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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

"I, Dacite, shall obliterate you with every last bit of firepower I have! En garde, grave robbers!"
Dacite, Luminous Avenger iX 2 [1]

Dacite is one of the special Workers known as Gravekeepers who have been tasked with defending the Grave Pillar, and an antagonist in Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2. He is the boss of the mission Volcano Block.

Having guarded the Grave Pillar since before humanity went extinct and the tower was given its current nickname, he has the longest service record of the Gravekeepers, and speaks of an event like Copen's intrusion as something he hasn't seen in centuries.

Defeating Dacite grants the EX Weapon Doomsday Charge.

Website Description[]

  • English site
  • Japanese

He is a stoic mercenary Worker with an ever-smoldering battle spirit. As the Gravekeeper with the longest service record, he once protected the data locked away in the tower from the humans who existed in the distant past.

In accordance to his programming, he defended the tower from all intruders without question. This even applied to humans, whom the Workers regard as their Creators. After humanity went extinct, Dacite felt despair at his actions and the futility of his mission, but was unable to defy his orders. He gradually began to suppress his desire for combat.[1]



Dacite is a Male Worker who has a rather macabre design. His face resembles a skull, and his body looks rather muscular. He also sports a cloth going down his upper legs which includes a belt with skulls on the sides. He also has a long salamander-like tail.


Main article: Dacite/Gallery



Dacite was originally created centuries prior to Luminous Avenger iX 2 to guard the tower that would later become known as the Grave Pillar, at a time before humanity went extinct. Despite being created by humans, his role forced him to fight humans seeking the tower's data, an action that would make him question himself.

Their eventual extinction and the apparent futility of his given mission drove Dacite to despair and caused him to suppress his warrior spirit.

Volcano Block[]

Volcano Block

Being confronted early on by Copen in the tower's Volcano Block, Dacite remarks that there hasn't been a fuss like this in centuries, and asks Copen why he didn't consider leaving the place alone if it's supposed to be a "grave." Copen expresses that he doesn't want to fight and only wants Dacite's key to a bulkhead, but Dacite refuses, calling Copen a graverobber for his actions. In the ensuing fight Dacite is destroyed.

Hanging Gardens[]

After being rebuilt by the tower's maintenance system, Dacite is called to the Hanging Gardens by Mother for additional defense along with Hail, Ace, and Brigade. While here, he apparently trains with Brigade and teaches him CQC techniques. Upon their arrival, Dacite is the first Gravekeeper Copen and Lola encounter. Despite starting the fight at full power with his blue flames this time, he is destroyed once more.

Dacite's ultimate fate is unclear, as it is possible the maintenance system will rebuild him again. While a blackout occurs and some machines in the Gardens begin shutting down after Mother's destruction, it is not known if this affects the tower below as well, and in the Hard Mode ending no such blackout is shown occurring.

Other Appearances[]


CnC Dacite

"I, Dacite, shall obliterate you with every last bit of firepower I have!"

Dacite is one of the characters from Luminous Avenger iX 2 featured as a card in the crossover roguelite card-battling RPG Card-en-Ciel. He also appears in the random event "A Warrior's Weapon".

Card Character Effect Cost Movement
Armageddon Ray Dacite 8 Break. While this card is in your hand, +3 Break whenever you take damage.
(Special: 33 Break. While this card is in your hand, +3 Break whenever you take damage.)
1 Down


Dacite is a close-ranged combat Worker who displays an incredible use of fire-based abilities, along with using throwing knives and grenades. By using built-in pyrokinetics he can augment his punch and kick attacks. What's more impressive is after he is forced to use Armageddon Ray, most of his attacks will be enhanced with blue flames, which powers up some of his attacks.

In his Hanging Gardens rematch and Hard Mode, Dacite starts out battles in his blue flames state, making him much more dangerous.

Boss Battle Skills[]

Skill Description
Dacite Flame Fist
Flame Fist[1]
A simple flaming punch. On Hard Mode, the punch will also launch a flaming projectile.
Dacite Igniter Knife
Igniter Knife[1]
(チャッカーナイフ, Chucker Knife)[2]
Dacite throws a series of three flaming knives.
Dacite Backdraft Knuckle
Backdraft Knuckle[1]
Dacite opens up his arm and uses rocket propulsion for a dashing punch, setting the wall he hits on fire for some time.
From phase two onwards he will throw four grenades on the ground, which erupt pillars of fire as he dashes across them.
Dacite Inferno Drop
Inferno Drop[1]
An anti-air move wherein Dacite ignites himself, becoming hazardous to dash into, and performs a jumping kick diagonally and upwards. On Hard Mode, there's zero delay between Dacite igniting himself and launching the attack.
Dacite Armageddon Ray
Armageddon Ray
Megido Gazer
His special skill. Dacite conjures plasma launchers and sweeps the arena with a plasma beam, setting all of the floor and most of the walls on fire. Using this skill leaves him temporarily exhausted, and after he recovers all of his flames turn blue. On Hard Mode, Dacite will throw the launchers themselves at the safe zone after he finishes firing the attack and they explode on contact.

