Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

City Slums is the first mission of Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX. While searching for information on the Butterfly Effect, Copen and Lola infiltrate a new area only to cross paths with a new foe.


Image Enemy
Blade battle sprite
Blade (boss)
Mantis fusion adept sprite Scrap mantis legion sprite flipped Mantis Zombie (Mid-boss)
Inst gunner
Sumeragi Gunner
Inst shield
Sumeragi Grenadier
Bomb launcher
Bomb Launcher
Inst burner
Sumeragi Fire Gunner
Inst sentry kudos killer
Sentry Unit (Shield)
Inst collision hazard
Flying Drone

Rank and Time Requirements

*May not be accurate

Rank Score Minimum Kudos needed Kill points needed
S+ 1,000,000 7190 (Gutless), 6550 (Cautious), 6280 (Fearless) 17,000
Stars Time Rec. Time
3 Stars (x1.5) 3:20 3:00

Stage Composition

  • As more or less a tutorial stage, there's no real gimmicks to this level. So long as you maintain your supply of Bullits and don't drop down one of the pits, you should be fine.
  • The Mantis Zombie is fairly easy. Just keep your Flashfield up to avoid most of his attacks and keep whaling on him with tags and shots.
  • Blade is a bit more challenging by the simple fact you cannot shoot them head-on. You'll need to weave between the slashes to get a tag in. Also the Stellar Spark doesn't do damage.

Emblem Locations

Image Notes
City slums emblem 1
Hidden behind a false wall to the upper left of where Copen starts.
City slums emblem 2
Caution is advised.
City slums emblem 3
Reached by going up through a false ceiling in the shaft on the right.
City slums emblem 4
Behind the hexapyle.



Romeo statue
  • Using Reload Crush at the location of the second checkpoint or slightly to the left of it will cause a statue of Romeo to fall from the ceiling (and trigger the checkpoint if it has not already been triggered).
  • When the Mantis Zombie is defeated, there is a chance for a white flag to pop out of where the Mantis' core would be.

Luminous Avenger iX 1 Navigation

Luminous Avenger iX
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Melodies)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuJinMariaKyota
Boss Characters BladeRebellioStellaCrimmIsolaBaktoDystnineGiant LolaButterfly EffectDemerzel
Other Characters GunvoltJouleMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Missions City SlumsStore RuinsSumeragi Building 13Auto-fab PlantMedical CenterRadio Tower "Artemis"Data Center AlphaData Center BetaCity Slums 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 1Sumeragi Secret Bunker 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 3Special MissionsVersus Missions
Songs Luminous PromiseIgniterBeyond ProbabilityChronicle of Our LivesOriginal ChordKindled SpiritsResonating HeartsCountdown: 3-2-1-0Inner AlarmSearchlightRaison d'Etre (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Institute of Human EvolutionFalcon Quills
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills
Fan Discs Isola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of Hope