lab ended up devastated.
エリーゼ2の後再度作り出した人格だが、 結果は失敗. さらに人格が分裂し、 好戦的かつ高圧的な人格となってしまった.
彼女により残った研究員はゾンビへと変えられ、 皇神(スメラギ)の研究施設は壊滅することになる.
Life Reincarnation (Unlimited animus)
It’s a 7th Wave (Sevens) that controls souls and resurrects living things. However, the resurrected subjects become zombies.
The Ability is strengthened after transforming with the “Sword”. Elise becomes capable of using moves such as “Jealous Gorgon” that turns those that look at it directly into a state of petrification. Apart from that, Elise 2 is capable of complete resurrection without transforming the subject into a zombie.
生命輪廻 (アンリミテッドアニムス):
魂を操り生物を復活させる第七波動(セブンス). ただし、 復活させた者はゾンビになってしまう.
宝剣による変身後は能力が強化され,特殊な光を直視した相手を仮死状態にさせる技"ジェラシックゴルゴン"などの使用が可能になっている他, エリーゼ2に至ってはゾンビ化しない完全な蘇生が可能になっている.
Snake Shuriken[]
Snake Shuriken:
They’re kunai made using snake corpses as a basis. Elise uses her 7th Wave (Sevens) to resurrect them into zombie snakes when they make contact.
Cloth City Soul (Futsunomitama):
It’s Elise’s “Sword”. This “Sword” is based on the sword that the Thunder God Takemikazuchi is said to have used when subjugating the “ashihara no nakatsukuni <the middle country of red beds, Mythological naming of Japan>”.
The Psychic of the “Magnetic Field Fists (Magnetic Arts)”, who’s part of Sumeragi’s Psychic Hunting (Hunter) Unit.
He uses an odd Samurai speech, and has an unhealthy obsession with power and strong foes
His policy is “clash of strengths at full power” and he doesn’t know the phrase “holding back”.
He was famous as a challenger of “dojo”, and his war record was complete victory and not a single loss.
He eventually began to think that only 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychics like him could fight him on equal grounds. So he undertook an interview with Sumeragi, who was handling incidents involving 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychics.
Carrera’s 7th Wave creates a special magnetic field which can absorb the 7th Wave of opponents and temporarily trap it into an unusable state.
Sumeragi was interested in that ability and, thus, Carrera won his employment in a manner similar to talent recruiting.
His desire fulfilled, he began to take part in battles against Psychics but, given how the Psychics who got hit by his own Ability had their 7th Wave canceled, his greed was almost never fulfilled
Sumeragi greatly values him since he’s fit to quell enemy Psychics
His Sword is the “Rock Thaw (Iwa Tooshi)”
Magnetic Arts[]
Magnetic Field Fists (Magnetic Arts)
It’s Carrera’s 7th Wave, it can pull anything using a special magnetic energy.
The reason it’s got the same name as his self-taught martial arts is because, in all of History, there’s no one apart from him that has this Ability. This “self-title” was employed as the name to register himself into Sumeragi, too. (He didn’t think of his 7th Wave and his martial arts as 2 different concepts.)
By pulling others’ 7th Wave (Sevens) towards himself and scattering it across the air, he can seal the opponent’s 7th Wave (Sevens).
By rebounding the magnetism covering his body and the magnetism applied to the ground he can make his body hover. He can also do the inverse: by pulling the magnetism applied to the walls he can move at high-speed.
His 7th Wave is thought to, originally, be able to control the target to be suctioned. Given Carrera’s personality, though, he’s unable to control that in a precise manner.
彼の我流武術と同じ名前なのは、この第七波動(セブンス)を有しているのが歴史上カレラしか存在しておらず、彼が名乗る"自称" がそのまま皇神の登録名として採用されたため (カレラは自身の第七波動と武術を分けて考えていなかった)
自らに纏わせた磁力と床に付与させた磁力を反発させることで身体を浮かさせることや、 逆に壁に付与させた滋力と引き合わせることで高速移動も可能.
Rock-Thaw (Iwatoshi)
It’s Carrera’s “Sword.” It’s based on the halberd said to have been used by Musashibou Benkei (historical Japanese warrior monk)
カレラの持つ宝剣. 元は武蔵坊弁慶が使ったとされる薙刀.
No.12 Zonda[]
The “Phantom Mirror (Mirror)” Psychic that’s part of Sumeragi’s Psychic Hunting (Hunters) Unit
Their age is unknown, but they often claim to be 17 years old.
Their habit of adding “love” to everything they say rubs many people the wrong way, but oddly enough, their followers don’t seem to mind. In fact, some appear to worship them.
Pantera’s personality and appearance can shift whenever they feel like it. They apparently change their gender every day, even without reason.
Typically, use of 7th Wave would require transforming via their “Sword”, but Pantera can swap genders without having to do so.
It’s unknown whether that’s part of their 7th Wave, or it’s simply makeup.
Only a few members know about their origins. However, if one tries to compile all of that information together, the story doesn’t add up.
There have also been several cases of those who say “before I knew it, I’d been registered as an employee.”
Pantera’s true strength is unknown. Sumeragi 7th Wave researchers consider them to be max rank, on par with Gunvolt and Shiden.
Pantera was defeated by Acura in battle, but that was only made possible thanks to all the careful preparations Acura underwent beforehand. Hadn’t it been a surprise attack, Pantera certainly would not have lost.
Their “Sword” is the “Little Crow (Kogarasumaru)”
年齢は不明だが、 本人は17歳を自称することが多い.
性格やそれに基づく外見はパンテーラの気分により変わり、 特に理由のない場合は一日ごとに性別を変化させているようだ.
本来、宝剣で変身しなければ第七波動は使えないことになっているはずだが、 彼(彼女)の場合、なぜか生身でも性別を入れ替えている
皇神内でも彼の素性を知る者は少なく、 その数少ない人間が握っているという素性もそれぞれを刷り合わせてみれば一致していないことが多い
Phantasm Mirror[]
Phantom Mirror (Mirror)
It’s Pantera’s 7th Wave (Sevens), which can show all sorts of virtual images to the opponent.
This Ability is unparalleled; there’s nothing else like it. In addition to creating illusions, it is said to harbor an unknown power.
However, since Pantera died without ever being forced to display their full power, this mystery’s true nature has been shrouded in darkness.
Will the full picture ever be revealed…?
しかし、 パンテーラから真の力を引き出すほどの強者が現れないまま、 彼(彼女)が死亡してしまったその実力は闇に包まれている
Over Gender[]
A skill of the Phantom Mirror (Mirror). It can use mirrors to swap genders.
Man Mode and Woman Mode have rather different personalities, but both share the habit of proclaiming “love” in their speech.
There is said to be a hidden war of sorts among Pantera’s followers, split between the Man Pantera Faction and the Woman Pantera Faction.
鏡を利用し、 性別を入れ替える夢幻鏡(ミラー)のスキル.
男モードーと女モードーで性格は若干違うらしいが、 どちらもしきりに[恋]を口にする点は同じ.
部下の間では, 男パンテーラ派と女パンテーラ派の隠れ派閥さえ存在しているとか.
Little Crow (Kogarasumaru):
It’s Pantera’s Sword.
The blade that was used as its base was a “double-edged sword” crafted with a special shape, called symmetrical tip forging.
元となった刀は, 鋒両刃造(きっさきもろはづくり)と呼ばれる特殊な形状をした"両刃の刀"である.
The concept that Pantera loves.
The scope of what Pantera calls “love” is so broad, it carries the feeling that something is off compared to the “love” most people know.
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 profiles[]
No.01 Desna[]
She’s an 18-year-old Russian girl with a distinctive accent who’s a member of the Grimwald Seven (AKA G7).
She was born in a wealthy family and, ever since her childhood, she received a lot of adoration and love from her relatives due to her beauty and her incredibly precise astrology to the point she was called “the girl loved by God”. She lived a life that didn’t lack anything.
However, a riot that stemmed from political change broke out.
The leader of that bloody riot incident was a powerful 7th Wave Psychic and, as a result, a tendency to see 7th Wave Psychics as dangerous began to gradually build up in her hometown.
One day, while confined at her home, she received a message from the stars, a heavenly message: “travel across the world and guide the Psychics out there who suffer persecution”.
On the next day’s morning she employed her own 7th Wave “Tangle Hair” to escape from the window. Believing in the message from the stars, she decided to travel around the world.
What she witnessed as she traveled was several cases of intense friction between 7th Wave Psychics and Non-Psychics and the gruesome persecution that the Psychics suffered.
She guided comrades who’d lost the way with her specialty, astrology, and healed their hearts: and, at some time, people began to call her “Goddess” without her noticing that trend.
One night, during her travels, she had a dream while sleeping in a stable in which she was given a message from the stars once again: “Join Eden and save the Psychics”.
Splitting Ends[]
Tangle Hair:
It’s a 7th Wave which controls hair, reshaping it at will.
Apart from the length, she’s able to change with a lot of precision the hardness of it and, when hardened, the hair’s hardness overcomes that of diamonds.
Sometimes it acts as supple whips, other times it becomes spiral fangs that stab and pierce through anything and sometimes it becomes a shield capable of deflecting all kinds of attacks.
Multi-National Psychics Union Eden:
It’s a multinational union of 7th Wave Psychics that have suffered oppression and thus began to help each other out.
Those whom Nike met on her travels and become her devotees are also part of the organization.
All members are given titles taken from the chess pieces yet those titles are no more than “division of roles” and it’s not a hierarchical organization…
(… In theory, that is. It’d seem that, in reality, the org is hierarchical and that’s how it works like. Thus, Nike’s role is that of a “Rook”).
Apart from a chosen elite (the “G7”), most of the org is composed of those who can’t use their 7th Wave at will and those whose 7th Wave aren’t practical enough: these members are named “Pawns”.
G7と呼ばれている一部の選ばれた精鋭を除けば、任意では第七波動を使えない者や、実用レベルに達しない第七波動しか持たない [ポーン] と呼ばれる者が大半である。
A Year's Worth Of Hair[]
Nike’s 1 Year of Hair:
There’s a plausible rumor being whispered amongst the Eden members that worship Nike.
That rumor says that “those who do an outstanding job will be rewarded with a year’s worth of Nike’s hair”.
It’s a totally groundless rumor that not even Nike herself knows about.
No-one knows what purpose that’d have and why does it have to be “a year’s worth of hair” to begin with.
No.02 Ghauri[]
He’s an 16-year old American who’s one of the G7. He always speaks in rap fashion and he’s also one of Eden’s “Knights”.
He grew up receiving special education for gifted children in figure skating during his childhood . However, during that period, a movement to ban 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychics from taking part in official competitions grew stronger and, as a result, he was unable to become an official skater.
Afterwards, he made use of his bodily abilities which he’d cultivated through his hobbies and skating to become a street dancer. He was invited by other fellow Psychics who he met through dancing and they established a Psychics-only dance team.
Their performances, which incorporated their 7th Wave, gained a good reputation and they grew to be a famous dance team in their region. However, mistrust towards Psychics grew stronger in that area. One day, when they were going to showcase in a tournament, the organizers told them that they’d canceled their participation in the tournament.
That’s when Ghauri used an improvised rap and managed to cheer up his pals who were beaten by despair. That event became the roots of his current speaking style.
Thanks to Ghauri and his strange encouragement, the team was able to recover from the blow and they gradually began to expand the scope of their performances. Unfortunately, they also gradually ended up receiving the antipathy of other dance teams due to the unique “performance combined with 7th Wave” that only Ghauri’s team could do.
Eventually, due to the sabotage of a rival team jealous of them, an incident happened; Ghauri’s team leader suffered heavy and unrecoverable injuries.
Ghauri did his best to try to keep the team alive, but the other members became devoid of passion to stick together and the team disbanded. That was when Tenjian, who’d often come as a spectator to witness his and his pals’ dances, invited him to join Eden, and he did so.
Nowadays his passion for dance still remains without fading and he spends day and night trying hard to combine his 7th Wave and his dances to advance towards a higher level.
アメリカ生まれの16歳。G7の一人にして、いかなる時もラップ口調を絶やさないエデンの [ナイト] 。
幼少期に両親からフィギュアスケートの英才教育 を受け育つが、当時スポーツ界全体で第七波動能力者の公式競技への参加を禁止する動きが強まり、スケートの道を断たれることになった
It’s a 7th Wave (Sevens) that allows Ghauri to create special crystals around him.
The crystals that spawn are far harder than those that exist in the natural world, and Ghauri can calibrate through his will the condensation and refraction of light these crystals will have.
In normal conditions, it takes a lot of effort for Ghauri to make crystals bigger than him or smaller crystals within a radius of 4-5 meters. But once he transforms with the “Book” then the radius in which he can spawn them and their size gain a great boost.
And, also, once he’s transformed, Ghauri is able to glide at high speeds atop the prisms that he’s generated.
Books (Fairy Tales):
The 7th Wave Inducer Seal Devices, Sumeragi’s “Swords”, triggered a side-effect when the factors were unsealed and returned to the Psychic that owned them. These changed the user’s body into a form based on the type of 7th Wave that the “Sword” contained. This was the “transformation phenomenon (Armed Phenomenon)”.
The “Books” are 7th Wave Enhancing Devices made to purposely trigger it.
They are spell books (Grimoires) that contain many pages of magical spells written in them. They employ the user’s 7th Wave (Sevens) Inducers and a “Mirror Piece” that contains a piece of Cyan’s cyber body, as the basis.
(*Her cyber body is actually something like her soul and it’s not a Factor. It’s believed that the technology to control a spiritual existence like her is derived from the “Swords”.) By combining both, they can control and amplify the user’s 7th Wave.
Their spiritual and magical functions are weaker than a “Sword” by comparison, but the “Swords” had their resources dedicated to sealing the Abilities. The books instead amplify and control the 7th Wave since they use the “Mirror Pieces” containing Cyan’s sealed power as core, and become tools with performance far above that of the “Swords”.
That aside, the words that Ghauri mutters when he scatters into pieces (“The magic’s vanishing”) are based upon the tale of “Cinderella”. The magic cast in her vanished at midnight: yet, at the same time, they signal that the Grimoire suffered a great deal of damage due to the battle and the magic spell inside disrupted. Thus, as a matter of fact, the magic cast on him vanished as well.
宝本 (フェアリーテイル):
No.03 Teseo[]
He’s a 14 year-old Korean, a member of the G7 and one of Eden’s “Bishops”.
He usually uses a way of speaking that mixes net slang and what might look like mockery. But it’d seem he himself has no bad intentions and, on the contrary, is trying to act as an entertainer to cheer people up.
He’s got quite some fans within Eden, and the video upload site as well as the internal SNS he runs using Eden’s communications devices. These are one of the few amusements the members have and he’s well-liked.
He used to upload prank videos into a famous video site by using his 7th Wave and ended up as a live video stream user with a core popularity. However, as a result of the worsening of the world’s status, the video site was shut down.
“If I don’t have a place to be at then I’ll build myself a new place to be at, U see! LOL!”… Having said that, Teseo employed his 7th Wave (Sevens) to search for an org that could be somewhere to stay at. He found Eden, which was improving its communications technologies and equipment to be able to spy on the Sumeragi Group.
He joined them as a systems engineer just for the fun of it.
Eden was able to drastically increase its technological level ever since Teseo joined them through his specialty and expertise in programming and hacking.
Teseo says that, apparently, he gets along with Asroc (who’s in charge of the hardware) but Asroc himself denies that.
It’d seem he pulled hacking and cracking into the Sumeragi Group with the intent to prank them before the Eden invasion of Japan began.
韓国生まれの14歳。G7の一人にしてエデンの [ビショップ] 。
[居場所がなければ自分で作ればいいんですケドw] と、自身の第七波動を使って自分に都合の良さそうな組織を探っていたところ、当時、皇神(スメラギ)グループへのスパイ工作のために通信技術や設備の強化を進めていたエデンの情報を発見。
Hack the Planet[]
World Hack:
It’s the 7th Wave that turns matter into data and sends it to remote areas; it can also make the data that Teseo builds materialize within its radius of action.
It can also modify data and “digitalize” the space around Teseo. When a digitized space is placed under his control, even the laws of physics can be altered and distorted.
It’s unable to materialize complicated objects but since it’s so versatile Eden greatly treasures this Ability.
It’s believed to be a 7th Wave of the same group as the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy” and the “Azure Thunderclap”.
あまり複雑な物を実体化させることはできないが、 汎用性の高さからエデン内部では重宝されている。
[電子の謡精] や [蒼き雷霆] とは同系流の第七波動と思われる。
Eden's Official Channel[]
Eden Official Channel:
It’s an official channel created within the video site that Teseo runs
His videos of him inviting guest Psychics (members of Eden) and having them use their 7th Wave to take on all kinds of challenges are very popular, to the point that he’s got fans outside of Eden.
Incidentally, the battle between Gunvolt and Teseo was planned in a rush and so it was a livestream without a previous announcement. In spite of that he achieved quite a big number of viewers yet most of them were Eden members.
Proto Legion JB[]
Proto Legion JB:
It’s a prototype tank, the “Plasma Legion”, which Sumeragi is developing.
Pantera gained the data on the design of the tank through her intelligence gathering. Teseo used it as a basis to recreate it with his “World Hack”. The result is this “Proto Legion JB”.
Since it was built in a rush, the originally planned for transformation combined body mechanism was omitted, and various weapons like the “Legion Tornado”, the “ZMC Field” or the “Stabilizer” are unequipped.
In the missile pods where the “Stabilizer” would be at, a wide-radius destruction AAC warhead, the “Hummer D”, has been incorporated.
No.04 Asroc[]
He’s a 15-year-old French member of the G7. He harbors flames of madness behind his cold attitude. He’s also one of Eden’s “Knights”.
He was born in a family consisting of his mother and her four children, of which he was the oldest son. He wasn’t very talkative but he grew up to be a kind-hearted boy who treasured his family.
He grew up in a family that wasn’t exactly wealthy yet one of the few things he enjoyed was that one day each year in which he and his brothers and sisters would enjoy their mother’s hand-made cake.
His surroundings might’ve influenced him because Asroc then decided to become a patissier.
He was very fortunate to become the apprentice of a famous patissier. Asroc then brought out exceptional talent and, at the age of 12, everyone around him looked forward to how far he’d be able to come.
His mother had strictly ordered him to conceal his Ability yet, one day, when he was improving his patissier skills, a little detail ended up revealing that he was a Psychic.
Rumors began to steadily gain impulse and a groundless bad reputation of him began to spread across his hometown.
Despite that, Asroc struggled to work his way through and tried to defeat the rumors. However, one day he’d gone off to training, a fire happened at his house and his whole family burned to death.
News of the incident reached his teacher and, afraid of being dragged into the convulsion, he expelled Asroc.
It eventually came to light that the culprit of the fire was a Non-Psychic deluded by the rumors.
Asroc would then become trapped in deep-rooted delusion: he had to “burn up” all Non-Psychics.
Now he freely uses his skills when he’s with his Eden comrades and the cakes and pastries he makes grant his comrades a momentary peace.
フランス出身の15歳。G7の一人にして、冷徹な態度の裏に狂気の炎を宿すエデンの [ナイト] 。
A 7th Wave (Sevens) that uses string-shaped energy to strengthen and operate machines.
Unlike Gunvolt and Teseo’s hacking, it doesn’t control the software but the physical machine itself: it’s actually very similar to psychokinesis.
The machines controlled by these strings can bring out far more potential than the potential they were designed to bring out.
Galette Krone[]
Galette Krone:
It’s a puppet weapon made by combining several types of weapons that Eden owns using the “Puppet Wires”.
The spherical body is empty on the inside and that cavity accumulates firepower energy. It then releases the heat beam attack “Furnace of Inferno” with unrivaled power and which is impossible to dodge. Asroc can contract himself inside of that empty space as well.
The origin of its name is the French pastry “galette” and the word for crown, “couronne”.
The “Gran Torta” is the crowned crown, and its design is inspired by the “Galette de Roi” which is eaten in France on the Day of the Eastern Kings.
Gran Torta[]
Gran Torta:
It’s external power-up equipment for “Galette Krone” built by sewing scrap together through the “Puppet Wires”.
It’s a gigantic weapon that is crowned by the “Galette Krone” containing the contracted Asroc inside of it.
Asroc is in need of physically board it and extend “Puppet Wires” from “Galette Krone” across the whole of the giant’s body to be able to operate it.
It’s a prototype autonomous fighter plane being developed by Sumeragi in utmost secrecy within the Giant Airship “Apsara”.
It was unable to produce enough output to fly and the development project was partly stuck when Eden stole it.
Asroc, hiding inside the Apsara, used his 7th Wave to power it up and activate it.
It’d seem there were several units placed within the Apsara so one of them ended up being allocated to the unit that Nimrod commanded.
皇神(スメラギ)が巨大飛行艇 ”飛天”の内部で極秘裏に開発を進めていた試作自律型戦闘機。
No.05 Milas[]
He’s a 19 year-old young man from Australia. He’s one of Eden’s G7 and one of the “Rooks”. Despite being the oldest of the G7, he joined Eden way after all the others did.
He greatly loves the “oceans” and is merciless with those who dirty the oceans. He also has the habit of comparing things to the “oceans”.
He’s part of an environmental preservation group that claims to work in protecting the oceans. However, he felt that his pals weren’t bold enough for the task so he joined Eden to carry out terrorism in an triumphant manner.
That was when, a man who’d been part of the G7, died in an unforeseen accident during a mission he was carrying out. Nimrod’s 7th Wave was considered strong enough to replace him: that’s how he was appointed to be his replacement.
He thinks of eventually wiping out the civilization of science and technology which dirties the oceans and build up a clean & ecological civilization that would use 7th Wave.
His ideals differ from Eden’s beliefs but his friendly amiable comradeship behavior makes him very popular within Eden. He behaves positively when doing guerilla operations and when he’s in charge of several hot-blooded men who revere him: they call him “bro”.
On the other hand, his only faults would be his rough personality and his occasional lack of delicacy. Despite his appearance, he can be pretty reasonable. He gets pretty well along with all of the other G7 members.
[海] をこよなく愛しており、海を汚すものに容赦がない。また、なにかというと物事を[海]に例える癖がある。
It’s a 7th Wave that controls liquids.
If one looks at past cases of Psychics having this same Ability, then Nimrod should be able to control anything in liquid state. However, his “Liquid” 7th Wave displays a tendency to significantly drop in influence when controlling liquids with a lot of impurities that aren’t water (seawater is an exception, though).
However, when he controls water and seawater, he displays a scale of power greater than any other Psychics with the same Ability that may have been discovered insofar.
The reason for the above is believed to be an influence of his rough, sea-loving personality.
Triton Harpoon[]
Triton Harpoon:
It consists of shape-changing hip fins that take shape after Nimrod transforms with the “Fairy Tale”.
They can transform into either a harp, boomerangs or a trident and can further increase Nimrod’s 7th Wave (Sevens) which is already boosted up in his transformed state.
Hydro Zapper[]
Hydro Zapper:
It’s a “water laser” that Nimrod’s 7th Wave creates and contains a special electrolyte which can’t possibly exist in the natural world. It’s fired at a very high pressure from three different directions at the same time.
This skill can short-circuit any electrical device even if they are coated in a dense water resistant coating. Nimrod’s hatred towards the science and technology civilization might’ve given birth to it.
However, when faced with Acura’s gear, which had several counter-measures against several types of 7th Waves developed through previous research data, it was unable to display the intended effects.
Hydro Zapper:
No.06 Gibril[]
She’s a Psychic with the “Metallica” ability, which controls metals. She is a Bishop of Eden and part of the G7. A 14 year old girl from England.
She was born from a slightly weak-willed yet kind mother and a stiff and serious father.
Her mother called her 'little angel' and showered her with affection. On the other hand, her father was more concerned about reputation.
The stress of having a daughter who was different from normal, who was a Psychic, eventually began to affect her father’s heart: at some point he began to conduct a violent “coaching” on her mother.
When Gibril graduated from preparatory school, tragedy struck. The mother, as a result of the excessive “coaching” by the father, lost her life.
The anger of losing her mother and the fear of “I might be next” propelled Gibril to make a metallic blade from the blood flowing on her mother’s corpse and use that ability to kill her father.
After the incident, she received counseling at a reception center but, one day, she employed her 7th Wave (Sevens) and fled.
Having nowhere to go to, she ended up joining a delinquent group of Psychics after wandering around.
To survive within the group, she began to stain her hands in all kinds of crimes. At some point she began to be called by the nickname of “Steel & blood Gibril” given her 7th Wave.
There was no resemblance to a “little angel” there anymore, there only was a bloodshed demon who rejoiced at hurting her enemies.
Afterwards, as a result of being defeated by Pantera, who was traveling across the world seeking members for Eden, she joined the organization.
According to Gibril’s pals who witnessed the scene, she – Gibril – began to laugh for some reason when she was defeated by Pantera.
It’s a 7th Wave (Sevens) that can control metals.
It’s normally controlled in the form of a red liquid, but, when the need arises, she can change the liquid into metals.
As a result of Gibril’s hobbies, she often turns the liquids into torture utensils but that might be flip over of her masochism for all we know.
By controlling the iron in the bloodstream, she’s able to exert influence on living beings yet, when using it against others, it’s not at what one would call “practical level”: she mainly uses it during her “Beast Modes” to strengthen herself.
Mode Changing[]
Mode Changing:
The transformed Gibril uses tech copied from Sumeragi as basis to switch between the “A (Alchemist) Mode” which can remotely control metals, and the “B (Beast) Mode” which can dedicate all energy to strengthening herself.
When she’s in the A Mode, she can harden the metallic armor covering her body and gains the most powerful defensive ability of all of the G7. In the B mode, that changes, as she dedicates all energy used for hardening to speed and attacking strength: she carries out hi-speed battling so fast that the eyes can’t keep track of.
As a further ace-in-the-hole, she uses her own life-energy as nourishment and releases all of her power into a form gone berserk, the “C (Crisis Beast) Mode”, but when she turns into that form that’s the end for her since she can’t cancel it until she dies.
変身したジブリールは皇神(スメラギ)から盗用した技術を元とし、金属を遠隔操作する「A (アルケミスト)モード」と、全エネルギーを自身の身体強化に回した「B (ビースト)モード」を切り替えることができる。
さらなる奥の手として自身の生命力を糧とし、すべての力を解放した暴走形態「C (クライシスビースト)」が存在しているが、この形態をとったが最後、死ぬまで解除することは出来ない。
Masked Zombies[]
Masked Zombies:
They’re remodeled humans placed in the manor that Gibril occupied, remants of humans who had their life-energy sucked out of them.
There’s a Sumeragi technology that uses the life energy extracted from others to strengthen the 7th Wave – and these soulless lumps are born as a byproduct of such experiments: they’ve been adjusted so that Gibril can control them with her Metallica Ability
No.07 Tenjian[]
He’s the strategist of the G7 and has the “Queen” role within Eden. A 17-year old Chinese.
He was abandoned by his parents before he gained awareness of himself and grew up in an orphanage. His special skill is the swordsmanship he learned on his own during his time at the orphanage.
He showed a glimpse of being a wise man ever since his childhood and his specialty, categorizing people through a calm point of view and, thus, he was revered as a big brother they never had by the other orphans.
However, the orphanage they lived in was shut down because the owner died of illness.
Tenjian began to run around trying to find people who would adopt the orphans but no-one wanted to adopt the Psychic that Tenjian was…Instead, he suffered reasonless persecution and was driven out of where he lived.
Having no other way around, the orphans who had no family began to gather together and lived as street children but, they were cursed by the coarse and bad environment, bad public order, and the dangerous jobs they did to earn their daily income, since the orphans began to die one after the other. As a result, only Tenjian and a girl who was like a sister to him, were the only survivors.
One day, a man who carried a lot of fruits appeared and said he wanted to bless them with food. It was the first time someone had been kind to them ever since the orphanage had closed down so the two of them rejoiced. Yet, in truth, that was a trap set up by a group of Non-Psychics who lived nearby and feared the two of them.
It’s said that when Tenjian, who barely survived after eating the poisoned apple, went into rage and his 7th Wave ran out of control, freezing the area along with the people living there.
All Freeze[]
Super Freezing (All Freeze):
It’s a 7th Wave (Sevens) that can instantly freeze anything.
When using it along with the Copy “Sword”, this Ability only froze the ground that GV and Acura were standing at (but it should also be noted it was also due to the lack of need to deploy it at a larger scale) but once it’s boosted by the “Fairy Tale”, it becomes a large-scale Ability that, when used, it was able to drive a whole city into paralysis.
超冷凍 (オールフリーズ):
Seven Swords[]
Seven Swords:
They’re the seven ice blades that Tenjian has after transforming.
He’s used a lot of cold waves capable of freezing a whole city and lightly bundled and coiled them around his blades.
With extremely low temperatures below absolute zero and which overcome the domain of thermodynamics he can steal the elasticity of all kinds of molecular structures and thus smash and cut them.
It can be considered a plan typical of Tenjian since he created these to compensate for the flaw of the Super Freezing (All Freeze): it has a wide radius of action yet, on the other hand, it’s hard to handle.
He’s got straight swords, curved blades, and chakram equipped on both shoulders, all of which slash twice. And he’s also got a folded big double-edged sword equipped on his hip as well.
七星氷剣 (セブンソード):
Seven Slashes[]
Silk Snow Seven Stars:
“Silk Snow Seven Stars” is the true form of the Special Skill “Ice Flower Amputation” which cuts into pieces the opponent frozen by “Super Freezing (All Freeze)” using a sword.
Tenjian’s readiness to die widens the range in which the ability of his 7th Wave takes effect since he’s powered it up to its utmost limits, it then can trap concepts such as “space”, “soul” and “time” within the ice and freeze them up.
It’s a secret sword [art] in which he smashes the opponent frozen along with those “existences” though 7 swords attack in a row and which kills the concepts / kills the opponent for sure.
It’s an absolute art that Tenjian reached on the abyss of death. Since the 7th Wave (Sevens) is powerful it also freezes and brittles the user so Tenjian can’t use it unless he’s ready to die when doing that. It indeed is a “double-edged sword”.
羅雪七星 (らせつしちせい):
No.08 Copen[]
He’s a 14 year-old genius boy, born from a father who was the lead researcher of the 7th Wave and a mother with an exorcist lineage.
He felt a sense of danger from prediction data his late father left behind; he foresaw that “in a near future, we humans will be weeded out by the Psychics” and so he began to defeat Psychics on his own as the absolute protector of humanity.
Thanks to the battling skills taught to him by the maid Nowa (real name: unknown) who was dispatched by his mother’s house of the Kamizono family and the many pieces of equipment he developed, he owns battling ability capable of matching S+ Rank Psychics.
Publically, he lives in the Kamizono mansion yet he actually barely comes back to the manor and comes and goes between the secret research facility he built and the sanatorium his sister is at.
While he is protective of his family and has a strong sense of justice he, on the other hand, can be reckless and too straight to the point of dislike, and when he believes in something he doesn’t yield from it.
He always brings out the existence of “God” but it’s not because he believes in a specific religion, it’s more rather a big influence from his mother, who loved goddesses and angels.
He’s inherited the research data that his father cherished and in his 7th Wave (Sevens) researches he has knowledge which, in some aspects, overcomes that of Sumeragi yet he considers that the 7th Wave is a shameful power and it shouldn’t exist in the world: he doesn’t trust Sumeragi or the masses under their rule and fears the abuse / spread of his and his fathers’ researches so it’d seem he doesn’t intend to make his technology public.
