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Azure Striker Wiki

For the Butterfly Effect's main series counterpart, see Mytyl.


"P L E A S E... K I L L M E."
Butterfly Effect, Luminous Avenger iX

The Eternal Peacekeeping Device, Butterfly Effect is a device used by the Sumeragi Institute of Human Evolution to monitor and control the Adepts. Copen spends much of his time searching for it during the events of Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX.

Once having been Copen's younger sister, Mytyl, she was captured by Sumeragi under Demerzel's command, implanted with her Septimosome recovered from the corpse of Joule, and used as a replacement for the "Queen piece" in his plan.

It wields The Muse Septima, which gives it the ability to locate and enhance other Septima. It is the power source of the Falcon Quills, and acts upon the subconscious of Adepts across the world to slowly reduce their interest or concern for Minos.[1]


The Butterfly Effect takes the horrific form of a human brain, greatly enlarged as a side effect of repeated life extension procedures[1] and hooked up to a machine. This machine holds it in place, and uses an apparatus to harness its power and project it using what appear to be red speakers with white trims. There are countless wires stemming from the machine, all varying in length and width, and most of them being blue and red.


Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX

Butterfly Effect - KILL ME

As per Demerzel's wishes, the Butterfly Effect serves as the cornerstone for supporting his elite Adept soldiers. While it can be assumed the Butterfly Effect has been active for a long time, it's ambiguous exactly how long Demerzel has been using it.

Blade implies in the mission briefing for Sumeragi Secret Bunker 2 that she knows the Butterfly Effect's true nature. It is possible that she saw the Butterfly Effect or had its origins explained to her at some point while under Demerzel's control.

Upon encountering the Butterfly Effect, Lola comments that even without a body, she can feel that Mytyl is crying. Mytyl begs for Copen to put her out of her misery, with a glitched message on the nearby screens reading "PLEASE, KILL ME" ("ACURA-KUN, KILL ME, PLEASE" in the Japanese version of the game). After Copen defeats the machine, Mytyl types out her final message, "THANK YOU," before being sent to eternal rest.

Boss Battle Skills

Note: The healing technique's name is a conjecture.

Skill Description
Butterfly Effect - Barrier
Barrier Deployment
At the start of the fight, the Butterfly Effect generates a large barrier that blocks all attacks and tagging attempts. It can be destroyed, but will regenerate after 10 seconds.
Butterfly Effect - Butterfly's Flight
Lumen Attack
The Butterfly Effect spawns 2-4 clones of Lumen that fly at varying elevations. They can be quickly destroyed with Stellar Spark or Muse's Kiss (one uncharged Muse's Kiss shot is sufficient).
Butterfly's Lament
Death Lumen Ray (A version and B version)
The Butterfly Effect spawns a dark clone of Lumen on either end of the screen, which flies forwards as it rains lasers and explosions along the ground.

The Lumen clone can be damaged with Stellar Spark or Muse's Kiss, and destroying it stops the laser. It takes five uncharged Muse's Kiss shots or one charged shot to destroy. When tagged on either the machine or the barrier, the flashfield generated by Stellar Spark will damage the clone enough to destroy it early should it be spawned at the machine's side.

Butterfly Effect - Butterfly's Scream
Hyper Death Lumen Blaster
Two dark Lumens are spawned on the top and bottom rows of the arena to fire lasers that only leave safe zones in the upper corner or in between. A third Lumen is then summoned to fire a gigantic laser in the middle safe zone.

The Lumen clones can be damaged with Stellar Spark or Muse's Kiss, and destroying them stops their lasers. Each clone takes five uncharged Muse's Kiss shots or one charged shot to destroy. When tagged on either the machine or the barrier, the flashfield generated by Stellar Spark will damage the clones enough to destroy them before they can fire.

Butterfly Effect - Anthem
Should it reach its final health bar and not be killed in time, Butterfly Effect instantly heals for up to two health bars. Repeatedly using Orbital Edge on the cords connecting the machine to the brain will cut them, preventing this move from being used. EX Butterfly Effect's cords can't be cut.

Musical Themes

Title Context Composer Audio
At the Bottom of Despair
Butterfly Effect encounter Takumi Sato
Painful Determination
VS Butterfly Effect Ryo Kawakami

Japanese track notes

Ryo Kawakami's track notes[1]

  • At the Bottom of Despair

This track plays in the latter half of the story, in sorrowful feeling scenes. It’s not only sadness; despair and agony and hatred; many negative emotions mix in within this track. The fragmentary phrases that swap without having been properly resolved emerge and vanish one after the other, as in “regret.”

  • Painful Determination

The battle track of the Butterfly Effect. The true nature of this grotesque device is… It focuses on the inner side of Copen, who fights without emotions clouding him, it’s themed in a painful determination that’s beyond anguish and conflict. The first half of the melody is a transformed version of “Brother And Sister By The Window”*. I “broke it down” to a point where you can barely tell what the original song was, but I felt pain as I was doing that.

*Copen's home conversations music in Azure Striker Gunvolt 2.


  • The term "Butterfly Effect" is from the chaos theory principle of the same name, in which a small action in a series of events can drastically change the outcome. This may reference how Luminous Avenger iX is a split timeline from the original Azure Striker Gunvolt, derived from the bad ending rather than the true one, and having a darker plot to match.
    • The Butterfly Effect is also a 2004 American sci-fi thriller film, which means the Butterfly Effect fits into the sci-fi movie naming theme of the Falcons.
  • The machine above the brain resembles the capsule that Joule was restrained in during Azure Striker Gunvolt.
  • In the True Ending of Azure Striker Gunvolt, Joule's body vanished in a beam of light after her Septima and soul merged with Gunvolt. It is unknown exactly why her body remained behind instead in the Luminous Avenger iX timeline, but may be due to Gunvolt's death denying her a new host.
    • An alternate theory is that, as a "Living Glaive", Joule's body simply teleported away like the Glaives of the bosses in GV1 when they were initially defeated.
  • The EX version of the Butterfly Effect is one of two bosses in the base Luminous Avenger iX game that can only be accessed through VS Missions, the other being EX Giant Lola. The DLC mission where EX Blade is fought is also technically a VS Mission.
    • EX Butterfly Effect is identical to the normal version except for increased health and immunity to its cords being cut.
  • The Butterfly Effect does not appear to possess a main illustration, as in the Luminous Avenger iX Soundtrack it is only represented by its game sprite. It shares this trait with the intro stage medium boss Mantis Zombie.
  • The Butterfly Effect has the lowest HP of all bosses in Luminous Avenger iX save for Blade in City Slums, though its barrier and healing ability compensate for this.
  • There is a rumor that the Butterfly Effect tries to aim its attacks to avoid hitting Copen. Despite this rumor, however, there is no evidence for any of the Butterfly Effect's attack patterns altering their behavior based on Copen's position.
  • The dark copies of Lumen projected by the Butterfly Effect share a similar color palette to Joule's Data Doppelganger in her Mighty Gunvolt Burst campaign.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 LAiX OST Booklet
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 White Steel X Perfect Guide + X2 (白き鋼鉄の Xイクス パーフェクトガイド+ Xイクス 2)

Luminous Avenger iX 1 Navigation

Luminous Avenger iX
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Melodies)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuJinMariaKyota
Boss Characters BladeRebellioStellaCrimmIsolaBaktoDystnineGiant LolaButterfly EffectDemerzel
Other Characters GunvoltJouleMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Missions City SlumsStore RuinsSumeragi Building 13Auto-fab PlantMedical CenterRadio Tower "Artemis"Data Center AlphaData Center BetaCity Slums 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 1Sumeragi Secret Bunker 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 3Special MissionsVersus Missions
Songs Luminous PromiseIgniterBeyond ProbabilityChronicle of Our LivesOriginal ChordKindled SpiritsResonating HeartsCountdown: 3-2-1-0Inner AlarmSearchlightRaison d'Etre (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Institute of Human EvolutionFalcon Quills
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills
Fan Discs Isola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of Hope