Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

Boundless Myth (境界なき神話エピソード, Kyoukainaki Episode) is a song introduced in Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 sung by Layla's Djinn manifestation, Luxia. The song is played whenever Luxia revives a boss after the final blow has been dealt, and when she revives ZedΩ as a playable character in Epilogue ATEMS.

An alternate version of the song plays in the final battle with Moebius-Gunvolt, when Luxia revives Kirin and empowers her to resist the effects of Astral Order.

It is one of the 15 songs included by default in GUNVOLT RECORDS Cychronicle.

Music Video[]


No. Songs Duration Audio
01 Boundless Myth -Normal Battle Edit- 2:15
02 Boundless Myth -Last Battle Edit- 3:06


  • Japanese
  • Romaji
  • English

我は 為せる 言葉の如く
我は 創る 言葉の如く
我は 壊す 言葉の如く
沈み 出づる 繰り返す陽よ

死者の書 其れは遙か昔から 定められた
天と地の始まり 導き
遠く霞む 地平線の 境界溶かす 神話エピソード

Ra 領域 限界は 知らない
Ra 此の儘 昇る陽を祈り讃えて

続きは あいも変わらず横たえ 変わらぬ未来
我々の祝祭 定刻
鈍く滲む 口の端の 血の色燃ゆる 神話エピソード

Ra 両の手 後悔は 知らない
Ra まだまだ 輝いて 頭上に高く

現在いまは 何度も 唱えるだけで
問い糺す魔物も息を潜め 姿 消す
此の世界の枠組みさえ手に入れて (もっと)


我は 為せる 言葉の如く
我は 創る 言葉の如く
我は 壊す 言葉の如く
沈み 出づる 繰り返す陽よ

混沌 そして生まれた秩序は 求められた
終焉の始まり 円環
深く眠る 無意識下の 記憶を覚ます 神話エピソード

嗚呼 両式 正解は 知らない
嗚呼 只々 沈む陽よ 時を早めて

現在いまを 越えていく 繰り返していく
とざされた廻廊 堰を切って駆け抜けた
此の世界の額縁さえ 作り替え (きっと)
夢語りの結末さえ 創造超えて

我は 為せる 言葉の如く
我は 創る 言葉の如く
我は 壊す 言葉の如く
沈み 出づる 繰り返す陽よ

我は 為せる 言葉の如く
我は 創る 言葉の如く
我は 壊す 言葉の如く
沈み 出づる 繰り返す陽よ

Ware wa naseru kotoba nogotoku
Ware wa tsukuru kotoba nogotoku
Ware wa kowasu kotoba nogotoku
Shizumi izuru kurikaesu hi yo

Shisha no sho sore wa mukamukashi kara sadamerareta
Ten to ji no hajimari michibiki
Tooku kasumu chiheisen no kyoukai tokasu episode

Ra ryouiki genkai wa shiranai
Ra kono mama noboru hi wo inori tataete

Tsuzuki wa ai mo kawarazu yokotae kawaranu mirai
Wareware no shukusai teikoku
Mibuku nijimu kuchi no hashi no chi no iro moyuru episode

Ra ryou no te koukai wa shiranai
Ra madamada kagayaite zujou ni takaku

Ima wa nando mo tonaeru dake de
Afure waki-izuru chikara
Toi tadasu mamono mo iki wo hisome sugata kesu
Kono sekai no wakugumi sae te ni irete (motto)
Yumeyume wasururu nakare to
Kokoro ni kizamu

Kageru shikai ni
Kizuki miageta mabuta ga nure
Komiageru no wa
Tou no mukashi ni suteta namida

Ware wa naseru kotoba nogotoku
Ware wa tsukuru kotoba nogotoku
Ware wa kowasu kotoba nogotoku
Shizumi izuru kurikaesu hi yo

Konton soshite umareta chitsujo wa motomerareta
Shuuen no hajimari enkan
Fukaku nemuru muishikika no kioku wo samasu episode

Aa ryoushiki seikai wa shiranai
Aa tadatada shizumu hi yo toki wo hayamete

Ima wo koete iku kurikaeshiteiku
Sourei ni wa mada hayai
Tozasareta kairou seki wo kitte kakenuketa
Kono sekai no gakubuchi sae tsukurikae (kitto)
Yumegatari no ketsumatsu sae souzou koete

Ware wa naseru kotoba nogotoku
Ware wa tsukuru kotoba nogotoku
Ware wa kowasu kotoba nogotoku
Shizumi izuru kurikaesu hi yo

Ware wa naseru kotoba nogotoku
Ware wa tsukuru kotoba nogotoku
Ware wa kowasu kotoba nogotoku
Shizumi izuru kurikaesu hi yo

