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Azure Striker Wiki

The Armed Blue Gunvolt Gibs Sound Track CD (蒼き雷霆ガンヴォルト鎖環 サウンドトラック CD) is a two disc soundtrack for Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 that came as a bonus item with the Japanese Limited Edition. It features all tracks in the original game, including game loop versions of all the songs, and lists who composed them. The soundtrack also included two bonus tracks; The 2020 announcement trailer version of Memoria of 'He', and an arrangement of the opening stage theme in the style of the Gunvolt versions of the other stages themes in the game. The soundtrack does not contain any tracks from updates such as the new songs sung by Luxia.

It was later released as the Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 Sound Track CD with the Limited Run Games limited edition.

As this soundtrack is just a bonus item instead of a standalone release, it doesn't have a booklet with track notes, developer comments, or character profiles. A standalone Gunvolt 3 soundtrack like those of 1 and 2 has yet to be announced.

Original translation document of track titles and listed composers:

Scan Gallery[]

Track List[]

(C) = Composer
(L) = Lyricist
(A) = Arranger
If only composers are listed, then (C) is not.

The III: Sound Create Unit is credited with arrangement on all non-vocal tracks.

Disc A

No. Name Context Musicians
01 Memoria of 'He' -Promo ver.-
彼の記憶ヒノメモリア ープロモ版ー
Gunvolt 3 announcement trailer version (Not used in game) Hakofactory (L)
Ryo Kawakami (C)
Yamajet (A)
02 Where the Long Night Leads
Title theme Ippo Yamada
03 Battle Priestess of Shadow Yakumo
Kirin's theme Ippo Yamada
04 Charging In, Blade In Hand
The Sprinting Yellow Garments Blade
Futures Institute stage Yusuke Sakai
05 Clash of Wills
The Intersecting Ulterior Motives
Yusuke Sakai
06 Looming Threat
The Warning Bell of War
Intense event Yusuke Sakai
07 Thunderous Roar
Thunderclap Roar
VS Primal Dragon Gunvolt Takumi Sato, Ippo Yamada
08 Accomplishment -Gunvolt 3ver.-
完遂 ー鎖環ギブス Ver.ー
Level complete jingle Ippo Yamada
09 Review the Mission -Gunvolt 3 ver.-
帰還と報酬ー鎖環ギブス Ver.ー
-Return & Reward - Chain Rings (Gibs) Version -
Results screen theme Ryo Kawakami
10 Electric Reflections
Electric Shadow Remembrance (Recollection)
Image Pulse cutscene Ryo Kawakami
11 Bureau Meeting
Strategy Meeting
Takumi Sato
12 Water Cooler Chat
Scheduled Prosperity
Base conversations Ryo Kawakami
13 Sumeragi Bureau of Dragon Saviors
Mission select Yusuke Sakai
14 ATEMS Mission loading screen Ippo Yamada
15 Holy Night's Lament
Wailing Holy Night
Downtown Christmas (BB's stage) Ryo Kawakami
16 Holy Night's Lament -Roar-
慟哭の聖夜 ー雷祓ロア
Wailing Holy Night -Roar-
Gunvolt version. Ryo Kawakami (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)
17 Dragon Subjugation
Dragon Sealing & Key Recapture
VS Primal Dragon Adepts and ATEMS Knights Ippo Yamada
18 Boundless Myth - Normal Battle Edit -
境界なき神話エピソード ーノーマルバトルEditー
Luxia's revival song for normal boss battles Hakofactory (L)
Ippo Yamada (C)
Coremocha (A)
19 Defeat -Gunvolt 3 ver.-
撃破 ー鎖環ギブス ver.ー
Defeat the Foe -Chain Rings (Gibs) ver.-
Boss defeated jingle Ryo Kawakami
20 Into the Neon Labyrinth
Cyber Strategist Maze
Cyber-Kowloon (Shiron's stage) Ryo Yoshinaga
21 Into the Neon Labyrinth -Roar-
電子の謀略迷宮 ー雷祓ロア
Cyber Strategist Maze -Roar-
Gunvolt version Ryo Yoshinaga (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)
22 Order on the Stormy Seas
Discord, Surge, & Rules
Stormy Megafloat (Apollo's stage) Yusuke Sakai
23 Order on the Stormy Seas -Roar-
軋轢波浪規律 ー雷祓ロア
Discord, Surge, & Rules -Roar-
Gunvolt version Yusuke Sakai (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)
24 Crimson Ascetic
Old Capital Temple (Cayman's stage) Yusuke Sakai
25 Crimson Ascetic -Roar-
紅き羅漢 ー雷祓ロア
Gunvolt version Yusuke Sakai (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)
26 Sealing Threat
Seal & Destroy the Foe in Sight
VS Medium Bosses Ippo Yamada
27 Impenetrable Barrier
Must-Defend Aerial Space
Ballistic Missiles stage Ryo Kawakami
28 Impenetrable Barrier -Roar-
絶対防空領域 ー雷祓ロア
Must-Defend Aerial Space -Roar-
Gunvolt version Ryo Kawakami (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)
29 Arrival at Daybreak
Coming from the Dawn
ZedΩ encounter Yusuke Sakai
30 Far-Flung Dunes
Remote Red Sands
Desert Base (Grazie's stage) Yusuke Sakai
31 Far-Flung Dunes -Roar-
辺境の赤砂 ー雷祓ロア
Remote Red Sands -Roar-
Gunvolt version Yusuke Sakai (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)
32 Elegant Combustion
Seductive Thermomotor
Abandoned Factory (Sistina's stage) Ryo Yoshinaga
33 Elegant Combustion -Roar-
艶美なる熱機関 ー雷祓ロア
Seductive Thermomotor -Roar-
Gunvolt version Ryo Yoshinaga (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)