He believes that his father’s death was a premeditated murder by Sumeragi but, in truth, it’s a misunderstanding. While it’s true that Sumeragi had concealed the results of Dr. Kamizono’s research, there’s no doubt that his death was just an accident.
...This misunderstanding will probably never be cleared up.
White Tiger[]
Weiss Tiger:
It’s a specialized mobility jacket developed by Acura.
It can expand its functions by combining several types of “codes” into it. As a powered suit designed for battling, it is very light and the miniaturization of the generator through analysis of the “Azure Thunderclap” is a great achievement.
The defensive strength is lower than his previous gear, the “Megantereon” but he can freely fly across the air using the “Blitz Dash”, and the vernier jets. “In past battles, he must’ve felt frustrated at how he was almost powerless when facing Gunvolt, who could move across the air” or so Nowa hypothesizes.
It receives contactless energy supply from the AB Drive built into RoRo and when RoRo changes modes it links together with that mode to unlock functions which are normally limited.
They consist of bullet-shaped battery packs charged with a special electricity generated by the Azure Thunderclap. AKA “AB (Armed Blue) Batteries”.
The semi-perpetual engine installed in RoRo, the “AB Drive”, has a flaw: it’s unable to generate a lot of electricity at once due to a durability issue and it immediately triggers a power outage. Acura uses the Blitzes at the same time to compensate for that flaw.
Despite its small size it’s storing a huge volume of energy but it’s got a flaw: by using it once the unit will get damaged and it’ll be unable to use it again. The reason the “Blitzes” are shaped like bullets is partly because they’ve got the advantage that they fit in the bullet case Acura has grown accustomed to employ but it’s more like he’s done it out of his preferences.
Border II[]
Border II:
It’s a gun based on remodeling the revolver gun “Border”, a memento of his father. It can change between 2 modes: the “Photon Laser” born from analyzing light 7th Wave and the “Greed Snatcher” born from analyzing magnetic 7th Wave.
His previous style was reading several types of bullets beforehand depending on the characteristics of the Psychic he was going to battle but since that style was not suited for unexpected situations, his new equipment focuses on being all-purpose. He repurposes the storage space of the bullets for the Blitzes and limits his attacks to 2 types.
In the Photon Laser Mode he presses the marking device below the dust cover and assigns a special light marker to the enemy. The marker guides the Photon Laser shot from the Border II and ensures it’ll hit the target.
The “Greed Snatcher” which promptly has a great effect as an anti-Psychics weapon has a very strict safety set on it since he fears the leak of the tech or counter-measures against it (also because its bullets’ structure has a cost issue to them) so he rarely employs it.
In fact, Gunvolt had implemented counter-measures to the “Greed Snatcher” through new protections and such the weapon wasn’t so effective on him as compared to the previous encounters.
Fake Prevasion[]
Pseudo EM Boundary (Fake Heat Haze):
It’s a special defense function of the Weiss Tiger made by recreating the battle data of when he fought Thunder Psychics. Since it activates by consuming the sub-power source, the “Blitzes”, it doesn’t have a weakness like that of Gunvolt who can’t use it when he’s employing his Thunder abilities.
However, it’s nullified when facing the real “Azure Thunderclap” and its electron-controlling ability, and as such it apparently didn’t have much of an effect in the Vs. Gunvolt battle.
疑似電磁結界 (フェイク·カゲロウ):
No.09 Lola[]
RoRo is a battle support robot, a “Battle Pot”, developed by Acura by assembling the best of his technologies as a control unit for his Bit Weapons.
She’s equipped with a self-learning type super-AI capable of responding to a wide variety of situations. She was kept by Mytyl for a long period as part of the AI’s basic learning, and, also, as Mytyl’s conversation partner since she could barely exit her hospital room, so she’s very good friends with Mytyl.
(Thanks to Nowa’s suggestions as well) she develops a cheeky nature but even when cursing she doesn’t seem to take actions that depart from her basic thought of “Protect Acura, my master”.
At the beginning of development it had not established gender but after finding a kindred spirit in Mytyl, it began to call itself a “girl”, so those around her respect her will and treat her as a female personality.
During the battles with the Sumeragi Group, the calibration of her functions wasn’t finished so her use was not considered but the calibrations finished before the “Apsara” rampage incident which was the precedent of Eden’s invasion. And thus she fulfilled her first sortie.
As a power source, she’s equipped with the “AB Drive” semi-perpetual engine, made from analyzing the Azure Thunderclap’s 7th Wave Inducers. It’s a small generator but it’s got incomparable power.
It’s pretty ironic that the infinite energy which Sumeragi was never able to gain at the end of Project Gunvolt has been completed in secret by a young man that hates Sumeragi.
P (Phoenix) Doll[]
P Doll (Phoenix Doll):
It’s an emergency singing form in which the AB Drive can have high output and work in a stable manner through the Cybernetic Singing Fairy’s 7th Wave.
By greatly increasing the energy supply to the “Weiss Tiger” that Acura wears on him, it can release the limiters of all functions but a strong “feeling” power born from Roro’s and Mytyl’s resonance is needed to activate this mode.
The 7th Wave Inducer Analyzer built into RoRo, the AB Drive, Roro’s AI (emotions = the power of feelings), the resonance of the “Mirror Pieces” with Mytyl… Several factors overlap and accidentally manifest as this form: Acura himself doesn’t grasp the full picture of it.
P·ドール (フェニックドール):
EX Weapon Mirroring[]
EX Weapon Mirroring:
It’s a new function born from analyzing the manifestation mechanism of the P-Doll.
It’s a further developed version of the 7th Wave Inducer Analyzer that RoRo originally had built in for gathering info on the field.
By capturing “Mirror Pieces”, it copies the 7th Wave Inducers embedded there
The Pseudo 7th Wave weapons he’d been using insofar consisted of a case-by-case steady analysis of each 7th Wave mechanism and by using alternative technology and the likes to make a low-quality recreation. But, by using this function, he can recreate 7th Wave in a short time and as close as possible to the original ones.
EX ウェポンミラーリング:
H (Heart) Blazer[]
H Blazer (Heart Blazer):
It’s a super-ranged wide-radius annihilation attack consisting of the photon energy fired by the Border II amplified through Roro’s “Bits” to then shoot it.
It’s a still incomplete attacking formation and it places a big burden on the AB Drive so its usage is limited to emergencies.
After taking in the “Mirror Pieces”, the stable functioning of the P Doll and the EX Weapons is prioritized so it’s currently in a temporary sealed status.
P (Progressive) Bits[]
P Bit (Progressive Bit):
It’s RoRo’s basic battle form in which all “Bits” are released. It can also be used as the name for the “Bits”.
Not taking this formation = it’s possible to control the “Bits” without RoRo’s support but that’ll mean that Acura alone will have to control the “Bits” and battle at the same time so it’s not a very realistic idea.
However, it’d seem that RoRo names them “P (Pretty) Bits”.
P·ビット (プログレッシヴビット):
No.10 Gunvolt[]
Gunvolt (GV):
A boy 14 years old who controls the Thunder 7th Wave (Sevens), AKA “GV”
He’s the only successful case of the Thunder Psychics Mass Production Plan, “Project Gunvolt” carried out in top secret by the Sumeragi Group.
The name “Gunvolt” is taken from the project that gave birth to him, and it’s not his true name. (Though he himself didn’t know the origin of the name until very recently).
His Psychic rank established by Sumeragi is “S+”, the highest rank. His power is such that he can cross swords with Psychics powered up by the “Swords” on equal grounds and mostly with his raw strength.
About half a year ago, during his battles with the Sumeragi Group, he was betrayed by his mentor whom he believed in and lost a girl named “Cyan” whom he cherished as if she was family.
He defeated his former mentor and avenged her but, as a result of that incident, he parted ways with his friends.
And, also… Cyan’s soul – her residual thoughts – were always with him at all times, and became an existence binding him, to the point it could be named a “curse”: this wore away his heart with each passing day.
After aimlessly wandering, he ended up living in the house of a normal girl named “Ouka”.
While living with the devoted Ouka, GV recovered his human nature which he’d been losing due to Cyan’s curse.
Despite being a Psychic, and a terrorist having played part in subversion of the state, Ouka was gracious to him without any hesitation, so he steadily gets motivated and eventually begins to dream of a way for Psychics and Non – Psychics to co-exist.
And he, who had a sense of self-attribution for having driven Sumeragi into disorder and worsened Japan’s situation. To recover peace, he defies the new enemies of “Eden” who try to close the way of coexistence.
ガンヴォルト (GV):
New Model Protect Armor[]
New Model Protect Armor:
It’s a strengthened protector which Xiao, who secretly supports GV, made-to-order exclusively for GV and which he procured.
Apart from being very lightweight, it reacts to GV’s 7th Wave and it can change the strength and toughness amongst other aspects.
It also can generate a special EM field to repulse the “Greed Snatcher” which made GV suffer in the past, but, sadly enough, it’d seem it can’t totally block the attack.
This is a practical use of an EM field through the Azure Thunderclap Ability, it uses the data retrieved from the corpse of man who was GV’s mentor (data which he left behind for GV just before his death) and the Dart Cartridges technology as base.
AS (Azure Striker) Spirits[]
AB Spirits:
They’re the soul of GV’s mentor who also was the other Azure Thunderclap (Armed Blue), and which spread to several places.
By taking in the “AB Spirits”, GV’s 7th Wave (Sevens) degenerates and awakens new skills such as “Thunder Dragon Sphere” and “Roaring Thunder Fall”.
Singing Fairy's Pendant[]
Singing Fairy’s Pendant:
A hand-made pendant which Cyan gifted to GV while she was alive.
It got hit by a killing bullet during his battles and ungracefully deformed but thanks to Xiao’s help it’s been repaired.
It’d seem that, during repairs, the EM Boundary “Heat Haze” got implanted on it from the “Feather-made Pendant”.
Project Gunvolt[]
Project Gunvolt:
It’s a project secretly carried out by Sumeragi to solve energy problems, the eternal task of all humanity.
By nurturing the 7th Wave Inducers extracted from the corpse of the original Thunder Psychic, and by transplanting them into kidnapped children with no relatives or into clones, they intended to increase the Thunder Psychics, their research samples, but ever since the only successful subject, GV, escaped from them, it’d seem there haven’t been any other successful subjects.
No.11 Joule[]
She’s residual thoughts lodging inside of GV.
She normally can’t be seen, but it’d seem that Ouka, with her strong ability to see the supernatural and Pantera were able to see her.
In the past, the leader in 7th Wave research, Dr. Kamizono, extracted the Inducers of the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy (Cyber Diva)” from his daughter, Mytyl, and the Sumeragi Group’s research institutions retrieved them without him knowing that to then transplant them into a test subject.
That test subject was the designer child “Cyan” (to summarize: Cyan is where Mytyl’s 7th Wave Inducers were quarantined at = she can be named a living “Sword” as well).
She was raised in a confined state by Sumeragi to use the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy (Cyber Diva)” power to detect Psychics, but was rescued by GV and she began to live together with him.
However, that humble peace ended all of a sudden – in the midst of the battle, she’s killed by a bullet shot by “the enemy”.
When she died she fused her consciousness with Morpho’s and then fused with GV, who was gravely injured.
By increasing his healing abilities she’s able to save his life, but her late will of “I want to protect GV even if I have to sacrifice it all”, and the reality that a presence that can be named a trauma is at his side the whole time without leaving him rapidly exhausts his young mind and body.
Having become a free existence, mere thoughts, and freed from shackles such as the living world and flesh, Cyan became very selfish and didn’t pay attention to anything else but GV.
But as she makes contact with Ouka’s kindness, she steadily recovers her human nature and, at some point, she realizes that she’s but shackles which bind GV.
Eventually, at the end of the battle with Eden, her soul fuses with Mytyl, the original owner of the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy”. The shock of the fusion makes her lose all of her memories insofar.
The memories of the two warriors stained in sins and blood are completely forgotten, and she goes on spending peaceful days unrelated to the battles with the Kamizono Family and Nowa as gigantic supporters: that’s one of the few “hopes” that both GV and Acura got a hold of at the end of their battles.
The Muse[]
Cybernetic Singing Fairy (Cyber Diva):
It’s the 7th Wave that Cyan lodged on her while she was alive, and her alias.
It was originally the 7th Wave of Acura’s sister “Mytyl” but since it was too big of a power and her body couldn’t resist it, her father Dr. Kamizono extracted it. Afterwards, the Sumeragi research institutions retrieve them in top secret. They implanted it on a test subject, Cyan, without telling anything to him.
However, it’d seem that Mytyl’s completely lost the signature of the Cybernetic Singing Fairy after fusing with Cyan.