  I build up as the story goes
  I create as the story goes
  I destroy as the story goes
  O great Sun whose rise and fall repeats endlessly

The Book of the Dead determined long ago
As Heaven and Earth guides
And myth dissolves all boundaries into the horizon

Ra's land knows no border
Ra compels worship as he ascends

Continuing unchanging, into the constant future
Our feast will be held
Myth burns languidly the color of blood, as rumor spreads

Ra's hands know no regrets
Ra still shines high overhead

Now as glory is chanted time and again
Power springs forth, overflowing with courage
Demons whisper inquiries hidden in shadow
Take hold of the world's foundation (further yet)
Work diligently not to forget
Etch it onto your soul

As vision fades
Eyelids raise sodden, once noticing
Filled with sensations
Of tears shed long ago

  I build up as the story goes
  I create as the story goes
  I destroy as the story goes
  O great Sun whose rise and fall repeats endlessly

Chaos and the wish for order born within
Cycle of demise begins
Myth awakens in memory dwelling deep beneath the unconscious

Ah! To him, neither is correct
Ah! Time hastens as the Sun merely descends

Overcome the now as time repeats again
It is too soon for the funeral
Burst forth from the enchained cloister
Remake the very frame of the world (further yet)
Creation surpasses even recounted dream

  I build up as the story goes
  I create as the story goes
  I destroy as the story goes
  O great Sun whose rise and fall repeats endlessly

  I build up as the story goes
  I create as the story goes
  I destroy as the story goes
  O great Sun whose rise and fall repeats endlessly

External Links[]


  1. Spelled as "Riko Sasaki" in Gunvolt 3 credits


Song Navigation[]

Songs in the Azure Striker Gunvolt and Luminous Avenger iX series
Azure Striker Gunvolt Beyond the BlueReincarnationNebulous ClockAzure DoorPain from the PastScorching JourneyRouge ShimmerA Zip to the MoonSakura EfflorescenceEternal BlueCyanotype
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 Indigo DestinyReincarnation AlternativeIgniterA Flash of AzureMulti-UniverseIoliteVast CircleStratosphere (DLC)
Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 Memoria of 'He'TracesErgo SumLiberatorGlass ParadiseStruggling to DreamReincarnation FatefulBoundless MythVirtue of the DawnArdent EyesCelestial Paean
Luminous Avenger iX Luminous PromiseIgniterBeyond ProbabilityChronicle of Our LivesOriginal ChordKindled SpiritsResonating HeartsCountdown: 3-2-1-0Inner AlarmSearchlightRaison d'Etre (DLC)
Luminous Avenger iX 2 Command PromptPurificationLove's SanctuaryReady to Go!Curiosity = Possibility!You're Not AloneWordplay MagicThe New World
Striker Pack Parallel WorldTabula RasaLast Station
GUNVOLT RECORDS Cychronicle Melodic WingsAfsānSparkling Elation
Drama CDs The OneFind Out! ~ Compass of Hope ~Full Throttle Cheer
Anime Last WishWorld's EndAzure SkyReality
Butterfly's Journey (Album) SignDrops of OblivionSand TriggerParadox StageParapegmaTwilight SkylineFinal StationLullaby

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
Main Game Page (Epilogue ATEMS) • Game GallerySoundtrack (Akashic Record) • CreditsStory Scripts
Dragon Saviors KirinGunvoltLumenB.B.ShironApolloCayman
ATEMS ZedΩLaylaSistinaGraziePradoSerpentine
Other Characters MoebiusNovaAsimovMedium BossesCommon EnemiesCorvette
Phantom Bosses Jota & ViperTenjian & ZondaMerak & Teseo

Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute)Holy Night XIII (Downtown Christmas)
Cyber Daydream (Cyber-Kowloon)Pendulum Heart (Stormy Megafloat)Pride & Battle (Old Capital Temple)
Another Sun (Ballistic Missiles)
Trick Shot (Abandoned Factory)Sandstorm (Desert Base)Phantom Mist (Forest)Hot & Cold (Megafloat "Neptune")
Sunrise Palace (Sunrise Palace 1)Karma (Sunrise Palace 2)Heliacal Rising (Sunrise Palace 3)ZedΩ (Sunrise Throne)Moebius (World Moebius)
Secret MissionsD-nizer (D-nizer Mode)

New Songs Memoria of 'He'TracesErgo SumLiberatorGlass ParadiseStruggling to DreamReincarnation FatefulBoundless MythVirtue of the DawnArdent EyesCelestial Paean
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Group (Dragon Saviors) • Shadow YakumoATEMSBinding BrandsGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Image PulseScore and KudosSkills
Fan Disc Spectrum Theater