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Azure Striker Wiki
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Azure Striker Wiki
Viper vs Water Adept

Septimal Adepts (known in Japan as Sevens Psychics (第七波動セブンス能力者 Dai nana hadō (Sebunsu) Nōryoku-sha, lit. "Seventh Wave (Sevens) Ability Person"), or Septima Holders (セプティマホルダー) in Luminous Avenger iX) are a type of supernaturally empowered beings which the Azure Striker Gunvolt series revolves around.

In the decades since the first Septimal Adept appeared, their emergence has caused confusion and strife across the world, and also resulted in breakthroughs in many technical fields.



The existence of Adepts stems from the Lifewave (生命の波動, Seimei no hadou), a natural power with different levels that all living beings own. Adepts are attached to the 7th, or Septimal, wave. The lower levels are as follows:

  • Primordial (1st) to 3rd stage: Average humans and animals.
  • Tetrad (4th) stage: Those labeled spiritualists (霊能力者), or alternatively ESP users (超能力者).
  • Quinary (5th) stage: Stronger ones.
  • Senary (6th) stage: Beings that have historically left behind all kinds of miracles. Those named “Saints” (『聖人』) and “Spiritual Beasts” (『霊獣』) fall into that category.

The Senary wave was considered the top category for a long time, but with the emergence of humans with a stronger wave and possessing far more overt and common sense defying abilities, a new category was eventually recognized: The 7th wave, Septima.[1][2]

Although Septima is a higher level, that does not necessarily mean Adepts possess the abilities associated with the lower waves. Despite being an Adept, Xiao is apparently unable to perceive Joule's existence, while the normal human Quinn can. Only some Adepts have explicitly displayed or mentioned a spiritual awareness or 6th sense seemingly unrelated to their Septimal power:

  • Zonda (Able to interact with Joule, also could sense when an Adept settlement was in danger[3])
  • Desna (Premonitions of the future via star reading)
  • Kirin (Can see ghosts; clarified that BB's Geist constructs aren't actually spirits of the dead)
  • Serpentine (Can see the memories of other people)
  • Carrera (Able to hear Joule)[Note 1]

It seems that knowledge of the meaning of Septima and existence of the lower waves and associated powers is rare. When Gunvolt ponders over Quinn's non-Septimal ability to see spirits, which likely means she is a level 4 or 5, neither he nor Xiao can think of any explanation for it. The Lifewave and meaning of Septima has never been brought up in the games, is seldom referenced in side materials, and has only been explained in detail in the opening narration of Azure Striker Gunvolt: Fleeting Memories, which serves as a prelude to a glimpse into the Sumeragi Group's occult-related research. Only the Sumeragi Group's secret, supernatural focused sister organization Shadow Yakumo is known to specialize in and actively utilize spiritualist powers below Septima.

Outside of the story, the waves have been compared to the 5 human senses, with those beyond that having a 6th sense, Adepts a 7th sense, and Gunvolt's new power in Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 beyond Septima an 8th sense.[4]


Septima (第七波動セブンス, Seventh Wave (Sevens)) is the generic name for the superpower phenomenon of Adepts that began appearing some decades prior to the start of Azure Striker Gunvolt. It typically expresses itself in children under the age of 10[5], and in one case an infant less than a year old.

A kind of psychic power, Adepts use septima to, at its most basic level, bend various forms of energy to their will. This allows them to do things like control fire, manifest energy insect swarms, and in general defy the laws of nature and physics. Septimal abilities manifest as distinct types with consistent characteristics, and have proper names such as Wormhole or Lightspeed. Many abilities are not unique, and may manifest within multiple different Adepts, although each individual's raw power output and skill with the Septima may differ greatly. Some abilities are closely related enough to be grouped together and can strongly interact, such as the Azure Striker, Muse, and Hack the Planet, which are all believed to be in the electron-controlling group.[6][7]

Septima is said to be closely related to an one's emotions; a "soul given form."[8] Septima is strongly linked to an Adept's consciousness and stems from willpower. If an Adept is knocked out, any power they are actively manifesting will usually vanish.[9] Extreme negative emotions may cause their powers to go out of control[10]. In one case, immense grief over the death of a loved one is implied to have caused a septima to transform from an average power into something more potent.[11] In a very small number of cases, an Adept's spirit and/or power has persisted in some form after their death.[12][13]

Despite being glorified or reviled for their powers, it is implied that most Adepts possess underwhelming abilities. The low ranking members who make up the majority of the Adept supremacist group Eden, known as Pawns, are mostly Adepts who either can't wield their Septima at will or possess abilities impractical for combat, and as such rely on conventional weapons to fight. This is mostly true for the Sumeragi Institute of Human Evolution as well, despite them existing in a time when Adepts have become the majority population. Among their common Adept soldiers, only wielders of Psychokinesis (a septima noted for its combat potential) are known to use their ability to fight.

