Azure Striker Gunvolt: Short Stories is a drama CD that came with the Japanese Limited Edition of the Nintendo Switch version of the Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack, along with the Gunvolt OVA DVD.
The CD contains audio adaptations of the three short stories Copen's Story, Joule's Story, and GV and Quinn's Story which were written by series writer Toshiaki Tai and originally published in the Japanese magazine Dengeki Nintendo. Each adaptation has some alterations compared to the original stories.
Subtitled Youtube playlist:
Japanese script and English translation document (for the non-adaptation versions, see each story's own page):
- Warning (Track 1) - Asimov warns the listener that the drama CD takes place between the events of Azure Striker Gunvolt and Azure Striker Gunvolt 2, and advises the listener to have completed the first game's True End before proceeding.
- Copen's Story (Tracks 2 to 3) - Copen's encounter with Asimov after being defeated by Gunvolt in Stratosphere (Babel).
- Joule's Story (Tracks 4 to 6) - A side story with Joule, Gunvolt, Zeno, and the Sumeragi run game September Record.
- Quinn's Story (Track 7) - The story of Gunvolt after the True End of Gunvolt 1, and how he first met Quinn.
- Allegedly, Copen's voice actor Kosuke Masuo injured his throat recording Copen screaming as Asimov electrocutes him with Voltaic Chains.