Of particular note here are segments filled with spikes requiring successive Bullit Dashes and even bouncing off foes to cross.
The laser cannons here work similar to the ones in Spintronics, and are just as indestructible, requiring use of moving platforms as shields. If you have the Shroud Spear EX Weapon, though, you can easily disable the cannons and bypass the puzzles.
At the end of the level waits Bakto, the Leonian Tempest. For a guy with a "Spiral" Septima, his pattern is fairly straightforward.
Emblem Locations
In the upper right corner of the large room with magnets in the ceiling.
Perhaps there is a way to stop the machine...
To the left of where the first moving platform stops and turns.
False wall to the right of the spiked ceiling the second moving platform passes by.
This stage is actually a run-down version of the Datastore from Azure Striker Gunvolt. Around the area are non-functional conveyer belts and magnetic security blocks, though the floating platforms and laser cannons still seem to work. The stage music also references the Datastore stage theme.
During the 2nd half of the stage where you ride platforms across bottomless pits, a robot shaped like a golden fish may jump out from the abyss.