Disc B

No. Name Context Musicians
01 Ice Spectacle, Ablaze
Affective Ice & Flame Rondo
Megafloat "Neptune" (Prado's stage) Takumi Sato
02 Ice Spectacle, Ablaze -Roar-
情動氷炎輪舞 ー雷祓ロア
Affective Ice & Flame Rondo -Roar-
Gunvolt version Takumi Sato (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)
03 Veil of Mist
Hide Within the Mist
Forest (Serpentine's stage) Hiroyuki Sato
04 Veil of Mist -Roar-
狭霧に身を潜め ー雷祓ロア
Hide Within the Mist -Roar-
Gunvolt version Hiroyuki Sato (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)
05 Basking in Sunlight
Next to the Sun
Layla's theme? Ippo Yamada, Aoi Takeda
06 Temple to the Sun
Sun Mausoleum
Sunrise Palace stages Ryo Kawakami
07 Temple to the Sun -Roar-
太陽の霊廟 ー雷祓ロア
Sun Mausoleum -Roar-
Gunvolt version Ryo Kawakami (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)
08 The Fates of Stars
Know the Stars' Life
Moebius's theme 1 Ryo Yoshinaga
09 Calamity Beckons
The Befalling Calamity
Yusuke Sakai
10 Phoenix Era
Phoenix Wings Sun Deity
VS ZedΩ Hiroyuki Sato
11 Battle Priestess's Pride
Ippo Yamada
12 Torrential Fate
Overflowing Dragon Spirit
Moebius's theme 2 Ryo Yoshinaga
13 Cosmos Arbiter
Star Death Arbitration
VS Moebius Ryo Yoshinaga
14 Azure Executioner
Azure Devil & Adjacent Blade
VS Moebius-Gunvolt Ippo Yamada
15 Boundless Myth -Last Battle Edit-
境界なき神話エピソード ーラストバトルEditー
Luxia's song during the final battle Hakofactory (L)
Ippo Yamada (C)
Coremocha (A)
16 Future Beyond Reach
Bad end Ryo Kawakami
17 Sign -Determination-
兆候 ー必定ー
Sign -Inevitabilty-
Bad end credits Ryo Kawakami (C)
Yamajet (A)
18 Shifting Fates
Flowing Destiny
Normal end Ryo Kawakami
19 Twilight Skyline -Hope-
夕空境目 ー希望ー
Skyline -Aspiration-
Normal end credits Ippo Yamada (C)
Yamajet (A)
20 Mytyl of the Moonlit Night Secret joke ending Ryo Kawakami (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)
21 Ergo Sum
Hakofactory (L)
Ryo Kawakami (C)
s-don (A)
22 Liberator
Hakofactory (L)
Ippo Yamada (C)
s-don (A)
23 Struggling to Dream
Hakofactory (L)
Ippo Yamada (C)
s-don (A)
24 Glass Paradise
Hakofactory (L)
Ryo Kawakami (C)
s-don (A)
25 Memoria of 'He'
Hakofactory (L)
Ryo Kawakami (C)
s-don (A)
26 Traces
Hakofactory (L)
Ryo Kawakami (C)
s-don (A)
27 Reincarnation Fateful
輪廻 邂逅リインカネーション フェイトフル
Anthem theme Hakofactory (L)
Ippo Yamada (C)
s-don (A)
28 Charging In, Blade in Hand -Roar-
The Sprinting Yellow Garments Blade -Roar-
Futures Institute stage, Gunvolt version (Not used in game) Ippo Yamada (C)
Hiroaki Sano (A)