One example of a very weak Adept is the drugged up thug who attacked Quinn. Prior to consuming a Septima enhancing drug, his plant controlling power could only making the morning glory flower bloom faster.[14]

The Sumeragi Group has a sparsely mentioned system for grading Adepts. The highest rank is S+ (originally SS in the Japanese version), which Gunvolt, Nova, and Zonda are ranked as.[15] Despite only being a normal human, Copen with just his baseline skills was also considered on-par with an average Adept.[16] After improving his equipment and weaponry via analyzing the Azure Striker, his combat power when fully equipped is on-par with S+ rank Adepts.[17]


The little-defined septimosome (能力因子 Ability factor, or 誘因子 Incitement factor) is a bodily factor normally present in every Adept, and is connected to their ability to wield Septima as well as the type they possess. It can be found in blood, as Copen was able to retrieve a sample of Asimov's septimosome just from bloodstains on his gun.[18] Once a sample has been collected, it can be cultivated.[19] Joule's cyber body in ASG2 is not considered a septimosome.[20]

Through some sort of procedure which the Sumeragi Group possesses, it is possible to extract an Adept's septimosome (or "most" of their ability factors, in the Japanese version[21]) and place it within an external sealing device, namely a Glaive. This normally prevents the Adept from using their Septima. However, sufficiently strong Adepts such as Nova and Merak are capable of still wielding a portion of their power even after this. The procedure may be reinforced with additional Glaives, but in the only known case this still proved ineffective to an extent.

About 14 years prior to the beginning of the series, Dr. Kamizono extracted the factors of The Muse from his infant daughter Mytyl, which were then implanted into the unborn child who would become Joule. This left Mytyl mute and physically frail - complications not known to have occurred after any other septimosome extraction - until she eventually fused with Joule's disembodied spirit and regained The Muse. The exact reason for Mytyl's ailments is unknown.

Armed Phenomenon[]

For unknown reasons, when a Glaive is unlocked and the sealed septimosome is returned to its owner, a transformation known as Armed Phenomenon (変身現象アームドフェノメノン) occurs as a side effect. The subject's body changes into an armored form based on their Septima, and their power is enhanced significantly beyond what it was prior to being sealed. The subject's physiology is also altered, as their hair and eye color change, their eye sclera turn black, and their blood itself seemingly turns black too. At least in the case of the Glaives, the subject also experiences psychological changes; Nova once described it as "something like a trance" in which "your mood uplifts" and "your ego becomes bare".[22] Derivative devices designed to trigger the transformation rather than seal septimosome, like the Grimoires and presumably the Falcon Quills, produce stronger transformations.[20] The Binding Brands, supernatural items the Glaives were based on that manipulate energy flows in the earth called dragon veins, are also capable of inducing this transformation.

Armed Phenomenon is not a permanent transformation. In Justice Rage, Nova and Jota discuss having transformed with their Glaives in the past, though they are currently untransformed. Ghauri is implied to have deactivated his Grimoire-induced Armed form at will before his boss fight in his stage in Gunvolt 2. After Gunvolt defeats Tenjian in the opening of Gunvolt 2, Tenjian's imitation Glaive bursts out of him and breaks, canceling his Armed form but leaving him alive. When Kirin defeats the ATEMS Knights in Gunvolt 3, they revert from their Binding Brand-induced Armed forms before escaping with the Brands intact. In all other known cases, however, Armed Phenomenon users do not involuntarily detransform until they are killed.

Gunvolt being able to fight on-par with and defeat transformed Adepts with mostly just his raw power is considered a remarkable trait.[19][23]

Primal Dragons and Octima[]

There is a monstrous state of being and power beyond normal Adepts known as Primal Dragons (暴龍, Violent Dragon), which are said to be the end point of all Adepts.[24] Varying traits of this status are enhanced power, dragon-like form, a berserk state of mind, and the emission of a wave known as Dragon Radiation (龍放射). While initially believed to be harmless in small amounts, it can cause other Adepts to transform into Primal Dragons. The Septima of Kirin, Radiant Fetters, is the only known means to seal a Primal Dragon transformation.

Decades prior to the appearance of Primal Dragons, the top researcher of Sumeragi's Septima research project concluded that in the near future Adepts would wipe out humanity. Kirin speculates that he may have known something about Adepts turning into Primal Dragons, and if so that the phenomenon was inevitable.

Different individuals have shown different traits:

  • Moebius intro cutscene
    The first and so far only being to be born as a Primal Dragon is the infant Moebius, whose future seeing and altering ability Astral Order (無限の星詠アストラルオーダー, Infinite Star Reading (Astral Order)) is described by ZedΩ as being an Octima (第八波動エース, 8th Wave (Eights)) instead of a Septima. Nothing about Moebius' origin is known.
  • Thunderclap Roar
    Gunvolt was the first Adept to awaken to this stage from a lower level (or possibly the second; see end of Octima section). In the beginning he ceased to physically age, and eventually began losing control over his power. Over time, his body transformed into what can only be called a giant literal dragon and he became mindlessly violent. After decades, his power built up to the point where even the 1000 Glaives assembled by the Sumeragi Group to contain him failed. It is not known what exactly caused Gunvolt to become like this, but he suspects his prior merging with the Muse Septima and/or absorption of Azure Spirits (fragments of Asimov's soul and Septima which caused Gunvolt's own Septima to degenerate and gain new abilities) are possible causes. As a Primal Dragon, Gunvolt's electricity output was high enough to render fossil fuels obsolete after Sumeragi began to harness and distribute it across the country. However, this electricity also carried Gunvolt's Dragon Radiation and steadily affected the populace. Gunvolt being sealed by Kirin caused him to briefly revert to human form, and then turn into a dog-like form. While his power is never explicitly identified as an Octima in the story, several pre-release materials referred to it as Next Level or Next Phase (次の段階ネクストフェーズ) and compared it to an "8th sense" relative to normal Adepts having a 7th sense.[4] Purportedly, it is basically comparable to an Octima.[25][Note 2]
  • Primal Dragons
    Adepts awakened via exposure to Gunvolt's Dragon Radiation gain forms similar to Armed Phenomenon, but with draconic traits and masks covering their faces. The four recruited into the Dragon Saviors--BB, Shiron, Apollo, and Cayman--retained their minds and were capable of speech, but invariably lost control of their emotions and rampaged. The radiation they emitted could cause not only lesser Adepts to go berserk, but machines as well, possibly due to Gunvolt's Azure Striker being mixed in with their radiation. Being sealed by Kirin causes them to return to normal and become unaffected by further Dragon Radiation exposure. Afterward, via unspecified means, they are able to take on their Armed Phenomenon-like forms again, but with no masks, no loss of emotional control, and no apparent radiation emission.
  • Adepts in the Sumeragi Peacekeepers who suffered second-hand infection from the masked dragons' radiation lost their minds and went berserk, but did not gain enhanced power or transform.

Zonda's power after absorbing The Muse and transforming her Phantasm Mirror Septima into Reverie Mirror is also vast enough that it can even be said to be an Octima, although she didn't realize full control of her newfound power due to being killed shortly after gaining it.[26]

Other Transformations[]

In the Luminous Avenger iX world, Asimov became a nigh-immortal electronic being with a deteriorating mind. His electronic form and Gunvolt's Primal Dragon form share some similarities in appearance, and as noted in the section above it may have been Asimov's Septima remains that helped cause Gunvolt to reach that state in the mainline world.

Purportedly, any Adept who releases 100% of their power will naturally turn into a strange form. For example, even without a Glaive, Viper could turn into that form if he achieved 100%. Those such as Gunvolt, ZedΩ, and Kirin who can use that level of power while remaining in human form are impressive/scary.[25][Note 2][Note 3] It is unclear whether the form referred to here is Armed Phenomenon - the same one triggered by a Glaive - or something different.


The vast majority of Adepts are born randomly, with lineage playing no known factor. During the time of Azure Striker Gunvolt, all known parents and siblings of Adepts have been shown or implied to only be normal humans.

The very first Adept was an Azure Striker who appeared in South America some decades ago.

Originally only being born in small numbers, the rate of Adept emergence has increased over time. By the time of Luminous Avenger iX, a century later, Adepts have come to outnumber humans to such a degree that they have become the new standard for "human", with those without Septima branded as "Minos".

It is unknown what the force behind Adept births is. Some speculate that Adepts are the next stage of human evolution, or are some kind of chosen ones. Due to how well the Sumeragi Group responded to their emergence, there are conspiracy theories that they somehow had foreknowledge of the advent of Adepts, or are even responsible for it.

Intensifying the mystery is Dystnine. Originally only a mass production model android, he spontaneously developed a soul and septima. How this occurred is unknown, as he received special protection and was later destroyed before he could be dismantled and studied.

Artificial Adepts[]

Adepts may be created artificially by taking normal humans and animals with latent Septimal potential, known as "matches", and transplanting septimosome into their bodies, causing abilities to bloom. It is hard to find successful matches. This method's potential for success is dependent on the subject's compatibility with the Septima as determined by unknown factors. An incompatible subject's implanted septima will malfunction when they attempt to use it, with potentially lethal consequences. The implanted septimosome may be removed shortly after its implantation, but is implied to become permanently bonded with the subject if enough time passes.

One large scale attempt at creating artificial adepts was Sumeragi's Project Gunvolt, an attempt to mass produce Azure Strikers for energy research purposes. At least 77 matches were gathered for this project and failed to be compatible; only Asimov and Gunvolt are living successes.

Currently, only the Sumeragi Group is known to have the technology and stock of cultivated septimosomes required to perform this procedure, along with an unknown method for predicting a subject's compatibility with various types of septima. This method is unreliable, as Nova was predicted to have the highest compatibility with the Azure Striker since Asimov, but almost died when attempting to use it. Gunvolt was considered the second most promising subject after Nova, albeit only a distant second, but he did prove to be compatible. It seems this system can assess the potential of matches in general, as the scientist overseeing Nova's failure remarked about how he should still be compatible with another Septima.

As genetics only play a limited role at best in the formation of Adepts, cloning one is an unreliable method of producing a match. An Adept's clone is unlikely to be compatible with the same Septima as the original, and in most cases won't have any potential as an Adept at all.

Known artificial Adepts are Joule, Asimov, Gunvolt, and Nova, as well as Blade in the Luminous Avenger iX timeline. Gunvolt and Joule have been described as just a few of the artificial Adepts created by Sumeragi.[5]

There is only one known case of an individual being implanted with multiple Septimosome types at once, that being the Nova of an alternate world, who received an Azure Striker implant alongside his Psychokinesis implant. Nova was able to use both Septimas proficiently, but it proved harmful to his body.

Relationship with society[]

Main Timeline[]

In the beginning, Adepts were a tiny minority of the population and able to coexist with normal humans without too much strife, but as more and more Adepts emerged, most of the world began to fall into disarray as society had little way of coping with their presence. Those who abuse their powers for criminal ends or terrorize people simply because they can abound, and it's said that some countries' governments have collapsed due to rampaging Adepts.

Because of their powers, Adepts often face intense discrimination and persecution and are either feared or hated by non-Adepts. In the nation of Japan, the Sumeragi Group hunted down Adepts on the grounds of them being a national threat, and performs experimentation on them, in hopes of using septima as an alternative energy source. Ironically, some of Sumeragi's highest ranking members are Adepts themselves, whose septimal powers are controlled by Sumeragi using Glaives. An Adept may also face discrimination based on the type of septima they possess, as many people believe that septima is related to personality. Viper was ostracized and became an outcast due to possessing Explosion, a septima also wielded by a criminal who attacked a mall.

However, Adepts who use their Septima to protect their community like Himeshiro or comes from families with high social status like Jota are exempted from this discrimination.

It is unknown exactly how Adepts are treated outside of Japan, but it generally appears to be worse. In the Japanese script of GV2, Zonda thinks Gunvolt only believes in coexistence because Japan is a peaceful country. In Eden's Party, in an unspecified land Tenjian finds the destroyed remains of an Adept settlement with piles of bodies everywhere. Both Tenjian and Zonda suffered heavy discrimination for being Adepts in their homeland, China, with the former being abandoned by his parents and later being given poisoned food by a stranger while starving, and states that Adepts are hunted from birth. In France, Asroc was told by his mother to keep his power a secret, and when it slipped a man, mad with paranoia, ended up burning his house down and killing his whole family. In the United States a movement to ban Adepts from competitions began, and Ghauri was never able to become an official skater.

Due to this mistreatment, groups that fight for adept rights were created: QUILL, a former human rights group that does battle against the Sumeragi Group, and the far more extreme Eden, an Adept supremacist faction that threatened to wipe out all non-Adepts.

Gunvolt 3[]

Decades after the events of Gunvolt 2, the Adept population has increased and their discrimination has softened. Adepts are even allowed to use their Septima in their jobs. Over the decades, Adepts have adopted QUILL's rule of "Don't go snooping on others' Septimas" as Adepts with certain Septima are still targets of discrimination.

However, the appearance of Primal Dragons, due to Dragon Radiation that the Sumeragi Group carelessly leaked into the public Adept population, causes them to go berserk against their will. To prevent tension between humans and Adepts from rising, Sumeragi Group's secret sister organization Shadow Yakumo took action and covered up the existence of the Primal Dragons through the Dragon Saviors.

iX Timeline[]

In this alternate timeline, a century has passed and Adepts have become the majority population. To maintain global world order, the Sumeragi Group was re-branded as the Sumeragi Institute of Human Evolution under the leadership of its supervisory AI, "Demerzel", who started promoting Adepts as the new standard for "human", and branding those without Septima as "Minos". Compared to the treatment that Adepts received back when they were the minority, the Minos had it worse as the latter's treatment by Sumeragi is tantamount to genocide.

Following Demerzel's destruction, Sumeragi Institute second-in-command Blade took over leadership and ended their genocidal campaign against the Minos.

List of Septima[]

Introduced in Azure Striker Gunvolt[]

Name Description User(s)
Azure Striker
Aoki Raitei (Āmudo Burū)
Azure Thunderclap (Armed Blue)
The first Septima to ever be discovered. An electrical discharge ability based on the power to finely control electrons. It is a versatile power capable of many different feats: lightning attacks of various kinds, physical enhancement, EM field manipulation, forcefield generation, limited flight, controlling electronic devices, and most mysteriously even materializing solid chains. With special equipment, it is also possible for wielders to shift their body into electricity to ignore almost any type of incoming attack. For unknown reasons, some users of this Septima produce immaterial feathers that quickly fade away when using some of their techniques.

It is potentially possible for wielders to permanently become monstrous electronic lifeforms, a feat which the only achiever Demerzel claims is the ultimate for an Azure Striker.

The Muse
Denshi no Yousei (Saibā Dība)
Cybernetic Singing Fairy (Cyber Diva)
A consciousness induction ability that uses songs to resonate with other Adepts' septima and increase their power. Can manifest virtual avatars of variable appearances, such as Lumen. It can also revive people on the brink of death by enhancing their bodily functions.

Because of its ability to enhance septima and influence the minds of Adepts, it is an extremely valuable ability sought by organizations like Sumeragi and Eden.

This is an electronic septima, and as such can interfere with electronic devices, possibly to a greater extent than the Azure Striker. One time when Joule was passionately playing an online game and on the verge of losing, she was able to send Lumen into the MMO, directly control her player character, and manipulate the system to achieve a 100% critical hit and item drop rate.

Akūkō (Wāmuhōru)
Subspace Hole (Wormhole)
Triggers distortions in space and links separate locations, opening traversable holes between them. Merak can also distort the space he links to, but it's hard to control and not all-powerful. The transfer destination is limited to "places where [I] can exist", so unknown locations and dangerous places (like inside a wall) can't be linked to.
The Fly
Hanemushi (Za Furai)
Winged Insect (The Fly)
Allows the user to change their flesh into energy bodies shaped like flies, which can decompose whatever they touch and absorb it as their own energy. The wielder may change their energy body into different forms.
Zankō (Raitosupīdo)
Afterglow (Lightspeed)
An ability that, apart from controlling photons, also allows the user to change their body into photons for literal light speed movement. However, this is a pseudo-teleportation technique: The user decides on their destination point beforehand, and can't think during the movement.
Bakuen (Ekusupurōjon)
Explosive Flame (Explosion)
Controls heat energy, allowing the wielder to scorch things and produce flames. One advanced technique is to compress a large amount of energy into a sphere, known as an Angry Bomb, which creates a combustion-explosion upon contact with anything.
Seimei Rin'ne (Anrimiteddo Animusu)
Life Cycle (Unlimited Animus)
Manipulates souls and revives the dead. Normally Elise can only create zombies, but the power boost provided by her glaive's transformation allows her to fully resurrect people. Her crazed persona also displays overflowing vitality, and was only able to be killed by septima neutralizing bullets.
Magnetic Arts
Jikai Ken (Magunetikku Ātsu)
Magnetic Field Fist (Magnetic Arts)
Wields a special magnetic energy that allows for drawing in and repelling things, including the user's own body. Possesses the special property of pulling in and scattering septima itself, more or less sealing other Adepts' abilities.

This is a unique septima; Carrera is the first and only known wielder of it, and named it himself.

Phantasm Mirror
Mugenkyō (Mirā)
Dream Mirror (Mirror)
A mysterious, illusion-based power. Many abilities have been demonstrated: Form shifting, twisting the image of the world, producing simple copies for quick attacks, producing intricate copies of the self and even other Adepts which possess their septima and memories and shatter upon defeat, and sealing spirits in mirrors and breaking them into powerful pieces.
Nendōryoku (Saikokineshisu)
Mind Power (Psychokinesis)
Directly converts thoughts to energy and interferes with space and matter. Typically manifests as purple energy spheres launched from the wielder's hands, with manifesting around a target and converging to crush them being an advanced technique. Nova is able to remotely control a specially modified for him attack satellite using telepathic waves. Sumeragi Institute soldiers also display what appears to be a teleportation technique, appearing to attack and disappearing when Copen is not near.

In terms of pure combat, it is superior to the Azure Striker. It is said to be the most primitive septima due to its basic fundamentals and similar, weaker abilities having been documented before the advent of Adepts.

Introduced in Azure Striker Gunvolt 2[]

Name Description User(s)
Chō Reitō (Ōru Furīzu)
Super Freezing (All Freeze)
Freezes things and creates ice. Tenjian's ultimate, life sacrificing technique Seven Slashes is even said to freeze concepts like "space", "soul", and "time" within ice.
Controls metal. It normally manifests in the form of a red liquid, but when needed can be changed into solid metals. It can influence living beings by controlling iron within the bloodstream, allowing the user to enhance their own body's strength and speed, but trying to control other people is impractical.
Creates and controls all kinds of liquids. Aptitude with certain liquids varies. The only known user, Milas, is very skilled at using fresh and seawater, but poor at controlling any other liquids, possibly due to his personality.
Hack the Planet
Wārudo Hakku
World Hack
Turns matter into data and vice versa, including the wielder and other people. There are limits to the complexity of data constructs, and sufficiently complex ones may be impossible to fully create in a short timespan. For example, Teseo was unable to recreate the extremely advanced unmanned tank Plasma Legion based on data provided to him on short notice, settling for creating a downgraded model instead (although later on he would upgrade it to the full form).

It is in the same electronic septima family as the Azure Striker and The Muse.

Splitting Ends
Tanguru Hea
Tangle Hair
Allows the wielder to rapidly generate, retract, and control their body hair.
Extends energy strings from the wielder's fingertips that can power up and control machines, including incomplete ones that can't normally function on their own, and even broken down wrecks.
Prism Cataclysm
Creates and controls crystals, which may be harder than any natural ones.
Reverie Mirror
夢想境 (ワンダーランド)
Musō Sakai (Wandārando)
Reverie Boundary (Wonderland)
After absorbing The Muse, Zonda claimed to have a new Septima, the evolutionary form of Phantasm Mirror, which supposedly truly changes reality rather than producing illusions.

Introduced in Azure Striker Gunvolt 3[]

Name Description User(s)
Radiant Fetters
Kusariwa (Gibusu)
Chain Rings (Gibs)
Seals Septima, and other things. Infused by Kirin into her paper talismans to weaken targets. When incapacitated, Kirin can seal herself into her sword. Can be combined with the Azure Striker to create Image Pulses based on memories, potentially enabling a large variety of offensive, defensive, and support abilities derived from other Adepts. Might not actually be a Septima.[27]
Dead Spirits (Geist)
Controls thought bodies, often manifesting as will-o-wisp looking flames. Contrary to attacks that speak of invoking actual spirits and souls of the dead, these "spirits" are purely Septima in nature.
High Speed Calculations (Overclock)
Light-speed calculations that can read an opponent's every move.
Applies vectors to the wielder and external objects.
Forces opponents to fight "fairly", preventing cheap evasive tactics like hiding out of range of attacks. As power increases, it begins actively pulling the opponent towards the wielder, and at full power forces the wielder and opponent to stay within a certain distance of each other. In his transformed state, Cayman also displays superhuman strength and can generate flames and shockwaves.
Golden Trillion
Golden Dawn (Gold Trillion)
Nuclear fusion and infinite energy. Described as controlling the sun and erasing and remaking the world.
The Djinn
Cyber​​netic Dancing Fairy (Cyber Jinn)
A Septima of a similar type to The Muse, able to enhance others' abilities and create various other effects through song. Its range is longer than The Muse's when not externally amplified; Layla was able to manifest her Septimal avatar Luxia in Japan to gather information and revive Primal Dragons from ATEMS' base in a far-off country.
Sturdy Sand (Sandstorm)
Can manipulate, control, and generate sand. When powered by a Binding Brand, she has displayed the ability to coat the UTU Media Tower in sand and transform it into a massive palace.
Trick Bullet[28]
or Trick Shot[29]
Magic Bullet (Trick Bullet)
Fires out Septimal bullets from their fingertips. It can be aimed and even track targets.
Hot & Cold
Dual Kalpas (Heat & Cool)
Can manipulate and control ice and fire, two contrasting elements. Much like Magnetism to Carrera, this Septima is unique to Prado herself.
Phantom Mist
Fog Crossing (Phantom Mist)
Summons phantom illusions from mist. Serpentine has also displayed the ability to merge with mist and move through it.

Introduced in Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX[]

Name Description User(s)
Hyōi (Fūjon)
Possession (Fusion)
Draws in and assembles scrap pieces, which the wielder may then possess by transforming into a ball of energy and fusing with the amalgamation. Sufficient damage to the assembled pieces will cancel the fusion.
Energy Wool
Hen-ito-zaiku (Kurafuto Ūru)
Knitting Yarn (Craft Wool)
Produces a fibrous energy that envelopes the user and can be used to weave various constructs, such as ropes for rapid movement or binding others, bladed weapons, and even a gatling gun that fires string bits as bullets. The wielder may also "unknit" their own body and reconstruct it elsewhere.
Jūryoku (Gurabitī)
Controls gravitational force. Stella can lower gravity over a large area, but must focus on specific objects to raise their gravity.
Kibaku (Detonēshon)
Fires sparkling spheres of compressed energy, which explode in highly contained but powerful explosions.
Bunshin (Konpanion)
Alter Ego (Companion)
Creates energy bits called EXSIA, as well as copies of the wielder of varying quality. Pink tinged copies have been used as EXSIA attack center points, while a full color and talking one can be used for multitasking.
Vectored Cloth
Henkō Fukin (Bekutādo Kurosu)
Deflection Dishcloth (Vectored Cloth)
Produces cloth that can manipulate vectors in whatever it touches, allowing the wielder to deflect light to hide their location, or change an enemy's inertia.
Rasen (Supairaru)
Manifests a torrent of spiraling energy that can be focused on foes, deflect attacks, or allow for rapid movement. Although a simple ability, it has a strong balance of offense, defense, and speed.
  • When Copen and Lola encounter mindless copies of the Falcons in the form of holograms with mass, they are unsure if these are someone's Septima or technology, and the truth is never made clear in the game. However, the website for the crossover game Card-en-Ciel describes them as Image Pulses created by Demerzel.[30]

Introduced in side material[]

Name Description User(s)
Hydro Pressure
Chōsuiatsu (Haidoro Puresshā)
Super Water Pressure (Hydro Pressure)
Creates and controls water.
Shindō (Oshireishon)
Vibration (Oscillation)
Vibrates things.
Unnamed rupturing septima Gorily ruptures human bodies. Largely unknown specifics. Raptor used this power to operate as a serial killer, and despite murdering people in broad daylight, was able to one day disappear without ever being caught.
Unnamed teleportation septima Allows the wielder to teleport themselves or nearby objects, including septimal attacks. Himeshiro was able to displace an Explosion user's Angry Bomb before it hit her, and teleported behind him to deliver a chop to the neck.
Unnamed plant-controlling septima Originally, the Adept with this power could only make morning glory flowers bloom faster. After using the sanity degenerating Booster Drug to enhance his septima, he became able to summon and control a tree root from the ground with enough force to tear apart pavement and nearly crush Quinn to death.
  • Drug-using thug
Unnamed power reception septima Senses and temporarily copies the septima of other Adepts, potentially over an enormous range. Olga was initially mistaken as a Muse user by Eden, and while this didn't prove fruitful in itself, her manifesting Sumeragi's virtual idol Lumen tipped them off to the location of the real thing.


  • The basis for the Gunvolt series being about psychic (Adept) battles was the manga Locke the Superman, which heavily inspired series director Yoshihisa Tsuda. The boss transformations were also inspired by Saint Seiya.[31]
    • The Primal Dragon phenomenon in Gunvolt 3 has some resemblance to part of the Dragons' Blood story arc of Locke the Superman. In it, the matrix of a creature native to the planet Rakhnoll known as a Wyvern is incorporated into a human subject, boosting ESP levels and improving genetic weaknesses, but once ESP usage exceeds a certain level the subject begins transforming into a "dragon man."
  • The series being about Adepts is similar to how Speed Power Gunbike, the very first game to be made by series developer Inti Creates, and which was also directed by Tsuda, features an evolved race of humans known as the Michi who are at war with humanity. References to the Michi are most prominent in Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 with Eden.
  • The Japanese word for Adepts, 能力者 (Nōryoku-sha, Ability Person), is a long used generic term for characters with superpowers in various media.
  • Originally, the highest rank for Adepts was referred to as SS in the Japanese script and initial Dengeki Nintendo profiles. Later DN profiles, as well as the Armed Blue: Gunvolt Official Complete Works, refer to it as S+ like in the English localized script.
  • Luminous Avenger iX has an unusual case of terminology. In the main series Japanese script, Adepts are the aforementioned "Ability Person", and Septima is called "Sevens". In the JP script of LAiX, set 100 years later, Adepts are now referred to as Septima Holders and their powers as Septima, similar to the English localized script. This shift in terminology is lost in the English version of LAiX.
    • It's possible this change is due to the character of Demerzel, who, as a son to American immigrants, would likely speak English as a first language, suggesting that different languages have different terms for Adepts and other related terminology.

Cut Septima Concepts[]

During development of the games, several potential abilities for characters were considered during the concept phase before being scrapped in favor of another power, and have yet to appear as canon Septimas. Currently, the only known case of a scrapped Septima being reused for a later Adept is Asroc's Puppetmaster; early Merak concepts had a power very similar to it all the way up until a near-final design.

Name/Description Character Notes Image
Elise (early design)
Could swim through both water and solid matter. Part of a design with an aquatic theme. Reference to the stand Oasis from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Many meraks
Also depicted: Merak's near-final concept where puppet strings would be emitted from his chair's claws.
Ghauri (early design)
Concept design had clock hands on the back and fired bullets from them. Likely meant to tie in to his Cinderella motif. Scrapped due to "certain reasons..."

In LAiX2, Copen says he's never heard of a time controlling Adept when the concept is brought up after defeating Hail and acquiring Cryo-Flash.

Ghauri time
"Anti-Muse sound waves"
Milas (early design)
Milas' harp would project sound waves that could disable Kudos songs and the Anthem state.
Milas early concept
Space (Zone)
Shiron (early design)
Capable of instantly identifying and supervising all kinds of spaces (possibly limited but stronger than Teseo). The head and waist tails could attack independently, and they can form "Infinite Computation" when connected, calculating the future with ○○-ed(illegible) computing power. Part of a design with Ouroboros and infinity elements, which in the final game were given to Moebius (who also sees the future with his Astral Order ability).
Shiron Zone
"Damage Absorption"
Cayman (early design)
The more damage he took, the stronger he'd get as his "heads" built up energy and grouped together/combined. Cayman's designer comments state that they did try to include this in his specifications, but it was too difficult to make it work and in the end his ability was completely different. In one early design, his arms had Carrera-like armor parts that would grow in size and attack power, but this lowered his defense as they detached from his body, and his attacks would expend the built up energy, reverting the parts and raising his defense back to normal.
Apollo (early design)
When attacked by a Septimal power, he would seal it into something called "Jester Pendulum" and shoot it back to his enemy. This was based on the Japanese martial art Aikido.
Serpentine (early design)
Poison ability that would zombify enemies, similar to how GV1 and GV2 had their own takes on it. Was part of a design referencing Cupid's arrows, as well as Melting Love from Lobotomy Corporation. This early design had a Lovers tarot motif instead of the Hermit like Serpentine's final design.
Serpentine Charm
Grazie (early design)
Wielded diamond weapons. Powered up state was named "Extraordinary Brilliant Armor Form". Male design, unlike Grazie in the final version.
"Earth's energy"
Grazie (early design)
Used the earth's energy to enhance his strength, solidify into green fists, and fire beams. Also male.

There are additional early concepts such as Carrera with nuclear power and punches that produced small mushroom clouds, and Jota with yellow electricity, but in the Official Complete Works these are all grouped together with various one-off designs under the category "Other" instead of on the individual concept art pages for the characters, and had a very different artstyle, so it's unclear whether or not the Azure Striker Gunvolt worldview with Adepts and Septimas was firmly established yet.


  1. Fleeting Memories: Part 1
  2. Fleeting Memories (Japanese)
  3. Eden's Party
  4. 4.0 4.1 2022 April-May Dengeki Online interview with Aizu, Tsuda, and Inafune
  5. 5.0 5.1 Dengeki Nintendo magazine, Gunvolt's profile, Septima section
  6. Dengeki Nintendo magazine, Joule's profile, Muse section
  7. Dengeki Nintendo magazine, Teseo's profile, Hack the Planet section
  8. Holy Night XIII/Scripts GV: (Septimas are said to be closely related to one's emotions..."a soul given form.")
  9. Fleeting Memories: Part 12
  10. Dengeki Nintendo magazine, Tenjian's profile.
  11. Data Center Beta/Scripts Dystnine: "Back then, my Septima was a mere seedling, nothing at all special about it. Now, that has all changed!"
  12. Inferno (The Garden 2): Either Teseo or Asroc's power continues animating the Plasma Legion beyond their death.
  13. Dengeki Nintendo magazine, Gunvolt's 2nd profile, Azure Spirits section. The Azure Spirits which GV can take in to unlock Crashbolt and Dragonsphere are revealed to be fragments of Asimov's soul.
  14. GV and Quinn's Story
  15. Dengeki Nintendo magazine, Zonda's profile
  16. Dengeki Nintendo Magazine, Copen's profile
  17. Dengeki Nintendo magazine, Copen's 2nd profile
  18. Armed Blue Official Soundtrack booklet
  19. 19.0 19.1 Dengeki Nintendo, Gunvolt's second profile
  20. 20.0 20.1 Dengeki Nintendo magazine, Ghauri's profile, Grimoire section
  21. GV1 Japanese website description of Glaives
  22. Justice Rage, "Glaive Holders" track
  23. Armed Blue Gunvolt (Drama CD)
  24. Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute)/Scripts (Main Story) (Japanese)
  25. 25.0 25.1 Discussion with Inti Creates CEO Takuya Aizu at the GAMERS hobby shop GV3 demo event in Namba, Japan on 2022 November 26th.
  26. Card-en-Ciel website, Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 characters page
  27. GameWatch May 2022 interview
  28. GV3 English website: ATEMS
  29. GV3 Image Pulse name: "Adept of Trick Shot, Sistina"
  30. Card-en-Ciel site, Luminous Avenger iX character list
  31. Armed Blue: Gunvolt Official Complete Works staff interview
  1. Carrera had transformed with a Glaive at the time, so this may not be a natural ability of his
  2. 2.0 2.1 This discussion, which included many other topics related to GV3, was conducted and reported by Twitter user @CNHIYWstpx
  3. Fan translation by Sidier of the relevant tweet:
    When a psychic / adept releases 100% of their power, they apparently / supposedly turn into something grotesque / atypical. Which means that even without glaives, if an adept can release 100% of their power, they'll supposedly turn into something akin to Daytona's transformation. And that GV, Zed, Kirin are impressive / fearful because they can use that much power while keeping their human shape.
  4. Only briefly, and alongside a Psychokinesis implant in an alternate world


Terminology Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt and Luminous Avenger iX terminology
Races AdeptsWorkersMinos
Organizations Sumeragi Group (Dragon Saviors) • Shadow YakumoQUILLEdenATEMSSumeragi Institute of Human EvolutionList of Minor Factions
Misc GlaivesGrimoiresBinding BrandsFalcon QuillsGrave PillarSeptember RecordHexapyle

Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt 1
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (Azure Phosphorescence) • CreditsStory Scripts
QUILL and co. GunvoltJoule (Lumen) • AsimovZenoMoniqa
Boss Characters NovaMerakJotaViperCarreraEliseStratos | Copen
Other Characters ZondaRomeoMinor CharactersMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Main Missions Anthem (1st Sumeragi)Abyss (Subaquatic Base)Minaret (Media Tower)Conflagration (Biochem Plant)Spintronics (Datastore)Underworld (Stratacombs)Garden (Pharma Lab)Kaleidoscape (Sinner's Row)
Final and Special Missions Hostage (Urban Run)Streak (Eridu)Stratosphere (Babel)Idolatry (Firmament) / Azure (Firmament) | Special Missions
Songs Beyond the BlueReincarnationNebulous ClockAzure DoorPain from the PastScorching JourneyRouge ShimmerA Zip to the MoonSakura EfflorescenceEternal BlueCyanotype
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi GroupQUILLGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Score and Kudos (Secrets) • Equipment (Materials) • SkillsChristmas Mode
Fan Discs Justice RageAdmiration to PeaceLazy Kingdom

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
Main Pages GameGallerySoundtrack (Azure Trance -Into the Blue-Electro Rotation) • CreditsStory Scripts
Team Gunvolt GunvoltJouleQuinnXiao
Team Copen CopenLolaMytylNori
Boss Characters ZondaTenjianGibrilMilasTeseoDesnaAsrocGhauriPlasma LegionShovel Knight (Amiibo)
Other Characters Minor CharactersMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Score Attack Bosses CarreraMerakJotaEliseViperStratos
Gunvolt Missions Infiltrator (Seraph Interior)Aggressor (Downtown)Luminescence (Mysterious Manor)Effusion (The Sewers)Virtuality (Data Facility)Icebound (Frozen City)Crossroads (Prism Highway)
Copen Missions Chimera (Downtown)Raveled (Babel)Puppeteer (Isle of Dreams)Prism (Prism Highway)Icebound (Frozen City)Forfeit (The Sewers)
Final and Special Missions Eden (The Garden 1)Inferno (The Garden 2)Savior (The Garden 3)Prayer (The Garden 4) | Secret Missions | EX The SewersEX Data FacilityEX BabelEX Mysterious ManorEX Isle of DreamsEX Prism HighwayEX DowntownEX Frozen City
Songs Indigo DestinyIgniterReincarnation AlternativeA Flash of AzureMulti-UniverseIoliteVast CircleStratosphere (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsEdenSumeragi GroupGrimoires
Gameplay Mechanics Score and Kudos (Secrets) • Equipment (Materials) • SkillsCopen's EX Weapons
Fan Discs Clockwork DaydreamEden's Party

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 Navigation[]

Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
Main Game Page (Epilogue ATEMS) • Game GallerySoundtrack (Akashic Record) • CreditsStory Scripts
Dragon Saviors KirinGunvoltLumenB.B.ShironApolloCayman
ATEMS ZedΩLaylaSistinaGraziePradoSerpentine
Other Characters MoebiusNovaAsimovMedium BossesCommon EnemiesCorvette
Phantom Bosses Jota & ViperTenjian & ZondaMerak & Teseo

Dragon Slayer (Futures Institute)Holy Night XIII (Downtown Christmas)
Cyber Daydream (Cyber-Kowloon)Pendulum Heart (Stormy Megafloat)Pride & Battle (Old Capital Temple)
Another Sun (Ballistic Missiles)
Trick Shot (Abandoned Factory)Sandstorm (Desert Base)Phantom Mist (Forest)Hot & Cold (Megafloat "Neptune")
Sunrise Palace (Sunrise Palace 1)Karma (Sunrise Palace 2)Heliacal Rising (Sunrise Palace 3)ZedΩ (Sunrise Throne)Moebius (World Moebius)
Secret MissionsD-nizer (D-nizer Mode)

New Songs Memoria of 'He'TracesErgo SumLiberatorGlass ParadiseStruggling to DreamReincarnation FatefulBoundless MythVirtue of the DawnArdent EyesCelestial Paean
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Group (Dragon Saviors) • Shadow YakumoATEMSBinding BrandsGlaives
Gameplay Mechanics Image PulseScore and KudosSkills
Fan Disc Spectrum Theater

Luminous Avenger iX 1 Navigation[]

Luminous Avenger iX
Main Pages Game PageGallerySoundtrack (RoRo Melodies)CreditsStory Scripts
Team Copen CopenLolaKohakuJinMariaKyota
Boss Characters BladeRebellioStellaCrimmIsolaBaktoDystnineGiant LolaButterfly EffectDemerzel
Other Characters GunvoltJouleMedium BossesCommon Enemies
Missions City SlumsStore RuinsSumeragi Building 13Auto-fab PlantMedical CenterRadio Tower "Artemis"Data Center AlphaData Center BetaCity Slums 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 1Sumeragi Secret Bunker 2Sumeragi Secret Bunker 3Special MissionsVersus Missions
Songs Luminous PromiseIgniterBeyond ProbabilityChronicle of Our LivesOriginal ChordKindled SpiritsResonating HeartsCountdown: 3-2-1-0Inner AlarmSearchlightRaison d'Etre (DLC)
Story Elements AdeptsSumeragi Institute of Human EvolutionFalcon Quills
Gameplay Mechanics Score and KudosCopen's EX WeaponsAbilitiesSkills
Fan Discs Isola: Full Power IdolPrologue: The Muse of Hope