Azure Striker Wiki

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Azure Striker Wiki
Azure Striker Wiki

  • English (8-4)
  • Japanese
  • Fan translated

"His mission: silence the Muse and free the world from its trance.
But the clear-cut lines around him have already started to blur..."


The target is the Cybernetic Singing Fairy (Cyber Diva)
The annihilation of people’s hope…
But the residuum of this hesitating emotion (heart) won’t be wiped out…

Anthem is the first mission in Azure Striker Gunvolt, taking place in the stage 1st Sumeragi. Gunvolt's objective in this mission is to destroy the Muse, Lumen, but runs into something unexpected when he arrives.

Banking 3000 or more kudos in the stage will unlock the Lumen Audiolocket 1 pendant, which when equipped causes Beyond the Blue to always play when reaching 1000 kudos.

Azure Striker Gunvolt: The Anime is mainly an adaptation of this mission.


Image Enemy
Mantis (boss)
Roll Cannon
Flying shooter
Flying Drone
Shutter shut
Sentry chainsaw
Sentry Unit (chainsaw)
Sentry blaster
Sentry Unit (gun)
Sumeragi gunner
Sumeragi Gunner
Sumeragi launcher
Sumeragi Launcher
Sumeragi shield
Sumeragi Grenadier

Rank and Time Requirements


*May not be accurate

Rank Score Minimum Kudos needed Kill points needed
S+ 400,000 5860 (Gutless), 3830 (Cautious), 3120 (Fearless) 20,000


Stars Time
5 Stars (x1.5) 4:30

Stage Composition

As this is meant to be a tutorial stage, the composition is largely linear and simple without many difficult portions.

The stage starts off with a cutscene of Gunvolt being tortured by Romeo. However, after Romeo leaks some important info, Gunvolt breaks free and begins to flee the Sumeragi facility. A short section with some laser cannon and flying enemies follows, before Gunvolt boards an elevator he must move by tagging it and using the Flashfield. Then a hallway section with many shutters follows before a hexapyle appears.

Gunvolt then boards the train Lumen is on, which comprises the rest of the level. Sections with many Sumeragi soldiers and robots follow, before Gunvolt encounters the first bosses, two Mantises. Once both of them are out of commission, a second cutscene with Gunvolt rescuing Joule from the train commences, and the level is cleared.

Boss: Mantises


Three-fourths of the way through, Gunvolt will fight a large metal robot known as a Mantis, and will fight a second one soon after. The first fight takes place with Gunvolt standing atop a pile of crates, giving him an edge as he can more easily tag the Mantis.

The Mantis has multiple easily-dodgeable attacks, such as firing missiles that are blockable by the Flashfield, shooting the ground with the machine guns on its arms, and firing a laser that can be avoided by standing still and not jumping. It can only be damaged by tagging and shocking its core, which pops up after its head sustains enough damage. Destroying the core without letting the Mantis reboot is a secret condition that adds 200 bonus Kudos to the mission score. Doing so during both battles is required to complete the challenge "Preying on a Mantis."

After defeating both of the Mantises, Gunvolt can proceed towards the Hexapyle, and complete the mission by destroying it.


  • Flash of Azure: Clear in 7 minutes or less. (Reward: Kripp Alloy x8)
  • Bolt from the Blue: Clear in 4 minutes or less. (Reward: Proto Infrastructure x5)
  • All Business: Clear with a rank of B or higher. (Reward: Nanochip 98 x8)
  • Employee of the Week: Clear with a rank of S or higher. (Reward: Faraging Steel x5)
  • Scot-free: Clear with a rank of S+. (Reward: 50k Vig)
  • No Shutter Stutter: Clear without destroying any shutters. (Reward: Xiwidia x5)
  • Preying on a Mantis: Defeat the Mantis without letting it reboot. (Reward: Quartzite x5)
  • Too Lovely to Touch: Clear without taking any damage. (Reward: Uranium 235 Crystal x10)


See Also


  • Merak was originally intended to be the boss of this stage and fought at the end of the train, but the plan was scrapped as the staff realized the stage was becoming too long in the trial and error period. The concept was later reused in Azure Striker Gunvolt: The Anime.[1]
Romeo dungeon 1
  • The scene with Romeo was once imagined as taking place in a torture room, but the idea was dropped.[1] Torture instruments did get to appear in the anime adaptation.

Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 Navigation

Azure Striker Gunvolt 1
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (Azure Phosphorescence) • CreditsStory Scripts
QUILL and co. GunvoltJoule (Lumen) • AsimovZenoMoniqa
Boss Characters NovaMerakJotaViperCarreraEliseStratos | Copen
Other Characters ZondaRomeoMinor CharactersMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Main Missions Anthem (1st Sumeragi)Abyss (Subaquatic Base)Minaret (Media Tower)Conflagration (Biochem Plant)Spintronics (Datastore)Underworld (Stratacombs)Garden (Pharma Lab)Kaleidoscape (Sinner's Row)
Final and Special Missions Hostage (Urban Run)Streak (Eridu)Stratosphere (Babel)Idolatry (Firmament) / Azure (Firmament) | Special Missions
Songs Beyond the BlueReincarnationNebulous ClockAzure DoorPain from the PastScorching JourneyRouge ShimmerA Zip to the MoonSakura EfflorescenceEternal BlueCyanotype
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi GroupQUILLGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Score and Kudos (Secrets) • Equipment (Materials) • SkillsChristmas Mode
Fan Discs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy Kingdom