Series Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt, Luminous Avenger iX, and Mighty Gunvolt series
Video Games
Azure Striker Gunvolt series Azure Striker Gunvolt 1Azure Striker Gunvolt 2Striker PackAzure Striker Gunvolt 3
Luminous Avenger iX series Luminous Avenger iX 1Luminous Avenger iX 2
Mighty Gunvolt / Gal*Gunvolt series Mighty Gunvolt / Gal*GunvoltMighty Gunvolt Burst / Gal*Gunvolt Burst
Other Azure Striker Gunvolt (DOS)GUNVOLT RECORDS CychroniclePuzzMiXInti Creates Gold Archive Collection
Related Card-en-Ciel
Side Stories and Other Media
Drama CDs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy KingdomArmed Blue GunvoltShort StoriesClockwork DaydreamEden's PartyIsola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of HopeSpectrum TheaterMirage Party
Other Side Stories Fleeting MemoriesCopen's StoryJoule's StoryGV and Quinn's Story
Miscellaneous Armed Blue: Gunvolt (manga)Azure Striker Gunvolt: The Anime
Non-story Media Dengeki Nintendo Character ProfilesArmed Blue: Gunvolt Complete Works
Official Game Soundtracks Armed Blue Gunvolt Official SoundtrackMighty Gunvolt Original SoundtrackArmed Blue Gunvolt: Sou SoundtrackLUMINOUS AVENGER IX SOUNDTRACKLUMINOUS AVENGER IX 2 SOUNDTRACK
Official Vocal Albums Azure PhosphorescenceAzure Trance -Into the Blue-Electro RotationRoRo MelodiesButterfly's JourneyRoRo Robotics VoxAkashic Record
Fan Discs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy KingdomClockwork DaydreamEden's PartyIsola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of HopeSpectrum Theater
Limited Edition and Other Promotional Soundtracks ARMED BLUE: GUNVOLT Anime BGM Collection & Anime Song CollectionMorpho Song Re-collection -2018 Remix-Cyber Diva Roro Medley CDMighty Gunvolt Burst Original SoundtrackArmed Blue Gunvolt Gibs Soundtrack CDGUNVOLT RECORDS Cychronicle Instrumental Album
Other MORPHO VIRTUAL LIVE 2020 (Blu-ray)

Gunvolt 3 Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
Main Game Page (Epilogue ATEMS) • Game GallerySoundtrack (Akashic Record) • CreditsStory Scripts
Dragon Saviors KirinGunvoltLumenB.B.ShironApolloCayman
ATEMS ZedΩLaylaSistinaGraziePradoSerpentine
Other Characters MoebiusNovaAsimovMedium BossesCommon EnemiesCorvette
Phantom Bosses Jota & ViperTenjian & ZondaMerak & Teseo

Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute)Holy Night XIII (Downtown Christmas)
Cyber Daydream (Cyber-Kowloon)Pendulum Heart (Stormy Megafloat)Pride & Battle (Old Capital Temple)
Another Sun (Ballistic Missiles)
Trick Shot (Abandoned Factory)Sandstorm (Desert Base)Phantom Mist (Forest)Hot & Cold (Megafloat "Neptune")
Sunrise Palace (Sunrise Palace 1)Karma (Sunrise Palace 2)Heliacal Rising (Sunrise Palace 3)ZedΩ (Sunrise Throne)Moebius (World Moebius)
Secret MissionsD-nizer (D-nizer Mode)

New Songs Memoria of 'He'TracesErgo SumLiberatorGlass ParadiseStruggling to DreamReincarnation FatefulBoundless MythVirtue of the DawnArdent EyesCelestial Paean
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Group (Dragon Saviors) • Shadow YakumoATEMSBinding BrandsGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Image PulseScore and KudosSkills
Fan Disc Spectrum Theater