She was a vision of the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy” that appeared whenever Cyan used her 7th Wave while she was alive. She and Cyan were essentially the same person.
Her appearance and behavior were those that Cyan unconsciously wished for, but when Cyan lost her body their personalities unified.
Designer Child[]
Designer Child:
It designates test subject clones born as part of the Thunder Psychics Mass Production Plan “Project Gunvolt” to be a match for the 7th Wave Inducers. The cause is unknown, but since the 7th Wave that the clone’s source had doesn’t directly match with the clones of it, the 7th Wave Factors transplanting that Sumeragi performed were like random gambles.
In the end they couldn’t mass-produce test subjects that matched the “Azure Thunderclap” Inducers but the method was reused for many other projects and, apart from Cyan, gave birth to many other Psychics.
GV thought of Cyan as his younger sister, they’re not blood-related yet, as test subjects of the same project, she might be his sister indeed.
OCW Exclusive Profiles[]
Sumeragi Group[]
Sumeragi Group: A massive conglomerate with a power company at its core. They have the monopoly of energy supplying of this nation; apart from that, they are also a huge corporation that works in transmission and information means, space development and military production; since they have a lot of influence on politics, some consider them to be the actual rulers of the nation.
They were the first to set their eyes on the 7th Wave during their energy research, and their tech involving the 7th Wave is the most advanced in the whole world. They’re currently the only ones with tech capable of controlling the 7th Wave.
皇神(スメラギ)グループ: 電力会社を中心とした巨大複合企業体。国内のエネルギー供給を一手に担うほか、通信報道機関から宇宙開発、軍事産業まで手掛ける超巨大企業であり、政界に対しても多大なる影響力を有しているから、この国の実質的な支配者とさえいわれている。
They’re a catalyst to control the 7th Wave.
Normally, Psychics have "Ability Factors" inside of their bodies, which are the source of their 7th Wave.
Those under Sumeragi’s control have most of their factors extracted outside of their bodies and a safety is placed on them so that excessive abilities won't manifest in their day-to-day life. The "vessels" to isolate and control those factors that were extracted are the "Swords".
When they run into an emergency, they can release those factors transplanted into the Swords after they have earned permission from their overseers.
By fusing their factors with the "Swords", they perform a transformation (Armed Phenomenon).
The "Swords" ensure that the Sumeragi Psychics are safe and have a place in society, but since there's still many aspects of the 7th Wave which aren't known, you can't say that these are a complete means to control Psychics.
Elise (General)[]
The Psychic with the “Life Reincarnation (Unlimited Animus)”, and who’s being held prisoner by Sumeragi
She can controls souls and spin unlimited life, making her the holder of the “ultimate ability” yet Sumeragi was unable to wholly control her abilities, causing her to run amok.
The laboratory where she was being held was decimated in a single night’s time.
Sumeragi’s brainwashing implanted an aggressive extra personality on her, and since her main personality was already weak-willed, she’s become submissive to this alternate personality.
Her specialty is surprise attacks involving her weapons, which are poisonous snakes in the shape of kunai and carbon processed; she tosses them at her foes and revives them as zombies to then make them assault the opponents.
Her “Sword” is the “Cloth City (Futsu no Mitama)”.
The team’s mood maker, a merry young man. 16 years old.
He’s pretty powerful within the whole of Feather, his 7th Wave (Sevens) is unknown.
He likes anime, manga and games.
He sometimes brings up topics (involving) inappropiate games in the workplace, and when he does so Monica directs bitter glares at him.
He often makes jokes of all around him due to his not serious behavior, but he deeply cares about his pals, and he also cares for GV, who quit Feather.
He’s a trusted friend and a big brother-like person to GV.
The Operator of the Team Sheep’s that Asimov leads.
She’s a Non-Psychic without a 7th Wave (Sevens), something rare in Feather.
She’s like a big sister to GV and Gino, and the one with the most common sense within the team.
She’s serious and capable, but she has a careless side to her and she often makes blunders.
She likes Asimov but it’s unknown what Asimov thinks about her, a Non-Psychic.
It looks like he treats her like an exceptional case, but...
She's a normal girl who doesn't have a 7h Wave (Sevens).
When she was being attacked by berserk Psychics, GV saved her, and ever since then she sheltered GV & Cyan in her house.
It'd seem she's actually related by blood to some plutocrat but she's hidden from society, so she was living alone in a huge mansion until GV and Cyan came over.
She's very natural and has some lacking spots, but her kind and peaceful personality becomes a huge support for GV's heart.
She seems to have a strong ability (to feel) the supernatural, and is one of the few who can detect Cyan, so she's being of great help for GV.
Acura's twin sister, who lives in an individual sanatorium.
She's a very normal girl who doesn't have a 7th Wave (Sevens).
She's been weak since birth, and a surgery when she was younger caused her to lose her voice, and so she uses a table to communicate.
Because she's been living in the sanatorium for a long time, her growth has been bad and she looks like she's way younger than Acura but in fact they are the same age.
Xiao Wu:
He’s a young Operator who supports GV. AKA “Xiao”.
He was active as a “Feather” member on his homeland but the Feather on his nation was taken over by “Eden”, which suddenly appeared, and so he crossed the seas to meet with GV and tell him about Eden’s invasion.
He’s serious and honest, mild and mature but he deeply hates Eden for taking over his country, so when it comes to Eden he both shows and hides an emotive side of him.
A cool maid serving Acura and his sister.
She works as Acura’s Operator during his missions.
She easily accomplishes anything, ranging from household duties to battle support.
When (interacting) with the siblings, she takes a step back as a maid but also takes care of them in a strict manner as a foster parent.
She supports Acura’s research through a huge personal fortune and, for some reason, cooperates with his revenge. The origin of her money is an enigma.
Grimwald Seven[]
Grimwald Seven:
AKA G7. They are the 7 Psychics which have the most powerful 7th Waves within Eden.
There’s not a clear hierarchy within Eden, but it’s often the case that they command the field operations, and the common members respect them.
True Zonda[]
A girl 11 years old, the “King” of Eden.
To work as a spy, she infiltrated within Sumeragi using a fake form but once the Eden invasion of Japan began she revealed her identity.
Her 7th Wave can show many shape-shifting and varying illusions, it’s the “Dream Mirror (Mirror)” but, by absorbing the power of the “Cybernetic Singing Fairy” it achieved the transformation into the “Vision Mirror (Wonder Land)”, the ultimate power.
For Tenjian she is like a sister-in-law since they both grew up in the same Chinese orphanage.