Boss Battle Voices[]


Event Translated Romaji Japanese
Flame Fist Hmpf! Hah! Funn! Haa! ふんっ! はっ!
Igniter Knife Can you dodge these? There! Kawaseru kai! Horee! かわせるかい! ほれっ!
Backdraft Knuckle Let’s go! Ikuze! 行くぜ!
Inferno Drop This is so hot! Melt away! Atsui nee... Tokenaa! 熱いねぇ...溶けなッ!
Inferno Drop (Hard Mode) Hmph! Melt away! Funn! Tokenaa! ふんっ!溶けなッ!
Backdraft Knuckle (v2) Have these! Uketorina! 受け取りな!
Backdraft Knuckle (v2) Special service! Sābisu da! サービスだ!
Armageddon Ray Ready to unleash. Armageddon Ray! I'm gonna roast you! Dammit...! Guess that's it... Kougeki junbi.
Megidoo geizaa!
Yakare chimaina!
Kusso...! Koko made ka.
Armageddon Ray (Hard Mode) Ready to shell you! Armageddon Ray! Burn to cinders! There! Is this my limit...? Kougeki junbi. Megidoo geizaa! Yakare chimaina! Hora yo! Koko made ka. 攻撃準備! メギドーゲイザー! 焼かれちまいな! ほらよ! ここまでか
Blue Flames Let’s keep it up. Tsuzuki to ikou. 続きと行こう
1st Phase Down You’re pretty good! Naka naka yaru! 中々やる!
2nd Phase Down I’m on fire! Hi ga tsuitaze! 火が付いたぜ!
Defeated That burned me out...! Moe tsukitaze! 燃え尽きたぜ!


Event Voice
Flame Fist
Hmpf! Hah!
Igniter Knife
Dodge this!
Backdraft Knuckle
Get ready!
Inferno Drop
I'm heating up! Burn away!
Inferno Drop (Hard Mode)
Urgh! Burn away!
Backdraft Knuckle (v2)
Here ya go.
Backdraft Knuckle (v2)
It's on the house!
Armageddon Ray
Ready to unleash. Armageddon Ray! I'm gonna roast you! Dammit...! Guess that's it...
Armageddon Ray (Hard Mode)
Ready to unleash. Armageddon Ray! I'm gonna roast you! Heads up! Guess that's it...
Blue Flames
I can keep going.
1st Phase Down
You’re pretty good.
2nd Phase Down
I’m on fire!
That burned me out...!

Musical Themes[]

Title Context Composer Audio
Volcanic Rock
Volcano Block BGM, and Dacite's theme. Hiroyuki Sato
Laix2booklet p3-4

Track notes:[3]

  • Volcanic Rock

It’s the BGM of the Volcano Block and the theme of Dacite, too. A twisting rhythm, that feels like magma blowing out. It progresses in a harsh way, as if it was about to erupt. But there I incorporate a cool and dry melody, based on the image of the boss of the stage. It combines heat and coolness, and I struggled to combine these opposite concepts in this track.

Unused SP Skill Chant[]

In the Bitsummit 2021 demo, instead of an animated skill cut-in, Dacite has text lines for Armageddon Ray in the same style as the ones of bosses in the first Luminous Avenger iX. This was omitted from later demos and the final version.

Flames that burn inside me
Quietly rage like a smoldering
Inferno as I incinerate all creation


  • Given the Workers' resemblance to the Mighty Numbers, as the fire-wielding oldest Gravekeeper, Dacite is likely based on Mighty No. 1, Pyrogen.
  • As Luminous Avenger iX2 bosses are named after bike-related products,[4] Dacite is presumably named after the bicycle brand Dacite.
    • Dacite is the name of a volcanic rock formed by rapid solidification of lava that is high in silica and low in alkali metal oxides.
  • Dacite resembles a salamander, which are often associated with fire.
  • Dacite shares several similarities with Hail. Both are the oldest Gravekeepers, have fought humans in the past, have contrasting powers (fire and ice), oversee contrasting blocks (Volcano and the ice mountain Arctic), have primilary purple color schemes, and are entrusted with Purple Keys.
  • Being at least 200 years old, Dacite is the oldest active character in the series, far surpassing the previous record holder Demerzel's 124+ years of age. Mother technically surpasses Dacite, but she has spent long periods of time sleeping.
  • He is the only Gravekeeper without a human face.
  • Dacite's standing sprite in battle bears a strong resemblance to Viper's, as well as the flames coming from Dacite's head resembling Viper's hair. Similarly, both have their backs facing the protagonist when encountered and turn around to face them.
  • Dacite may pay homage to Flame Stag from Mega Man X2; both are fire-elemental bosses whose flames turn from orange to blue partway through the battle, and who have blue flames from the start in their end-game rematches.
  • Sprite sheets for Dacite contain unused graphics where he is defeated while his flames glow orange. In gameplay, even if you use a glitch to make Dacite skip Armageddon Ray and keep his flames orange in his final phase, his defeated sprite still displays blue flames.
  • In Dacite's intro animation, he lights up the stripes on his body after his pre-fight dialogue is finished, but in his dialogue portrait the stripes are already lit up.
  • In Dacite's artwork and dialogue portrait, his eyes are the same color as his flames and stripes, but in his sprites his eyes are always red.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 English website
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Japanese website
  3. Luminous Avenger iX2 Soundtrack
  4. Summer Games Done Quick 2022, Benja's iX2 run. Former localization director Matt Papa is asked if the naming theme of iX2 bosses is bikes and motorcycles, and confirms it.

Luminous Avenger iX 2 Navigation[]

Luminous Avenger iX 2
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Robotics Vox)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuNull
Boss Characters YpsilonDaciteVespaAutochromeBrigadeHailAceThe CreatorMother Computer
Other Characters BladeJinMariaKyotaMedium BossesCommon Enemies
DLC Boss Characters Kohaku OtoriYang YumoJason FrudnickKuronaKirin
Missions Pillar OutskirtsVolcano BlockJungle BlockPassage to Upper StratumLaboratory BlockIndustrial BlockArctic BlockSpace BlockPassage to Top FloorEntrance to Top FloorHanging GardensHanging Gardens 2Versus Missions and Boss Rush
Songs Command PromptPurificationLove's SanctuaryReady to Go!Curiosity = Possibility!You're Not AloneWordplay MagicThe New World
Story Elements WorkersGrave Pillar
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills