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Azure Striker Wiki

"Sigh... Will you give the sibling rivalry thing a rest?"
Autochrome, Luminous Avenger iX 2 [1]

Autochrome is one of the special Workers known as the Gravekeepers tasked with defending the Grave Pillar from intruders, and an antagonist in Luminous Avenger iX 2. He is the boss of the mission Laboratory Block.

Defeating him grants the EX Weapon Optic Barrier.

Website Description[]

  • English
  • Japanese

Autochrome is a formidable combat Worker equipped with numerous optical weapons and the ability to change his form in combat. As Vespa is his sister craft, they are theoretically capable of unparalleled coordinated operations, but due to Vespa's twisted personality, they have yet to actually work together.

Autochrome himself is the honest hard-working type. He is perhaps the most straight-laced of the Gravekeepers, though his personality leads to him taking a lot of chaff from his eccentric younger sister.

Thanks to his personality and high specs, he has been given charge of the tower's optical weapon installations. At his command he could unleash an immense laser attack capable of destroying the tower itself. (Naturally, this is exactly why he is the only one in charge of it.)[1]




Autochrome is a male Worker whose appearance is mostly based on butterflies, with some avian elements. He has mandible-like parts on the sides of his head, similar to his sister model, Vespa. When flying at high speeds, Autochrome is capable of transforming his body to resemble that of a fighter jet.


Main article: Autochrome/Gallery


Laboratory Block[]

Laboratory Block

Some time after the defeats of Dacite and Vespa, Copen intrudes into the Laboratory Block. Autochrome attempts to ambush him by firing a beam through a floor, but misses. Autochrome shows himself and remarks it's not surprising Copen dodged considering he beat his sister. When questioned about that he explains that Vespa is his sibling unit. Copen asks if he intends to avenge her, but Autochrome denies it. He notes that although she was destroyed, she's probably already being repaired, and that their command is to eliminate intruders to begin with. Abiding by this command, Autochrome declares he'll eliminate Copen and Lola and engages in battle, but is destroyed too.

Passage to Top Floor[]

Pursuing Ypsilon, Copen runs into the rebuilt Vespa and Autochrome, who have been ordered by Mother to stop him. The siblings work together for the first time in a fight against him and Lola. Despite their combination power, both Vespa and Autochrome are destroyed.

Autochrome's ultimate fate is unclear, as it is possible the maintenance system will rebuild him again. While a blackout occurs and some machines in the Hanging Gardens begin shutting down after Mother's destruction, it is not known if this affects the tower below as well, and in the Hard Mode ending no such blackout is shown occurring.

Other Appearances[]


CnC Autochrome

"Time to get to work!"

Autochrome is one of the characters from Luminous Avenger iX 2 featured as a card and enemy in the crossover roguelite card-battling RPG Card-en-Ciel.

Card Character Effect Cost Movement
Obliteration Blast Autochrome 15 damage. Reduce Cost to 0 if damage has been taken this turn.
(Special: 40 damage. Reduce Cost to 0 if damage has been taken this turn.)
2 Up


Autochrome's battle begins with a bottomless pit opened in the center of the arena.

Boss Battle Skills - Autochrome[]

Skill Description
Autochrome Bending Beam
Bending Beam[1]
Autochrome fires beam shots that bends toward Copen. He may fly to the other end of the arena to repeat the attack. In Hard Mode the shots are faster, and once finished he will surround himself with an optic barrier as he flies away.
Autochrome Buster Rise
Buster Rise[1]
He unleashes his optical gun while rising and descending. This attack uses the narrow platforms to Autochrome's advantage. Faster in Hard Mode, and if he finishes with an ascending blast he will sweep everything under him with a laser as he transforms and flies off.
Autochrome Aiming Ray
Aiming Ray[1]
Autochrome launches four laser tags one after another going sideways and down, or down and then sideways. Each one that connects with Copen will place a blue, yellow, red, and finally purple tag on him, and once all have been fired Autochrome will shoot unblockable homing lasers that pierce Hyper Guard, doing increased damage for placed tag. In Normal Mode, being under fire from Gatling Blitz will cancel the homing laser attack. In Hard Mode, the tags are faster, any connecting results in instant full damage, and he concludes the skill succeed or fail by sweeping most of the arena with a downwards laser as he flies off.
Autochrome Optic Barrier
Optic Barrier[1]
(オプティックラウンド, Optic Round)[2]
His beam barrier emits lasers to the left and right, covering both platforms. Can be cancelled with Gatling Blitz fire. In Hard Mode Gatling Blitz doesn't work, and he also shoots a burst of lasers both downwards and upwards (Reduced to just upwards in the Veschrome battle). He telegraphs this skill by flying through the center of the arena first.
Autochrome Obliteration Blast
Obliteration Blast
(ドゥームズデイブラスト, Doomsday Blast)[2]
Autochrome begins charging up his gun while laser cannons descend and blast the two platforms back and forth. The two cannons vanish as he fires a beam downwards, which expands to engulf the entire lower half of the arena. In Hard Mode he is protected by an Optic Barrier that makes contact hazardous until he fires the last beam.

Boss Battle Skills - Veschrome[]

Skill Description
Veschrome Flight
Vespa and Autochrome fly across the arena above and below two to three times. Unlike most moves where a boss goes off-screen, any tags placed on them will not vanish. In Hard Mode, they fly faster, and the flying sibling is too low to dash under.
Veschrome Dancing Air
Dancing Air
Vespa launches two wind projectiles from near to the ground, each one of which change direction towards the player once. Faster in Hard Mode.
Veschrome Aiming Ray
Aiming Ray
Autochrome launches four laser tags one after another going sideways and down, or down and then sideways. Each one that connects with Copen will place a blue, yellow, red, and finally purple tag on him, and once all have been fired Autochrome will shoot unblockable homing lasers that pierce Hyper Guard, doing increased damage for placed tag. In Normal Mode, being under fire from Gatling Blitz will cancel the homing laser attack. In Hard Mode, the tags are faster, and any connecting results in instant full damage, but he will not perform the followup laser sweep.
Veschrome Missile Storm
Missile Storm
Vespa descends while firing a storm of missiles, after which she performs a flying stab. In Hard Mode she unleashes a second burst of missiles while ascending.
Veschrome Optic Barrier
Optic Barrier
Autochrome's beam barrier emits lasers to the left and right, covering most of the arena. Can be cancelled with Gatling Blitz fire. In Hard Mode Gatling Blitz doesn't work, and he also shoots a burst of lasers upwards.
Veschrome Syncro Onslaught
(コネクティッドクランドクロス, Connected Grandcross)
Vespa and Autochrome temporarily combine and become invulnerable. Vespa creates cyclones on the edges of the stage and drops waves of her bombs from Stinger Torrent, while Autochrome continuously fires Optic Barrier in different patterns. In Hard Mode, Vespa uses her bombs with longer explosions.
Veschrome Kamikaze
Once both siblings have had their HP reduced to 0, they will charge into each and create a massive explosion. In Hard Mode, the explosion emits several smaller fireballs.

Boss Battle Voices[]


Event Translated Romaji Japanese
Bending Beam Take this! Uke yo! 受けよ!
You can’t escape! Nogasu ka! 逃すか!
Buster Rise You can’t dodge this! Vanish! Kawasemai! Kieusero! 躱せまい!消え失せろ!
Aiming Ray Target! (locked) Lock! Taagetto! (locked) Rokku! ターゲット!(locked) ロック!
Optic Barrier Let's go! Hit! Ikuzo! Atero! 行くぞ!当てろ!
Optic Barrier (Hard Mode) Let’s go! Scatter away! Iku zo! Keshitobe! 行くぞ!消し飛べ!
Countered by Gatling Blitz What!? Nani!? 何!?
Aerial Dash (fighting alongside Vespa) Haaaah! Haaa! はああ!
Obliteration Blast Eat this! Obliteration Blast! Begin loading! The end! Kurau ga ii! Doūmuzudei burasuto! Juuten kaishi! Owari da! 食らうがいい! ドゥームズデイブラスト! 充填開始!終わりだ!
1st Phase Down As expected! Sasuga da na! さすがだな!
2nd Phase down I won't lose! Watashi wa maken! 私は負けん!
Defeated Sister, I...! Imouto yo, watashi wa...! 妹よ、私は…!
Autochrome: Let's go, sister!
Vespa: Yes, brother!
Autochrome: Connecting!

Vespa: Go!
Both: Syncro-Onslaught!
Autochrome: This is our...
Vespa: ...true strength!
Autochrome: The time limit...!

Ikuzo, imouto yo!
Ee, oniisama!
Konekutiddo Gurando Kurosu!
Kore ga warera no!
Shin no chikara desu wa!
Taimu rimitto ka...!


Event Voice
Bending Beam
Take this!
You can't escape!
Buster Rise
Try and dodge this! I'll erase you!
Aiming Ray
Target! (locked) Locked on!
Optic Barrier
Here I come! I'll end you!
Optic Barrier (Hard Mode)
Here I come! Disintegrate!
Countered by Gatling Blitz
Obliteration Blast
Get a load of this! Obliteration Blast! Charging up! This is it for you!
1st Phase Down
Not too shabby!
2nd Phase down
I can't fall!
Vespa... I couldn't...!
Aerial Dash (fighting alongside Vespa)
Autochrome: Let's go, Vespa!
Vespa: Yes, brother!
Autochrome: Connection...
Vespa: ...Complete!
Both: Haaaaaaah! Syncro-Onslaught! Haaah!
Autochrome: This is our...
Vespa: ...true power!
Vespa: Ugh...
Autochrome: We're out of time...!

Musical Themes[]

Title Context Composer Audio
Optical Glow
Laboratory Block BGM, and Autochrome's theme. Yusuke Sakai
Laix2booklet p5-6

Track notes:[3]

  • Optical Glow

It’s the Lab Block track and Autochrome’s theme. This sharp tune which feels like lines of light overlapping matches the image of the laser gimmicks and the boss that flies at high speeds. I used the motif of his sister Vespa during the hook of the song, making it a very technical track.


  • Given the Workers' resemblance to the Mighty Numbers, as a gun wielder with optic technology who attempts to snipe Copen, Autochrome is comparable to Mighty No. 8, Countershade. Aside from that, Autochrome's basis is butterflies and jet planes.
    • Study of the structural coloration of the wing scales of swallowtail butterflies has led to the development of more efficient light-emitting diodes.
  • As Luminous Avenger iX2 bosses are named after bike-related products,[4] Autochrome is presumably named after the Autochrome bike rack brand.
    • Autochrome is likely also named after Autochrome Lumière, an early color photography process invented in France in 1903.
  • Autochrome's Aiming Ray attack is extremely similar to Gunvolt's tagging and flashfield; tags are stacked from blue to yellow to red, with a bonus fourth purple, followed by the emission of a protective barrier and unblockable homing attack that increases in power with each tag. This is also one of the only attacks in the game which ignores Copen's Hyper Guard, and the derived EX Weapon Optic Barrier is the Copen copy Ypsilon's weakness. As a pistol wielding butterfly, Autochrome can also thematically be connected to both Gunvolt and Joule.
    • One of the original inspirations for Gunvolt's tagging and Flashfield mechanics is the MSX game Thexder,[5] which is about a fighter robot who can transform into a jet and shoot lasers.
  • The homing attack and Autochrome's general design also appear to be a reference to the MA-07 Garuda and MA-07R Rising Garuda from the Blaster Master Zero series. Unused concept art shows Autochrome charging in flight mode with a beam blade, similar in appearance to the Rising Garuda.
  • The rematch with Autochrome and Vespa is similar to the refight with Herculious Anchus and Kuwagust Anchus in Mega Man Zero 2.
    • It is also worth noting that both battles end the exact same way. With the two siblings crashing into each other, and dying.
  • Although Autochrome's profile foreshadows Veschrome, the part about his block being able to destroy the Grave Pillar is not followed up on or alluded to in the game.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 English website
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Japanese website
  3. Luminous Avenger iX2 Soundtrack
  4. Summer Games Done Quick 2022, Benja's iX2 run. Former localization director Matt Papa is asked if the naming theme of iX2 bosses is bikes and motorcycles, and confirms it.
  5. [ Game Developer - Designing Gunvolt (Part 1 of 2)

Luminous Avenger iX 2 Navigation[]

Luminous Avenger iX 2
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Robotics Vox)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuNull
Boss Characters YpsilonDaciteVespaAutochromeBrigadeHailAceThe CreatorMother Computer
Other Characters BladeJinMariaKyotaMedium BossesCommon Enemies
DLC Boss Characters Kohaku OtoriYang YumoJason FrudnickKuronaKirin
Missions Pillar OutskirtsVolcano BlockJungle BlockPassage to Upper StratumLaboratory BlockIndustrial BlockArctic BlockSpace BlockPassage to Top FloorEntrance to Top FloorHanging GardensHanging Gardens 2Versus Missions and Boss Rush
Songs Command PromptPurificationLove's SanctuaryReady to Go!Curiosity = Possibility!You're Not AloneWordplay MagicThe New World
Story Elements WorkersGrave Pillar
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills